Fantasy-News, v. 6, issue 7, whole no. 138, February 16, 1941
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FANTASY-NEWS the science fiction weekly newspaper N E W S [NEWS] WHILE I T ' S [IT'S] H O T! [HOT!] PRICE: THREE ISSUES TEN CENTS. VOLUME 6 NUMBER 7 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1941 WHOLE NUMBER 138 [change to two-column layout] MISS FRANCES SYKORA ENGAGED TO MR. MARIO RACIC, JR., STFILM EDITOR! Miss Frances Sykora and Mr. Mario Racic, Jr. have announced their engagement. The announcement came as a surprise as it was not expected until March 2nd, Miss Sykora's birthday. Frances is the sister of Will Sykora, editor of FANTASY NEWS, and Mario is our popular Editor. The wedding date has not yet been set. [line of hyphens] ORGANIZATION OF OHIO GROUP PUT OFF The organization of the new Ohio Fantasy Asscoiation has been postponed according to an announcement received from Joe Lewandowski. Activities will however be resumed in June. Publication of The Ohio Fan has also been suspended for the time bein . Interested Ohio fans should contact J.M. Lewandowski at Rm. 102 Kohler Hall, B- College, Berea, O, and enclose a stamp for a membership form. [line of hyphens] COSMIC TALES OUT BEFORE MARCH 30TH "Several pages of Cosmic Tales have already been mimeographed" says James V. Taurawi in an interview today. A full page illustration by artist Frank R. Paul is in preparation. A feature of the issue will be the yarn "Requiem", a story of a mother's love for her son, a scientifiction fan, away at war, a poignant fan story in the well know Moskowitz manner. A hitherto unpublished Lovecraft yarn is another promised treat. Inside illustrations are by Johnny Giunta and Taurasi. [column break] PROS REPRINT MORE FAN MAG MATERIAL! UNCANNY TALES CHANGES TITLE! UNCANNY STORIES, new title for UNCANNY TALES, a RED CIRCLE Publication, has started again from volume 1, number 1, cut out most of the sex, and is new a straight fantasy magazine featuring material ranging from straight science fiction to weird, with various grades of science-fantasy in between. The April issue contains material by Ray Cummings, Frederic Arnold Kummer, Jr., R. DeWitt Miller, Denis Plimmer, Wayne D. Overholser, and David H. Keller, M.D. Dr. Keller's yarn, "Speed Will Be My Bride", is reprinted from the fan mag Scientisnaps, where it appeared as a two part serial in the April and Summer, 1940 issues of that magazine under the title of "The Chestnut Mare"! The second issue of STIRRING SCIENCE STORIES appears more than two weeks ahead of schedule. The story "The Other" by Robert W. Lowndes in the current number appeared originally in the June, 1940 issue of Paul Freehafer's fan mag, Polaris. The poem by Damon Knight, "The Fishers", is reprinted from the Sep 1940 issue of Spaceways. "The Rocket of 1955", short-short in the same issue accredited to Cecil Corwin would seem to be the work of Rchard Wilson, Jr. "The Doll Master" by Paul Dennis Lavond is written under a pseudonym which disguises the work of Fred Pohl, editor of ASTONISHING STORIES. "The Wind From the River", a poem credited to Robert Morrison, would appear to be the work of Robert W. Lowndes. The latter three authors are all members of the Futurian Society of N.Y. as is the editor, Mr. Wollheim. [solid line] SUBSCRIBE NOW AT THE NEW LOW RATES![end of page]
FANTASY-NEWS the science fiction weekly newspaper N E W S [NEWS] WHILE I T ' S [IT'S] H O T! [HOT!] PRICE: THREE ISSUES TEN CENTS. VOLUME 6 NUMBER 7 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1941 WHOLE NUMBER 138 [change to two-column layout] MISS FRANCES SYKORA ENGAGED TO MR. MARIO RACIC, JR., STFILM EDITOR! Miss Frances Sykora and Mr. Mario Racic, Jr. have announced their engagement. The announcement came as a surprise as it was not expected until March 2nd, Miss Sykora's birthday. Frances is the sister of Will Sykora, editor of FANTASY NEWS, and Mario is our popular Editor. The wedding date has not yet been set. [line of hyphens] ORGANIZATION OF OHIO GROUP PUT OFF The organization of the new Ohio Fantasy Asscoiation has been postponed according to an announcement received from Joe Lewandowski. Activities will however be resumed in June. Publication of The Ohio Fan has also been suspended for the time bein . Interested Ohio fans should contact J.M. Lewandowski at Rm. 102 Kohler Hall, B- College, Berea, O, and enclose a stamp for a membership form. [line of hyphens] COSMIC TALES OUT BEFORE MARCH 30TH "Several pages of Cosmic Tales have already been mimeographed" says James V. Taurawi in an interview today. A full page illustration by artist Frank R. Paul is in preparation. A feature of the issue will be the yarn "Requiem", a story of a mother's love for her son, a scientifiction fan, away at war, a poignant fan story in the well know Moskowitz manner. A hitherto unpublished Lovecraft yarn is another promised treat. Inside illustrations are by Johnny Giunta and Taurasi. [column break] PROS REPRINT MORE FAN MAG MATERIAL! UNCANNY TALES CHANGES TITLE! UNCANNY STORIES, new title for UNCANNY TALES, a RED CIRCLE Publication, has started again from volume 1, number 1, cut out most of the sex, and is new a straight fantasy magazine featuring material ranging from straight science fiction to weird, with various grades of science-fantasy in between. The April issue contains material by Ray Cummings, Frederic Arnold Kummer, Jr., R. DeWitt Miller, Denis Plimmer, Wayne D. Overholser, and David H. Keller, M.D. Dr. Keller's yarn, "Speed Will Be My Bride", is reprinted from the fan mag Scientisnaps, where it appeared as a two part serial in the April and Summer, 1940 issues of that magazine under the title of "The Chestnut Mare"! The second issue of STIRRING SCIENCE STORIES appears more than two weeks ahead of schedule. The story "The Other" by Robert W. Lowndes in the current number appeared originally in the June, 1940 issue of Paul Freehafer's fan mag, Polaris. The poem by Damon Knight, "The Fishers", is reprinted from the Sep 1940 issue of Spaceways. "The Rocket of 1955", short-short in the same issue accredited to Cecil Corwin would seem to be the work of Rchard Wilson, Jr. "The Doll Master" by Paul Dennis Lavond is written under a pseudonym which disguises the work of Fred Pohl, editor of ASTONISHING STORIES. "The Wind From the River", a poem credited to Robert Morrison, would appear to be the work of Robert W. Lowndes. The latter three authors are all members of the Futurian Society of N.Y. as is the editor, Mr. Wollheim. [solid line] SUBSCRIBE NOW AT THE NEW LOW RATES![end of page]
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