Fantasy-News, v. 6, issue 7, whole no. 138, February 16, 1941
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Page Two [box around page of text] FANTASY NEWS is published every week by William S. Sykora. Address: P.O. Box 84, Elmont, N.Y. Editor: Will Sykora. Associates: Jimmy Taurasi, Sam Moskowitz, Mario Racic, Jr. Rates: 3 issues 10¢, 8 issues 25¢, 32 issues $1.00. Ad Rates: Full page $2, 1/2 page $1, 1/4 p.50¢(minimum).NO STAMPS PLEASE. NOTE: Please make all checks and money-orders payable to W. Sykora. BOOST [hard to read]SCIENCE FICTION[?] EDITORIAL by Will Sykora. We wish to apologize to our subscribers for the lateness of this issue of FANTASY NEWS. Our typewriter went on strike shortly after our last issue was published, necessitating a complete overhaul and repair job. Luckily, Mrs. Sykora had a typewriter of her own, a standard Remington of ancient vintage which was used in the emergency but was very slow. We have our regular Underwood now on the job again, and hope to catch up very shortly. We wish to thank you all for your indulgence and patience. BRO MAG REVIEW by Edwin L. Hoag. Either by sheer accident or by better planning, Mr. John W. Campbell, Jr., editor of UNKNOWN, has in the latest issue done what he should have more than a year ago---balanced the contents. Nearly all of UNKNOWN'S novels, even some of the best, have been largely overdrawn, some to the point of becoming ridiculous. The contents page has never been correctly balanced except by accident, with the notable exception of this number. When a person pays twenty cents for a magazine, opens to the contents page, finds one very long novel, one chapter of a serial, two short stories, and a poem, he's not getting very much variety. And just suppose he is a new reader, a new reader who doesn't like the long novel, --and can't read the serial because it is the last part and he hasn't even read the first, (next column) [column break] FAN MAG REVIEW by Harry Warner, Jr. ZEUS: vol. 1, no. 2(a)8 hectoed pp, colored cover and material by Australian fans. 6¢ from K. Noel Dwyer, 10 Manning St, Bondi Junction, Sydney, Australia. Zeus: vol. 1, no. 2. (b) Two different editions of same issue of same mag, totally different from one another. This one is 16 pp, mimeod, different material though of same type, 3 for 25¢. 18 Dudley St, coogee, Sydney, Australia. The Souther Star: vol. 1, no. 1. 30 large, excellently mimod pp, plus heavy cover. An unusually good first issue, very neat, and fine material. 10¢ from 3911 Park St, Columbia, S.C. Futurian Observer: nos. 22, 23, 24, and an "extra". Each two mimeod pp of gossip, deep intrigue, and horrific scandal. 7 for 20¢ from 10a Sully St, Randwick, Sydney, Aus. [dotted line] PRO MAG REVIEW Cont'd: What has he left? Just two shorts and a poem, and even if he likes them, he is bound to feel a little done. First class entertainment in the current number include "The Crossroads" by L. Ron Hubbard, "Shottle Bop" by Theodore Sturgeon, "Doubled and Redoubled" by Malcolm Jameson, "Carillon of Skulls" by Philip James, and "Oscar" by Cleve Cartmill. And there are others in the issue I haven't had time to read. This simply proves that UNKNOWN'S forte is in the shorter length yarns and not in the single long novel. [dotted line] READ COSMIC TALES! PUBLICATION GUARANTEED BEFORE MAR 30 by James V. Taurasi, Editor, of COSMIC TALES, and former editor of and founder of FANTASY NEWS, the science fiction weekly newspaper. SEND TEN CENTS (DIME) NOW! TO: JAMES V. TAURASI 137-07 32nd Ave. FLUSHING, N.Y. [end of page]
Page Two [box around page of text] FANTASY NEWS is published every week by William S. Sykora. Address: P.O. Box 84, Elmont, N.Y. Editor: Will Sykora. Associates: Jimmy Taurasi, Sam Moskowitz, Mario Racic, Jr. Rates: 3 issues 10¢, 8 issues 25¢, 32 issues $1.00. Ad Rates: Full page $2, 1/2 page $1, 1/4 p.50¢(minimum).NO STAMPS PLEASE. NOTE: Please make all checks and money-orders payable to W. Sykora. BOOST [hard to read]SCIENCE FICTION[?] EDITORIAL by Will Sykora. We wish to apologize to our subscribers for the lateness of this issue of FANTASY NEWS. Our typewriter went on strike shortly after our last issue was published, necessitating a complete overhaul and repair job. Luckily, Mrs. Sykora had a typewriter of her own, a standard Remington of ancient vintage which was used in the emergency but was very slow. We have our regular Underwood now on the job again, and hope to catch up very shortly. We wish to thank you all for your indulgence and patience. BRO MAG REVIEW by Edwin L. Hoag. Either by sheer accident or by better planning, Mr. John W. Campbell, Jr., editor of UNKNOWN, has in the latest issue done what he should have more than a year ago---balanced the contents. Nearly all of UNKNOWN'S novels, even some of the best, have been largely overdrawn, some to the point of becoming ridiculous. The contents page has never been correctly balanced except by accident, with the notable exception of this number. When a person pays twenty cents for a magazine, opens to the contents page, finds one very long novel, one chapter of a serial, two short stories, and a poem, he's not getting very much variety. And just suppose he is a new reader, a new reader who doesn't like the long novel, --and can't read the serial because it is the last part and he hasn't even read the first, (next column) [column break] FAN MAG REVIEW by Harry Warner, Jr. ZEUS: vol. 1, no. 2(a)8 hectoed pp, colored cover and material by Australian fans. 6¢ from K. Noel Dwyer, 10 Manning St, Bondi Junction, Sydney, Australia. Zeus: vol. 1, no. 2. (b) Two different editions of same issue of same mag, totally different from one another. This one is 16 pp, mimeod, different material though of same type, 3 for 25¢. 18 Dudley St, coogee, Sydney, Australia. The Souther Star: vol. 1, no. 1. 30 large, excellently mimod pp, plus heavy cover. An unusually good first issue, very neat, and fine material. 10¢ from 3911 Park St, Columbia, S.C. Futurian Observer: nos. 22, 23, 24, and an "extra". Each two mimeod pp of gossip, deep intrigue, and horrific scandal. 7 for 20¢ from 10a Sully St, Randwick, Sydney, Aus. [dotted line] PRO MAG REVIEW Cont'd: What has he left? Just two shorts and a poem, and even if he likes them, he is bound to feel a little done. First class entertainment in the current number include "The Crossroads" by L. Ron Hubbard, "Shottle Bop" by Theodore Sturgeon, "Doubled and Redoubled" by Malcolm Jameson, "Carillon of Skulls" by Philip James, and "Oscar" by Cleve Cartmill. And there are others in the issue I haven't had time to read. This simply proves that UNKNOWN'S forte is in the shorter length yarns and not in the single long novel. [dotted line] READ COSMIC TALES! PUBLICATION GUARANTEED BEFORE MAR 30 by James V. Taurasi, Editor, of COSMIC TALES, and former editor of and founder of FANTASY NEWS, the science fiction weekly newspaper. SEND TEN CENTS (DIME) NOW! TO: JAMES V. TAURASI 137-07 32nd Ave. FLUSHING, N.Y. [end of page]
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