Imagination, v. 1, issue2, whole no. 2, November 1937
Page 8
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8 tible might of the advancing menace dared make no attempt to defend the city. Telegraficommunication still was maintaind with other states & citys. Newspapermen at their keys; Western Union & Postal Co. employees humpt over desks; a radio broadcasting station, notifyd the country --the world--of the incredible outrage occuring. "Tucson Attackt By Unknown Enemy! Ghostly Grayclad Army Overwhelms Desertown!" -These were some of the scare headlines in newspapers of 100 citys. Newsboys shriekt them in Denver, NY, Chicago. At Washington, DC, Govt officials stared at one another with incredulous eyes. The President inquired bewilderdly "But gentlemen! how could an army corps spring up in the desert?" Calld on for an explanation to the War Sec. said no units of Fed-Forces were nr the locality concernd. He refuted as absurd the rumor that the assaulters were rebellious ranks from the regular army or irate farmers from the Southwest. Telegrams from LA, Frisco, Seattle, informd all quiet on the West Coast. No foren vessels were in port save a rusty tramp or so anchord in the stream & the usual freight steamers of oversea lines loading at docks. Recovering from the first stunning astonishment the military authoritys moved methodicly to control the situation. Punitive planes were ordered to the scene of action; soldiers were assembled nearest the point of attack. All this within 6 hrs of the coming of the extraordinary army & the verifycation of its existence. Meantime, speaking from Phoenix over a radio hookup, the Arizon Gov. sought to contact the mysteryous personage behind the preposterous affair. "Poleon!" he implord--"I, as Chief Exec. of this State--as the Spokesman for 100s of innocent people whose lives & property are threatened--ask U: 'What do U want & Why do U attack us?'." The reply raspt thru receiving sets, metalicly, arrogantly: "All I want of U is submission & surrender; why I attack U is to conquer and rule." Chapt 3: THE HEROIC REGIMENTS From Ft Huachuca 2000 Negro soldiers commanded by both white & Negro officers arrived in the vicinity of Tucson after its occupation by the fantom forces. They debarkt from their trains to the south of the city & prepared to offer what resistance they could to the still advancing enemy. The fracas that followd is described by the one participant who survived, a Negro Seargeant: "We were armd with rifles, sub m-guns, gasbombs. Red planes flew over us as we croucht behind cars & in hastyly dug ditches. Never befor had I seen so many planes. At first they didn't drop explosives. The Col. calld on us to hold steady & we all cheerd. Ahead of us the infantry deployd over the country. Then the baby tanks rold into position about 1/4 mile away & a fellow next me muttered 'Mother! are we s'posed to stop 'em?' But there wasn't' any talk of giving in, not even when one the devils dipt low & commands flutterd down for us to surrender. That was 1/2 hr maybe after we had taken up our positions. Everyone knew we were in a tight corner but all were grim-lipt & determind. "The fighting started by a ma-
8 tible might of the advancing menace dared make no attempt to defend the city. Telegraficommunication still was maintaind with other states & citys. Newspapermen at their keys; Western Union & Postal Co. employees humpt over desks; a radio broadcasting station, notifyd the country --the world--of the incredible outrage occuring. "Tucson Attackt By Unknown Enemy! Ghostly Grayclad Army Overwhelms Desertown!" -These were some of the scare headlines in newspapers of 100 citys. Newsboys shriekt them in Denver, NY, Chicago. At Washington, DC, Govt officials stared at one another with incredulous eyes. The President inquired bewilderdly "But gentlemen! how could an army corps spring up in the desert?" Calld on for an explanation to the War Sec. said no units of Fed-Forces were nr the locality concernd. He refuted as absurd the rumor that the assaulters were rebellious ranks from the regular army or irate farmers from the Southwest. Telegrams from LA, Frisco, Seattle, informd all quiet on the West Coast. No foren vessels were in port save a rusty tramp or so anchord in the stream & the usual freight steamers of oversea lines loading at docks. Recovering from the first stunning astonishment the military authoritys moved methodicly to control the situation. Punitive planes were ordered to the scene of action; soldiers were assembled nearest the point of attack. All this within 6 hrs of the coming of the extraordinary army & the verifycation of its existence. Meantime, speaking from Phoenix over a radio hookup, the Arizon Gov. sought to contact the mysteryous personage behind the preposterous affair. "Poleon!" he implord--"I, as Chief Exec. of this State--as the Spokesman for 100s of innocent people whose lives & property are threatened--ask U: 'What do U want & Why do U attack us?'." The reply raspt thru receiving sets, metalicly, arrogantly: "All I want of U is submission & surrender; why I attack U is to conquer and rule." Chapt 3: THE HEROIC REGIMENTS From Ft Huachuca 2000 Negro soldiers commanded by both white & Negro officers arrived in the vicinity of Tucson after its occupation by the fantom forces. They debarkt from their trains to the south of the city & prepared to offer what resistance they could to the still advancing enemy. The fracas that followd is described by the one participant who survived, a Negro Seargeant: "We were armd with rifles, sub m-guns, gasbombs. Red planes flew over us as we croucht behind cars & in hastyly dug ditches. Never befor had I seen so many planes. At first they didn't drop explosives. The Col. calld on us to hold steady & we all cheerd. Ahead of us the infantry deployd over the country. Then the baby tanks rold into position about 1/4 mile away & a fellow next me muttered 'Mother! are we s'posed to stop 'em?' But there wasn't' any talk of giving in, not even when one the devils dipt low & commands flutterd down for us to surrender. That was 1/2 hr maybe after we had taken up our positions. Everyone knew we were in a tight corner but all were grim-lipt & determind. "The fighting started by a ma-
Hevelin Fanzines