Imagination, v. 1, issue2, whole no. 2, November 1937
Page 13
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IMAGINATION! #2 Nov 37 13 [title in shooting star illustration] ONWARD ESPERANTO Erdstelulov [first sentence underlined] Esperanto th language of ATLANTIS! What phantasy this? Only last ish U read, U say, this yr is [underlined] 50th Anniversry of Esp--then how could it'v been th common tongue of th ancient legendary isle? Isle tell U! (O Erdstelulov! U pundit!) I refer not to th moot Atlantis but th MODERN ATLANTIS. For th Magyar mag (Hungaryan) "As Est" articl was renderd into Esp. submitd to "Esperanto Internacia" & recently reprintd in that pub. Now Anglicized for presentation in "IMAGO!" th info is: "Th most practicl companyon durng my study-voyage was th language [underlined] Esperanto--I'v it to thank I acquantd with th island [underlined] Atlantis...
IMAGINATION! #2 Nov 37 13 [title in shooting star illustration] ONWARD ESPERANTO Erdstelulov [first sentence underlined] Esperanto th language of ATLANTIS! What phantasy this? Only last ish U read, U say, this yr is [underlined] 50th Anniversry of Esp--then how could it'v been th common tongue of th ancient legendary isle? Isle tell U! (O Erdstelulov! U pundit!) I refer not to th moot Atlantis but th MODERN ATLANTIS. For th Magyar mag (Hungaryan) "As Est" articl was renderd into Esp. submitd to "Esperanto Internacia" & recently reprintd in that pub. Now Anglicized for presentation in "IMAGO!" th info is: "Th most practicl companyon durng my study-voyage was th language [underlined] Esperanto--I'v it to thank I acquantd with th island [underlined] Atlantis...
Hevelin Fanzines