Imagination, v. 1, issue 3, whole no. 3, December 1937
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2 WAY OUT WEST ("Hi-Lites of Local Leag Life") By Russ Hodgkins This column has been thrust upon the writer, who has no desire to be a columnist. But the rest of our staff insist that, as chief executive out here, I must speak for our organ--since this effort of ours is a co-operative enter-prise, & we have eliminated the need for an official editor. My mes-sages, I understand, will be run exactly as I write them--with the ex-ceptions that if I slip in any "ands" they'll edit them to ampersands (the sign "&"), the ending "ed" as in "published" invariably will be replaced by "t" (i.e., "publisht"), numerals will be used rather than writing out nos., & commonly accepted fonetic forms, contractions, & abbrs., used at all times. These, our neotric nuisances contend, are IMAGINATION! Policy, & about it they are adamant... I'll attempt to re-cord on this pg interesting occurences at our meetings, notes re the making of "Madge" (don't take me wrong), social assemblages of members, &c. To being with, our roster now numbers 30; our Honorary Members, 7. Recent newcomers are MayBelle "Anny" Anshutz, treasurer of the Esperan-to Klubo de LA, Roger Starr, Pogo, Jack Gray, Ray Bradbury, Lucie B. Shepherd, & Ed Barrera. Among prospective members are Robert Lovelace, Leonard Adland, & Celeste de Pinto, who reminds us of Forry's foto of Catherine L. Moore. THE WORLD WE LIVE IN, unusual insect-satire by the bros Capek, was produced here a short while ago by the Federal Pro-jects. Performances were attended by some ½ doz fans. During the 13 days between 5 Nov & 17, 14 films, old & new, of an off-trail nature were shown in LA; "The Golem, Topper, Herr der Welt (robotale of 'Ruler of the World'), Man in the Mirror, King Kong, Bride of Frankenstein, Nite Key, Private Worlds, Birth of the Robot, Lost Horizon, Juggernaut, Things to Come, King Solomon's Mines, & Death Takes a Holiday". The first, a phantasy film of a terrifying 10' statue of a man endowed with life to liberate a persecuted people, was attended by a round doz. of our imagi-natives. About the same group saw "Birth of the Robot", technicolor import from England. One of our readers raises the question of "Why Fiction?". Well, as we were short on material "in the begin-ning", the 11,000 words by Francis Flagg & Weaver Wright lookt mighty good. Shortly, however, we found ourselves with much more material than we could use. We shall have to present "The Hazy Hord" in 4 pts rather than the originally planned 3, in order to accommodate our regu-lar features & additional attractions. The problem this issue was how to squeeze in all our regular columns plus some the extra articles. As "Madge" weighs just 2 ozs, any increase added by another pg would double our postage. But you may have noticed, in this issue more pgs are in smaller type, which allows some 14 more strokes per line, or 2 to 3 extra words. This is approximately another 175 words per pg &, in this issue, it all amounts to about the addition, virtually, of 1 complete typt pg. If you math wizards want to get technical, go ahead & figure it out for us...Anyway, we're giving you more for your money. Several subscribers have sent us 30¢ for 3 issues or 60¢ for 6. To these people we are giving credit of 5¢ & 10¢ respectively, as our rates, beside the yr, are: 3 copies 25¢, 6 for 50¢, 9 nos. 75¢.
2 WAY OUT WEST ("Hi-Lites of Local Leag Life") By Russ Hodgkins This column has been thrust upon the writer, who has no desire to be a columnist. But the rest of our staff insist that, as chief executive out here, I must speak for our organ--since this effort of ours is a co-operative enter-prise, & we have eliminated the need for an official editor. My mes-sages, I understand, will be run exactly as I write them--with the ex-ceptions that if I slip in any "ands" they'll edit them to ampersands (the sign "&"), the ending "ed" as in "published" invariably will be replaced by "t" (i.e., "publisht"), numerals will be used rather than writing out nos., & commonly accepted fonetic forms, contractions, & abbrs., used at all times. These, our neotric nuisances contend, are IMAGINATION! Policy, & about it they are adamant... I'll attempt to re-cord on this pg interesting occurences at our meetings, notes re the making of "Madge" (don't take me wrong), social assemblages of members, &c. To being with, our roster now numbers 30; our Honorary Members, 7. Recent newcomers are MayBelle "Anny" Anshutz, treasurer of the Esperan-to Klubo de LA, Roger Starr, Pogo, Jack Gray, Ray Bradbury, Lucie B. Shepherd, & Ed Barrera. Among prospective members are Robert Lovelace, Leonard Adland, & Celeste de Pinto, who reminds us of Forry's foto of Catherine L. Moore. THE WORLD WE LIVE IN, unusual insect-satire by the bros Capek, was produced here a short while ago by the Federal Pro-jects. Performances were attended by some ½ doz fans. During the 13 days between 5 Nov & 17, 14 films, old & new, of an off-trail nature were shown in LA; "The Golem, Topper, Herr der Welt (robotale of 'Ruler of the World'), Man in the Mirror, King Kong, Bride of Frankenstein, Nite Key, Private Worlds, Birth of the Robot, Lost Horizon, Juggernaut, Things to Come, King Solomon's Mines, & Death Takes a Holiday". The first, a phantasy film of a terrifying 10' statue of a man endowed with life to liberate a persecuted people, was attended by a round doz. of our imagi-natives. About the same group saw "Birth of the Robot", technicolor import from England. One of our readers raises the question of "Why Fiction?". Well, as we were short on material "in the begin-ning", the 11,000 words by Francis Flagg & Weaver Wright lookt mighty good. Shortly, however, we found ourselves with much more material than we could use. We shall have to present "The Hazy Hord" in 4 pts rather than the originally planned 3, in order to accommodate our regu-lar features & additional attractions. The problem this issue was how to squeeze in all our regular columns plus some the extra articles. As "Madge" weighs just 2 ozs, any increase added by another pg would double our postage. But you may have noticed, in this issue more pgs are in smaller type, which allows some 14 more strokes per line, or 2 to 3 extra words. This is approximately another 175 words per pg &, in this issue, it all amounts to about the addition, virtually, of 1 complete typt pg. If you math wizards want to get technical, go ahead & figure it out for us...Anyway, we're giving you more for your money. Several subscribers have sent us 30¢ for 3 issues or 60¢ for 6. To these people we are giving credit of 5¢ & 10¢ respectively, as our rates, beside the yr, are: 3 copies 25¢, 6 for 50¢, 9 nos. 75¢.
Hevelin Fanzines