Imagination, v. 1, issue 3, whole no. 3, December 1937
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IMAGINATION! #3 Dec 37 5 La Vic-Prezidantino (Morojo), Trezoristino ("Anjo" Ansuc--Anshutz), k Sekretario (Mr Ackerman, known to Esperantists as "Fojak") de la [name underlined] Esperanto-Klubo de Los-Angeleso also r mems of our local SFL Chapt! At th last meetng of th Esp-Klubo (attended by 60, includng aforementiond & additionly these Leagrs: Vodoso, Pogo, Erdstelulov, Myrtle R. Douglas, Mirta Forsto, Bruce Yerke, Corinne Gray, & Tobojo) HGWells' recent dantasy fictionovel "Th Croquet Playr" was shown in Brialle! In conjunction exhibit Brialle Esperanto Bks... Dr WAGibson, activ 39 yr old mem th SCI-FIC ASSN in Eng, has writn originl 30,000 word stf story in Esperanto! Titolita MONDOPACO K STELOPACO (WORLD-PEACE & STELLAR PEACE), subtitolita "La Kvar Aventuroj de Dr Grant" ("Th 4 Adventures of Dr Grant"), it deals with Tero, Luno, Marso k Venuso--en la jaro 2034! Th Imagi-nation Asks PHANTASTIQUESTIONS & We Imagi-natives Giv ANSRS R.Baker askt last issue of "Marius" (pseudonym of S.Benedict) had written any othr storys. Also, if "Ammianus Marcellinus" were nom-de-plume. We are fortunate to numbr among our subscribers RDSwisher PhD, who caught these questions & can ansr them. In Amazing 28 July, he informs, Maurius had "Vantals from th Moon". &, according to FANTASY Mag, 34 March, pg 19, "Ammianus etc" was alter-ego of Aaron Nadel. Dick Wilson Jr wishes to know if Sax Rhomer is dead. Ansr's NO. Also: "What does the initial stand for in Arthur KBarnes' name?". Henry Kuttner replys to that question: Kermit. Inquires L.Farsaci: "Can U tell me anything about 'The Earth-Dwellers'?". Mr Ackerman ansrs: Yes, this-- Twas 2 pt phantasy by Andre Maurios, featured in Forum (40[[cent symbol]] mag) 28 Aug & Sep ishes. Purportedly excerptd from Th History of th Universe pubt by th Univ. of Timbuktu in 1992, it treated of Terrestrialife in 1954 as interpreted by AE-17, Uranian Scientist. Illustrated. & sequel to "Th War Against th Moon". Of interest to record: Th Sep no. also containd "Th Centr of th Earth", science articl subtitled "An Anatomy of Hell". The Archimage of Auburn for some time has been carving grotesque little images from the rock of his native hills--the Sierra foothills. These, together with his pictures--fantastic flora and fauna of alien worlds--& his demoniac library, are more than a little fascinating. After a period during which he did little writing, Smith is at his typewriter again, & has sold several yarns to Weird Tales, & one to Thrilling Wonder. Anent his story, "Dweller in Martian Depths", he told me that Gernsback changed the ending of it by permitting the protagonist to live, instead of allowing him to meet destruction with his companions. Nevertheless the yarn was not popular because of its grimness. only for Weird Tales has he been able to write as he wisht. & even there there have been rejections. And then, full of pleasant memories & goulash I went home.
IMAGINATION! #3 Dec 37 5 La Vic-Prezidantino (Morojo), Trezoristino ("Anjo" Ansuc--Anshutz), k Sekretario (Mr Ackerman, known to Esperantists as "Fojak") de la [name underlined] Esperanto-Klubo de Los-Angeleso also r mems of our local SFL Chapt! At th last meetng of th Esp-Klubo (attended by 60, includng aforementiond & additionly these Leagrs: Vodoso, Pogo, Erdstelulov, Myrtle R. Douglas, Mirta Forsto, Bruce Yerke, Corinne Gray, & Tobojo) HGWells' recent dantasy fictionovel "Th Croquet Playr" was shown in Brialle! In conjunction exhibit Brialle Esperanto Bks... Dr WAGibson, activ 39 yr old mem th SCI-FIC ASSN in Eng, has writn originl 30,000 word stf story in Esperanto! Titolita MONDOPACO K STELOPACO (WORLD-PEACE & STELLAR PEACE), subtitolita "La Kvar Aventuroj de Dr Grant" ("Th 4 Adventures of Dr Grant"), it deals with Tero, Luno, Marso k Venuso--en la jaro 2034! Th Imagi-nation Asks PHANTASTIQUESTIONS & We Imagi-natives Giv ANSRS R.Baker askt last issue of "Marius" (pseudonym of S.Benedict) had written any othr storys. Also, if "Ammianus Marcellinus" were nom-de-plume. We are fortunate to numbr among our subscribers RDSwisher PhD, who caught these questions & can ansr them. In Amazing 28 July, he informs, Maurius had "Vantals from th Moon". &, according to FANTASY Mag, 34 March, pg 19, "Ammianus etc" was alter-ego of Aaron Nadel. Dick Wilson Jr wishes to know if Sax Rhomer is dead. Ansr's NO. Also: "What does the initial stand for in Arthur KBarnes' name?". Henry Kuttner replys to that question: Kermit. Inquires L.Farsaci: "Can U tell me anything about 'The Earth-Dwellers'?". Mr Ackerman ansrs: Yes, this-- Twas 2 pt phantasy by Andre Maurios, featured in Forum (40[[cent symbol]] mag) 28 Aug & Sep ishes. Purportedly excerptd from Th History of th Universe pubt by th Univ. of Timbuktu in 1992, it treated of Terrestrialife in 1954 as interpreted by AE-17, Uranian Scientist. Illustrated. & sequel to "Th War Against th Moon". Of interest to record: Th Sep no. also containd "Th Centr of th Earth", science articl subtitled "An Anatomy of Hell". The Archimage of Auburn for some time has been carving grotesque little images from the rock of his native hills--the Sierra foothills. These, together with his pictures--fantastic flora and fauna of alien worlds--& his demoniac library, are more than a little fascinating. After a period during which he did little writing, Smith is at his typewriter again, & has sold several yarns to Weird Tales, & one to Thrilling Wonder. Anent his story, "Dweller in Martian Depths", he told me that Gernsback changed the ending of it by permitting the protagonist to live, instead of allowing him to meet destruction with his companions. Nevertheless the yarn was not popular because of its grimness. only for Weird Tales has he been able to write as he wisht. & even there there have been rejections. And then, full of pleasant memories & goulash I went home.
Hevelin Fanzines