Imagination, v. 1, issue 3, whole no. 3, December 1937
Page 7
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IMAGINATION! #3 Dec 37 7 sayd th ancients calld it; begd em to taste bite. Her companyons took nibl, but it was "awfulookn stuff, completely unappetizin." "Next morn Teen's historyn-frend calld on her; caught her readn poetry. "Is forbidn to amuse Urself" he reminded kindly. She pleadd she only'd been modernizn some verses. "Lisn!" she requestd; read with childlike eagrnes: "Where'd U come from, baby dear? Out of a testube, nevr fear. Wher'd U get those eyes of blu? The govt-regulated hue! Wher'd U get those lil ears? Just a matr of chromosomes, my dears!" Such a girl! Historyn remarkt about her later on to 5: "Human nature's like pendulum:" he sayd--"Swings 1 way then othr..." When X-10 calld on Teen next nite she was "at it again"; had dug up somethn new & naive to show himn. He dint approve her dabln with ancient arts. "I'v made candl!" she declared proudly. "Turn out our intr-atomic bulbs." Then: "See!" she cryd triumfntly. "What! That lil pinpoint of lite?" Incubator man was incredulous. "What's wondrfl 'bout that?!" "O see!" she enthused disregardn th liquid air he threw on her endeavr. "It makes things --dif. See how it wavers? Makes chairs and tables dance. &...dont I look just--lil dif?" Somethng swept over -10. He wasnt unromantic sort; just traind that way. He changed. "Y--y yes! U do! Ther'r candls in Ur eyes! There r! & Ur Nose: It's just tiny bit smalr'n othr girls'! & Ur mouth..." This was what she wanted: A lover! Teen began to visualize their life togethr. "U'll becom great with more study. U'll becom...One! & I shall be so proud to be Ur wife, dear." Unfortunate. #57 came in justhen. He was fresh from 5's lab & had news of th antigravity belts. "Think! Soon we'll soar thru th air--wherevr we want to go!" "Wherevr They tell us to go" corrected Teen bittrly, chagrind at 57's inopportune intrusion. "Well, I dont giv electron for th Kimty (Committee)!" swore X-10. #57 took exception. Teen perkt up. Here was excitemnt! She goadd em. "I'd like to shove U into th 4th Dimension!" shoutd th one man. "I dont like Ur face!" returnd 57. "It's same's Urs!" returtd th rival. & twas so tru! "O hit 'im, hit 'im!" hollrd Teen, atavisticly. & then--suddnly--both men stopt; realized what they'd been about to do: Fite for a woman! Were millions women in th world--all alike--& they'd been on th verge of attackn ea-othr (like 20th Century men!) over one! They felt fairly foolish. Ridiculous! & they laft & fell again to discussn th antigravitator which undr full power would shoot off into space & nevr come back. Praps was athatime th idea was born in X-19's 30th Century weary brain... ~~~~~5's optofone buzzd; was ansrd by asst who spun & stuttrd news that'd stunnd his ears: "Th antigravity car!--it's shopt up thru th roof undr unknown, inexport con-
IMAGINATION! #3 Dec 37 7 sayd th ancients calld it; begd em to taste bite. Her companyons took nibl, but it was "awfulookn stuff, completely unappetizin." "Next morn Teen's historyn-frend calld on her; caught her readn poetry. "Is forbidn to amuse Urself" he reminded kindly. She pleadd she only'd been modernizn some verses. "Lisn!" she requestd; read with childlike eagrnes: "Where'd U come from, baby dear? Out of a testube, nevr fear. Wher'd U get those eyes of blu? The govt-regulated hue! Wher'd U get those lil ears? Just a matr of chromosomes, my dears!" Such a girl! Historyn remarkt about her later on to 5: "Human nature's like pendulum:" he sayd--"Swings 1 way then othr..." When X-10 calld on Teen next nite she was "at it again"; had dug up somethn new & naive to show himn. He dint approve her dabln with ancient arts. "I'v made candl!" she declared proudly. "Turn out our intr-atomic bulbs." Then: "See!" she cryd triumfntly. "What! That lil pinpoint of lite?" Incubator man was incredulous. "What's wondrfl 'bout that?!" "O see!" she enthused disregardn th liquid air he threw on her endeavr. "It makes things --dif. See how it wavers? Makes chairs and tables dance. &...dont I look just--lil dif?" Somethng swept over -10. He wasnt unromantic sort; just traind that way. He changed. "Y--y yes! U do! Ther'r candls in Ur eyes! There r! & Ur Nose: It's just tiny bit smalr'n othr girls'! & Ur mouth..." This was what she wanted: A lover! Teen began to visualize their life togethr. "U'll becom great with more study. U'll becom...One! & I shall be so proud to be Ur wife, dear." Unfortunate. #57 came in justhen. He was fresh from 5's lab & had news of th antigravity belts. "Think! Soon we'll soar thru th air--wherevr we want to go!" "Wherevr They tell us to go" corrected Teen bittrly, chagrind at 57's inopportune intrusion. "Well, I dont giv electron for th Kimty (Committee)!" swore X-10. #57 took exception. Teen perkt up. Here was excitemnt! She goadd em. "I'd like to shove U into th 4th Dimension!" shoutd th one man. "I dont like Ur face!" returnd 57. "It's same's Urs!" returtd th rival. & twas so tru! "O hit 'im, hit 'im!" hollrd Teen, atavisticly. & then--suddnly--both men stopt; realized what they'd been about to do: Fite for a woman! Were millions women in th world--all alike--& they'd been on th verge of attackn ea-othr (like 20th Century men!) over one! They felt fairly foolish. Ridiculous! & they laft & fell again to discussn th antigravitator which undr full power would shoot off into space & nevr come back. Praps was athatime th idea was born in X-19's 30th Century weary brain... ~~~~~5's optofone buzzd; was ansrd by asst who spun & stuttrd news that'd stunnd his ears: "Th antigravity car!--it's shopt up thru th roof undr unknown, inexport con-
Hevelin Fanzines