Imagination, v. 1, issue 3, whole no. 3, December 1937
Page 13
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IMAGINATION! #3 Dec 37 13 Reapr ruled ... The sound of falling bodys & clashing accoutrement came in a wave which rose, reacht its peak, & died away. Then beside me some one shriekt & threw up a pointing hand. I stared skyward. As collapst the curious infantry, so the pellucid planes were plunging ... & so the Menace of the "Mist-eryous" passd, for what hapnd at Deming occurd simultanwously in Tucson, Phoenix, Prescott. Everywhere Poleon's planes dove to destruction, everywhere his diafanous infantry sank in death ... 1000s of people stird as if our of a hideous nitemare & askt themselvs what had been the cause of it all. From whence had the supernatural soldiers come, what agency had caused their strange annihilation? To the first question no ansr could be returnd tho there were those who persistd to speak of foren aggression. To the 2d question superstition sayd: The Wrath of God blottd out the invader. Solemn services of thanksgiving to heaven were celebrated; in lofty cathedrals Te Deums were chantd; in lowly halls Holy Rollrs talkt in tongues. Hallelujah. Amen. At the Nation's Capital cabinet officers ponderd the problem, the net result of which was to ordr a thoro investigation into the origin of the Hazy Hord & a drastic increase in the aerial strength of the country. Meantime the Fed Army that had come to offer forlorn battle remaind to help bury the dead. Fantasticorpses! Diafanous, & all alike ... Cityzens were presst into service; great trenches were dug; into these 1000s of spongy soldiers, so incredibly alike in form & feature, hastyly were pusht, the queer cadavrs sprinkld with quicklime & coverd with earth. At some places bodys were burnd & their ashes scatterd. Slowly San Francisco rose Phoenix-like from its ruins & the panickt populations of varyous Southwestern citys returnd to their homes. For some reason save for damage done by an occasionl falling plane the towns of the Imperial Valley & Nevada escaped injury. This also was true of Los Angeles & San Pedro tho the lattr was a naval & harbor centr of some importance & conceivably might've enterd into the enemy's plans of attack. Be the reason what it may, despite the crashing of several planes at Pasadena & Huntington Pk, San P & LA went scathless. Twas estimated some 50,000 peopl (exclusiv of the enemy dead) lost their lives in the brief 4 Days' War, 40,000 of which perisht in ill-fated Frisco alone. The numbr injured was 4 times in excess this figure. But tho State & Fed Govts estimated & investigated, tho an alarmd America clamord for identifycation of the enemy & future protection against a repetition of the unanticipated attack, no adequate explanation of it all ever was vouchsafed the public ... So mattrs stood when 10 yrs later in 195- I came into the Santa Clara Valley on a reclamation project. I am an engineer beside an occasionl writer of storys & the State of Arizona had requested my services in an advisory capacity. The project was being undertaken with the co-operation of the Federal Com-
IMAGINATION! #3 Dec 37 13 Reapr ruled ... The sound of falling bodys & clashing accoutrement came in a wave which rose, reacht its peak, & died away. Then beside me some one shriekt & threw up a pointing hand. I stared skyward. As collapst the curious infantry, so the pellucid planes were plunging ... & so the Menace of the "Mist-eryous" passd, for what hapnd at Deming occurd simultanwously in Tucson, Phoenix, Prescott. Everywhere Poleon's planes dove to destruction, everywhere his diafanous infantry sank in death ... 1000s of people stird as if our of a hideous nitemare & askt themselvs what had been the cause of it all. From whence had the supernatural soldiers come, what agency had caused their strange annihilation? To the first question no ansr could be returnd tho there were those who persistd to speak of foren aggression. To the 2d question superstition sayd: The Wrath of God blottd out the invader. Solemn services of thanksgiving to heaven were celebrated; in lofty cathedrals Te Deums were chantd; in lowly halls Holy Rollrs talkt in tongues. Hallelujah. Amen. At the Nation's Capital cabinet officers ponderd the problem, the net result of which was to ordr a thoro investigation into the origin of the Hazy Hord & a drastic increase in the aerial strength of the country. Meantime the Fed Army that had come to offer forlorn battle remaind to help bury the dead. Fantasticorpses! Diafanous, & all alike ... Cityzens were presst into service; great trenches were dug; into these 1000s of spongy soldiers, so incredibly alike in form & feature, hastyly were pusht, the queer cadavrs sprinkld with quicklime & coverd with earth. At some places bodys were burnd & their ashes scatterd. Slowly San Francisco rose Phoenix-like from its ruins & the panickt populations of varyous Southwestern citys returnd to their homes. For some reason save for damage done by an occasionl falling plane the towns of the Imperial Valley & Nevada escaped injury. This also was true of Los Angeles & San Pedro tho the lattr was a naval & harbor centr of some importance & conceivably might've enterd into the enemy's plans of attack. Be the reason what it may, despite the crashing of several planes at Pasadena & Huntington Pk, San P & LA went scathless. Twas estimated some 50,000 peopl (exclusiv of the enemy dead) lost their lives in the brief 4 Days' War, 40,000 of which perisht in ill-fated Frisco alone. The numbr injured was 4 times in excess this figure. But tho State & Fed Govts estimated & investigated, tho an alarmd America clamord for identifycation of the enemy & future protection against a repetition of the unanticipated attack, no adequate explanation of it all ever was vouchsafed the public ... So mattrs stood when 10 yrs later in 195- I came into the Santa Clara Valley on a reclamation project. I am an engineer beside an occasionl writer of storys & the State of Arizona had requested my services in an advisory capacity. The project was being undertaken with the co-operation of the Federal Com-
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