Imagination, v. 1, issue 3, whole no. 3, December 1937
Page 16
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16 BK REVIEWS FROM ABROAD: By Herr Herbert [Hasfeter?] Translated from The ESPERANTO By MayBelle Anshutz. "Die Flug in die Erde" -- "Flite into the Earth" -- by CVRock, pubt by Henry Burmester, Bremen-Berlin-Leipzig. A Deutsch Engineer officialy was donated funds to build a "terribore". In the model it workt modely. After several setbacks he startd the boring; at the rate of 100 meters a min. descended in the interior of our Tero (Earth) til depth of 980 kloms (kilometers) was reacht. The expodition's chief now orderd halt 'cause according to calculations there remaind scarcely 20 kloms befor an empty space would begin. He flys back to the surface to arrange several things, befor departing, however, forbidding furthr work. But returning with his asst aftr several hrs, they do not find the machine where they left it: Those in charge had gone rite on boring. The engineer & asst immediately followd by aeroplane (shaft had diametr nrly 30 metors). But they can't reach the Boring Machine befor the catastrofe. It falls forward into the empty space. It was impossible to stop it. But the 2 survivors who remaind outside the machine see their labor crownd with success: In the centr swings a litl bullet shaped globe; an earth within an earth! Returning to the top, naturaly expecting to be rcvd triumfantly, they are dismayd & overwhelmd by unfavorable criticism. An unfriendly faction had workt against them & calld evrything bluff & risk without purpose. This faction playd up the loss of life on the BM & accused the engineer altho the was guiltless. & strangely enuf the public believd the malicious lies. Finaly the enemy attain their end -- the forbidding of furthr work & the withdrawing of the financial backing. But the engineer with the help of a friend of his fellow-workr finaly finds a financial backr who will subsidize the construction of an aeroplane to reach the inner earth. Engineer starts with only a pilot. Radio telegraficommunication soon ceases 'cause radio-activ waves do not permit it. The pair reach the inner globe. There discovr a miniature metropolis, bldgs 8-10 meters tall. At first they don't see any humanbeings, nor any life. But suddenly they see men -- if such small statured beings can be calld men. Standing 1.30-1.50 meters, the pygmys greet them in the Latin language! Fortunately the engineer can converse in it. Local rebelion breaks out during which their machine's destroyd so they can't return. The engineer's financée, a Dr, togethr with the coworkr, proposes rescue. But mankind still doesn't place faith in the affair. The unfriendly faction even caused a volcanic eruption at the entrance to influence the world to believ such a large shaft dangerous & by such diabolical means they have it seald by a thick cement layr. But not befor the woman reaches the internal earth by a 2d plane. Aftr a revolution in which they are regarded by the proletarian party as an enemy they repair the plane & reach the flite platform of the lower end of the shaft. They dispose of the several meters of cement by dynamite & happyly regain the surface. With them comes their friend of the inner earth, the litl man Tablatius. Unfortunately he cannot withstand long the different life conditions on the surface & dies aftr a shortime. Befor the end, howevr, he writes a history of the people living in the centr of the sfere concerning whose origin exist several suppositions. Because there they have the same division between day & nite, altho there is no sun, moon, or stars, one presumes for some cause unknown til now the peopl many centurys ago livd on the outside. The litl men have a hi culture & in the field of electrical technics even surpass the surface men. The Deutsch engineer promist the pygmy from the inner earth not to end but again to have connection with the kernel ... ~~~ Coming: Résumés of "Unter den Wellen des Atlantik" ("Under the Waves of the Atlantic") & Hans Dominik's new bk "Himmelskraft" ("Sky-Power").
16 BK REVIEWS FROM ABROAD: By Herr Herbert [Hasfeter?] Translated from The ESPERANTO By MayBelle Anshutz. "Die Flug in die Erde" -- "Flite into the Earth" -- by CVRock, pubt by Henry Burmester, Bremen-Berlin-Leipzig. A Deutsch Engineer officialy was donated funds to build a "terribore". In the model it workt modely. After several setbacks he startd the boring; at the rate of 100 meters a min. descended in the interior of our Tero (Earth) til depth of 980 kloms (kilometers) was reacht. The expodition's chief now orderd halt 'cause according to calculations there remaind scarcely 20 kloms befor an empty space would begin. He flys back to the surface to arrange several things, befor departing, however, forbidding furthr work. But returning with his asst aftr several hrs, they do not find the machine where they left it: Those in charge had gone rite on boring. The engineer & asst immediately followd by aeroplane (shaft had diametr nrly 30 metors). But they can't reach the Boring Machine befor the catastrofe. It falls forward into the empty space. It was impossible to stop it. But the 2 survivors who remaind outside the machine see their labor crownd with success: In the centr swings a litl bullet shaped globe; an earth within an earth! Returning to the top, naturaly expecting to be rcvd triumfantly, they are dismayd & overwhelmd by unfavorable criticism. An unfriendly faction had workt against them & calld evrything bluff & risk without purpose. This faction playd up the loss of life on the BM & accused the engineer altho the was guiltless. & strangely enuf the public believd the malicious lies. Finaly the enemy attain their end -- the forbidding of furthr work & the withdrawing of the financial backing. But the engineer with the help of a friend of his fellow-workr finaly finds a financial backr who will subsidize the construction of an aeroplane to reach the inner earth. Engineer starts with only a pilot. Radio telegraficommunication soon ceases 'cause radio-activ waves do not permit it. The pair reach the inner globe. There discovr a miniature metropolis, bldgs 8-10 meters tall. At first they don't see any humanbeings, nor any life. But suddenly they see men -- if such small statured beings can be calld men. Standing 1.30-1.50 meters, the pygmys greet them in the Latin language! Fortunately the engineer can converse in it. Local rebelion breaks out during which their machine's destroyd so they can't return. The engineer's financée, a Dr, togethr with the coworkr, proposes rescue. But mankind still doesn't place faith in the affair. The unfriendly faction even caused a volcanic eruption at the entrance to influence the world to believ such a large shaft dangerous & by such diabolical means they have it seald by a thick cement layr. But not befor the woman reaches the internal earth by a 2d plane. Aftr a revolution in which they are regarded by the proletarian party as an enemy they repair the plane & reach the flite platform of the lower end of the shaft. They dispose of the several meters of cement by dynamite & happyly regain the surface. With them comes their friend of the inner earth, the litl man Tablatius. Unfortunately he cannot withstand long the different life conditions on the surface & dies aftr a shortime. Befor the end, howevr, he writes a history of the people living in the centr of the sfere concerning whose origin exist several suppositions. Because there they have the same division between day & nite, altho there is no sun, moon, or stars, one presumes for some cause unknown til now the peopl many centurys ago livd on the outside. The litl men have a hi culture & in the field of electrical technics even surpass the surface men. The Deutsch engineer promist the pygmy from the inner earth not to end but again to have connection with the kernel ... ~~~ Coming: Résumés of "Unter den Wellen des Atlantik" ("Under the Waves of the Atlantic") & Hans Dominik's new bk "Himmelskraft" ("Sky-Power").
Hevelin Fanzines