Imagination, v. 1, issue 3, whole no. 3, December 1937
Page 17
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IMAGINATION! #3 Dec 37 17 VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION! (Summations of our 2nd issue, run in rotation rcvd & in original spelling, punctuation, et al, of ea commentator.) "I just took my first scrutinizing scornful squint at your mag. Imagi-nation and think it's Swell and hope it goes over the top full blast." Bob Lodge Los Angeles. George Romanov [sp?] writes from San Francisco: "A long lost friend comes back triumphant, riding between the covers of his own mag. (Not mine. Geo: not mine, OUR, —Forry. ) In spite of the telescoped spelling et al. I am very glad to read this little sheet. May it prosper & graduate to pulp & glazed covers—" From Richard Wilson, Jr. of Richmond Hill, NY an airmail letter: ''-The second issue of IMAGINATION! cannot be compared with #1 any more than H. G. Wells' writings can be compared with, for instance, the maudlin drivel of Clifton B. Kruse. It is readable thruout; immensely neater; deep sigh—the readers' letters haven't been unmutilated. Oh joyI Editorial & Hi-Lites are quite good. Enough professional fiction appears to spare my wading thru 'The Hazy Herd' and its Aisms. Kno Knuth Ing alternates between sheer genius and ditto idiocy. (The inimitable Herr Ing is slightly worried by your judgment of his jokes... inasmuch as he is 2 people & both are perturbed as to which is an idiot!) More interviews are in order. (More interviews are in store.) Why, may I ask, the undecided indentations at the beginning of each paragraph? (On the contrary our innovation in indentation is very much decided. If you will observe closely. each begins directly below where the last left off, thus eliminating some eyestrain & also conserving space,) 'Time Goes Marsian On!" is pretty good, if you ignore the spelling, which is just about well-nigh impossible. Exdstelulov'S mention of the present-day Atlantis is, as Dr. Sloane would say, interesting. I agree with Miss Morojo. The electrifying Green and Brown ribbons are truly neurotic. (Hm, a neoTRICK) I wouldn't be seen in one," Penner of the 2 poems "To a Meteor" & "To a Star" in our first issue. Vittorio B. Farscai of Rochester, NY says: 'You don't know how glad I am to "hear" from U. Y, I've been looking in all the current mags, for one of Ur cheerful letters. ('This communication came to Mr Ackerman,) IMAGINATION! is a surprise to me." Joe Hatch [sp?] of Lawrence, Kans comments: "Imgtn, from what I've seen of it, is a fine fan folio. Have not had time to completely peruse contents of both numbers, but each looks like the tops in mimeoed/hektoed (respectively) fan mags, insofar as textual material is concerned." Everett J. Bleulor [sp?] 21 Jamaica Plain, Mass believes; " Your new magazine, "Imagi-nation! is very good, in fact, in content, it is as good a fan magazine as I have ever seen. But I don't approve of its being printed in 'Phono-esperantinglish.' It would be immeasurably improved if all the coined words, misspellings, and incorrect idioms were omitted. I am enclosing a money-order for a six month subscription." LOUIS KUSLAN of West Haven/Ct sends 3 mo, sub, says; "I can truthfully say the second issue of 'Imagination' was a great improvement over the first. Maybe, that's because anything would be better than that the first issue. Cover, very good ....... Editorial, very good, very humorous, or maybe I'm just silly......The Hazy Herd, good, but why have stories, can't you give us articles, as we have plenty stories in the pro mags .... Fantascience Film Mart, fair ..... It happened in Hyper-space,
IMAGINATION! #3 Dec 37 17 VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION! (Summations of our 2nd issue, run in rotation rcvd & in original spelling, punctuation, et al, of ea commentator.) "I just took my first scrutinizing scornful squint at your mag. Imagi-nation and think it's Swell and hope it goes over the top full blast." Bob Lodge Los Angeles. George Romanov [sp?] writes from San Francisco: "A long lost friend comes back triumphant, riding between the covers of his own mag. (Not mine. Geo: not mine, OUR, —Forry. ) In spite of the telescoped spelling et al. I am very glad to read this little sheet. May it prosper & graduate to pulp & glazed covers—" From Richard Wilson, Jr. of Richmond Hill, NY an airmail letter: ''-The second issue of IMAGINATION! cannot be compared with #1 any more than H. G. Wells' writings can be compared with, for instance, the maudlin drivel of Clifton B. Kruse. It is readable thruout; immensely neater; deep sigh—the readers' letters haven't been unmutilated. Oh joyI Editorial & Hi-Lites are quite good. Enough professional fiction appears to spare my wading thru 'The Hazy Herd' and its Aisms. Kno Knuth Ing alternates between sheer genius and ditto idiocy. (The inimitable Herr Ing is slightly worried by your judgment of his jokes... inasmuch as he is 2 people & both are perturbed as to which is an idiot!) More interviews are in order. (More interviews are in store.) Why, may I ask, the undecided indentations at the beginning of each paragraph? (On the contrary our innovation in indentation is very much decided. If you will observe closely. each begins directly below where the last left off, thus eliminating some eyestrain & also conserving space,) 'Time Goes Marsian On!" is pretty good, if you ignore the spelling, which is just about well-nigh impossible. Exdstelulov'S mention of the present-day Atlantis is, as Dr. Sloane would say, interesting. I agree with Miss Morojo. The electrifying Green and Brown ribbons are truly neurotic. (Hm, a neoTRICK) I wouldn't be seen in one," Penner of the 2 poems "To a Meteor" & "To a Star" in our first issue. Vittorio B. Farscai of Rochester, NY says: 'You don't know how glad I am to "hear" from U. Y, I've been looking in all the current mags, for one of Ur cheerful letters. ('This communication came to Mr Ackerman,) IMAGINATION! is a surprise to me." Joe Hatch [sp?] of Lawrence, Kans comments: "Imgtn, from what I've seen of it, is a fine fan folio. Have not had time to completely peruse contents of both numbers, but each looks like the tops in mimeoed/hektoed (respectively) fan mags, insofar as textual material is concerned." Everett J. Bleulor [sp?] 21 Jamaica Plain, Mass believes; " Your new magazine, "Imagi-nation! is very good, in fact, in content, it is as good a fan magazine as I have ever seen. But I don't approve of its being printed in 'Phono-esperantinglish.' It would be immeasurably improved if all the coined words, misspellings, and incorrect idioms were omitted. I am enclosing a money-order for a six month subscription." LOUIS KUSLAN of West Haven/Ct sends 3 mo, sub, says; "I can truthfully say the second issue of 'Imagination' was a great improvement over the first. Maybe, that's because anything would be better than that the first issue. Cover, very good ....... Editorial, very good, very humorous, or maybe I'm just silly......The Hazy Herd, good, but why have stories, can't you give us articles, as we have plenty stories in the pro mags .... Fantascience Film Mart, fair ..... It happened in Hyper-space,
Hevelin Fanzines