Imagination, v. 1, issue 3, whole no. 3, December 1937
Page 18
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18 very, very entertaining...Foo and sfcrax,lousy, the so called jokes were older than the Pleociene Age.....Esperanto, I still don't care for it....Interviews, most reviews, passable.....answers o.k.....forecast, enlarge this please....voice, enlarge, unkle dunkle (thats Kusleranto for O.K.). The mimeographing was very good, but the spelling, even if it supposed to be futuristic, is wiffle piffle (Kusleranto for very putrid). Since you are so bent on Espeanto, why don't you have a beginners column, so that we can at least learn the so called language of the future. (Good little grammars are too cheap, explains our Esp Staff. Vofoso volunteers to supply textet of the Universalanguage to any interested party sending 10¢ to him at Apt 32, 688 Shatto Pl; LS/Cal.) With that I say 'Nov Smotch Ka Pop'. Yours very sciencerely." As if to rebuke the writers for their causticriticism of "Ackermanese" containd in
18 very, very entertaining...Foo and sfcrax,lousy, the so called jokes were older than the Pleociene Age.....Esperanto, I still don't care for it....Interviews, most reviews, passable.....answers o.k.....forecast, enlarge this please....voice, enlarge, unkle dunkle (thats Kusleranto for O.K.). The mimeographing was very good, but the spelling, even if it supposed to be futuristic, is wiffle piffle (Kusleranto for very putrid). Since you are so bent on Espeanto, why don't you have a beginners column, so that we can at least learn the so called language of the future. (Good little grammars are too cheap, explains our Esp Staff. Vofoso volunteers to supply textet of the Universalanguage to any interested party sending 10¢ to him at Apt 32, 688 Shatto Pl; LS/Cal.) With that I say 'Nov Smotch Ka Pop'. Yours very sciencerely." As if to rebuke the writers for their causticriticism of "Ackermanese" containd in
Hevelin Fanzines