Imagination, v. 1, issue 3, whole no. 3, December 1937
Page 20
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IMAGINATION: #3 Dec 37 20 VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATIONI (Cont from 18) It looks a lot like shorthand would in longhand. I am driven to distraction by supposedly progressive fans using such archaic and British spellings as phantastic, favour, and recognise, The cover is good, but inaccurate. The moon would make only one ring, and Russ has shown three, as in the case of Saturn. (Russ refers U for his authority for the 3 rings to the recent issue of Hayden Planetarium's "publication "The Sky". article on. "End of the World".) It Hapnd in Hypr-Space was very good. Haven't read all of the tale yet," Robert A. Heinlein extends "Congratulations and thanks for the second number of 'Imagination'. Enclosed find a dime for the same. I believe scientifiction to be a major constructive force for civilization. I was particularly interested to see the interview of the talented C, L. Moore. Her "Bright Illusion" is one of the greatest stories in all literature. I have button-holed many of my friends and practically forced them to read it." (Catherine the Great's latest scientifantasyarn aimd at Ast is "Worlds Without End".) [Illegible] declares: "I could hardly believe my eyes when I opened the issue of 'Imagination!' & beheld the familiar sight of Esperanto text. I have been an Esperanto fan since 1928 & like Kdo Ackerman keep a stock of 'libretoj' & distribute them to my protesting friends & sometimes even to my patients. (I am a dentist by profession altho' I also have my medical degree). I have a great belief with possibilites of Esperanto & always manage to reduce anyone who argues against it to a state of speechlessness but alas my friends are mostly too lazy to bother about learning it. I took up Esperanto chiefly as a mental exercise & for amusement & curiosity, & finished up by devoting all my spare time to it for 6 months. I am writing to commend the Esperanto column, & urge the continuance of this feature." (Dankon. Doktoro!)
IMAGINATION: #3 Dec 37 20 VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATIONI (Cont from 18) It looks a lot like shorthand would in longhand. I am driven to distraction by supposedly progressive fans using such archaic and British spellings as phantastic, favour, and recognise, The cover is good, but inaccurate. The moon would make only one ring, and Russ has shown three, as in the case of Saturn. (Russ refers U for his authority for the 3 rings to the recent issue of Hayden Planetarium's "publication "The Sky". article on. "End of the World".) It Hapnd in Hypr-Space was very good. Haven't read all of the tale yet," Robert A. Heinlein extends "Congratulations and thanks for the second number of 'Imagination'. Enclosed find a dime for the same. I believe scientifiction to be a major constructive force for civilization. I was particularly interested to see the interview of the talented C, L. Moore. Her "Bright Illusion" is one of the greatest stories in all literature. I have button-holed many of my friends and practically forced them to read it." (Catherine the Great's latest scientifantasyarn aimd at Ast is "Worlds Without End".) [Illegible] declares: "I could hardly believe my eyes when I opened the issue of 'Imagination!' & beheld the familiar sight of Esperanto text. I have been an Esperanto fan since 1928 & like Kdo Ackerman keep a stock of 'libretoj' & distribute them to my protesting friends & sometimes even to my patients. (I am a dentist by profession altho' I also have my medical degree). I have a great belief with possibilites of Esperanto & always manage to reduce anyone who argues against it to a state of speechlessness but alas my friends are mostly too lazy to bother about learning it. I took up Esperanto chiefly as a mental exercise & for amusement & curiosity, & finished up by devoting all my spare time to it for 6 months. I am writing to commend the Esperanto column, & urge the continuance of this feature." (Dankon. Doktoro!)
Hevelin Fanzines