Imagination, v. 1, issue 11, whole no. 11, August 1938
Page 7
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IMAGINATION #11 38 Aug 7 Forrest J. Ackerman's FANTASCIENCE FILMART After hurried fone-calls from Hal Clark & Jack Erman a group was got together to meet at Clifton's & take a tram-trip out to Inglewood to witness revival of the original FRANKENSTEIN. By "original" was meant to distinguish from "The Bride" but it seems the adjective had more potent meaning than that for reports Weaver Wright: "As we sat there watching--those of us who had seen 'Frankenstein' before--a weird feeling waved over us as a certain scene continued beyond the point it shoud! Can U conceive our mass amazement? Something like finding a 3d issue of Miracle Science or an Amazing dated March 1926! I had seen the pic, O, I don't know how many times before--3, maybe 4--but never before had the Monster tosst the little girl into the lake: when his supply of daisys was exhausted, then fled thru the rushes in fear. It was queer! seeing that occur. Only Morojo coud not understand what our excitement was about as she had not seen the pic previously. Ackerman informed me he'd heard about the scene thru correspondence with Eastern fans but this was the firsttime it ever was seen by Western eyes!" "CinematiClark" & Erman contacted the theater's mgr afterward in an attempt to induce him to revive Dracula. Brother Brady ("Dr Acula" himself) now apprises of the fact that skeded soon at an LA theater is a revival of "Frankenstein, Dracula & King Kong" on one program! + + + + + + + + + ++ + + + ++ + Onward Esperanto! Erdstebloc "Before Atlantic" is the title of both a bk & a play by Fred Rivers, instructor of Current Events at the Univ. of Calif., Berkeley. American archaeologists, on an isle in the South Seas recently raised above the waters thru volcanic action, discover the ruins of a temple of some long-forgotten past; in it, a set of tablets, giving directions for the refashioning of a device to reproduce the voices of the vanisht people. Quoting the introduction, "Out of the far Night of Time, a voice spoke to them, a deep, resonant, melodious voice." The voice of the Marduk, Priest of the Sun since the death, at about 900 yrs of age, of Enlil, inventor of the interplanetary Torpedo which transported the people of the moribund Moon across the void to a young earth. The message was recorded in the yr 700, as reckond from the date of the migration to Tero of the Lunarians. & the remarkable fact about The Record, as students of the Universalanguage will recognize, is that it is a modifyd form of Esperanto! to quote fragments of frazes: "...ka is la viv kum juna as la ter-- Mi, Marduk, o la Sun pastro...en la yer Sepcent..." kip (etc). ...Antauen Esperanto! + + + + + + + + + ++ + + + ++ + Words with H. Merritt "I have often thought of writing a sequel to 'The Dragon Glass'--but I find sequels terribly difficult to write. I hate the labor of rehashing the old story as a starting point for the new. Maybe I will get around to it someday. I keep getting letters asking for a sequel to 'The moon Pool'. Oddly enough, there are parts of it I like, but parts of it, reading it now after the years, seem to me pretty uninteresting. However, it is queer what a long life that book has had. It was the first I ever wrote and when I wrote it I really had not much idea of keeping up writing."
IMAGINATION #11 38 Aug 7 Forrest J. Ackerman's FANTASCIENCE FILMART After hurried fone-calls from Hal Clark & Jack Erman a group was got together to meet at Clifton's & take a tram-trip out to Inglewood to witness revival of the original FRANKENSTEIN. By "original" was meant to distinguish from "The Bride" but it seems the adjective had more potent meaning than that for reports Weaver Wright: "As we sat there watching--those of us who had seen 'Frankenstein' before--a weird feeling waved over us as a certain scene continued beyond the point it shoud! Can U conceive our mass amazement? Something like finding a 3d issue of Miracle Science or an Amazing dated March 1926! I had seen the pic, O, I don't know how many times before--3, maybe 4--but never before had the Monster tosst the little girl into the lake: when his supply of daisys was exhausted, then fled thru the rushes in fear. It was queer! seeing that occur. Only Morojo coud not understand what our excitement was about as she had not seen the pic previously. Ackerman informed me he'd heard about the scene thru correspondence with Eastern fans but this was the firsttime it ever was seen by Western eyes!" "CinematiClark" & Erman contacted the theater's mgr afterward in an attempt to induce him to revive Dracula. Brother Brady ("Dr Acula" himself) now apprises of the fact that skeded soon at an LA theater is a revival of "Frankenstein, Dracula & King Kong" on one program! + + + + + + + + + ++ + + + ++ + Onward Esperanto! Erdstebloc "Before Atlantic" is the title of both a bk & a play by Fred Rivers, instructor of Current Events at the Univ. of Calif., Berkeley. American archaeologists, on an isle in the South Seas recently raised above the waters thru volcanic action, discover the ruins of a temple of some long-forgotten past; in it, a set of tablets, giving directions for the refashioning of a device to reproduce the voices of the vanisht people. Quoting the introduction, "Out of the far Night of Time, a voice spoke to them, a deep, resonant, melodious voice." The voice of the Marduk, Priest of the Sun since the death, at about 900 yrs of age, of Enlil, inventor of the interplanetary Torpedo which transported the people of the moribund Moon across the void to a young earth. The message was recorded in the yr 700, as reckond from the date of the migration to Tero of the Lunarians. & the remarkable fact about The Record, as students of the Universalanguage will recognize, is that it is a modifyd form of Esperanto! to quote fragments of frazes: "...ka is la viv kum juna as la ter-- Mi, Marduk, o la Sun pastro...en la yer Sepcent..." kip (etc). ...Antauen Esperanto! + + + + + + + + + ++ + + + ++ + Words with H. Merritt "I have often thought of writing a sequel to 'The Dragon Glass'--but I find sequels terribly difficult to write. I hate the labor of rehashing the old story as a starting point for the new. Maybe I will get around to it someday. I keep getting letters asking for a sequel to 'The moon Pool'. Oddly enough, there are parts of it I like, but parts of it, reading it now after the years, seem to me pretty uninteresting. However, it is queer what a long life that book has had. It was the first I ever wrote and when I wrote it I really had not much idea of keeping up writing."
Hevelin Fanzines