Imagination, v. 1, issue 11, whole no. 11, August 1938
Page 10
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10 Dr Acula's Ether Eeries I have been listeneing to some programs about which I'm sure you'd be interested to know. One is calld...Spy at Large. Title doesnt give very good impression but storys have plenty s-f in 'em. Each story consists of about 5 broadcasts, consecutive Sunday afternoons, NBC Blue Network (KECA in LA, 4 pm). One these storys was calld "The Affair of the Phantom Ship". The 2 main characters are Capt Aristotle Jones, US Naval Intelligence, & Elliot Hopkins, a scientist of little renown but a large knowledge of spy activitys. They are taking a vacation to a Coast Guard Station on Christmas Island, semi-officially to investigate reports by Commander John Henming of the sta. Reports say one foggy nite the men of the island saw a fullrigd ship just beyond the rocks. A cutter was sent out because the ship seemd in distress. The cutter never came back-- As Jones & Hopkins got off the train they saw also alighting a very beautiful woman whom Hopkins recognized as one of the most dangerous spys in the world--Fraulein Doktor! In a cave hi up in the cliffs lining the shore nr Xmas Isle Fraulein Doktor meets Immanuel Hann, an eminent physicist. Hann, amidst much strange apparatus, explains to FD that every object will collapse & literally disintegrate when shaken with a certain amount of powerful vibrations. Hann's apparatus emits a ray made up of very powerful & frequent vibrations so that it shakes to pieces anything it touches. They have learnd that soon a fleet of Z boats (now US super submarines) is coming along the isle for testing. When they come to the surface nr the cliff Hann intends to destroy them all. He & the Fraulein hope this will discourage the US from making any more. After that Hann is going to sell his invention to the spy syndicae for which FD works. The ray has only one faulty point; it must have fog as a background for complete efficiency. That nite Hann again creates the illusion of the Flying Dutchman by a motion picture camera & a distressignal foghorn; but it only serves to astonish Hopkins & Jones. Next day H & J go out in a smallaunch to hunt for a dory which has drifted away from the isle. By chance it has drifted toward the cliff where the innimicals are. Hann, sighting the dory, destroys it to further demonstrate the device's efficiency to Fraulein Doktor. H & J sight it too, just before Hann disintegrates it, & follow the dory into the mist. In a swift glance up the cliff Hopkins manages to see Hann's face in the well-camouflaged cave. Just as they're about to enter the mist--& be disintegrated by Hann-a Coast Guard cutter hails them & requests they return to the island. There they are told about the Z fleet & when it's to arrive. Later in the day J goes over to the nrby town. On the way back he sees a girl drowning in the water. Fraulein Doktor; but Jones does not recognize her because he did not get a good look at her as she got off the train. Her purpose in the deception is to find out the date of the boats' arrival. About halfway thru dinner that eve Jones tells Hopkins about what has happend. When J describes FD to H he gets very excited, explains who the Fraulein is & orders her caught immediately. FD, listening outside the door, escapes. Hopkins, following, is captured, taken to the cave. & since the Fraulein has found out the Z boats will arrive the next midnite they decide to tie him in front the ray thereby killing him when the Z fleet is destroyd. Thinking of the cliff next morning, Jones takes a cutter & crew to look at it. Hopkins is allowd a cigar. He blows his smoke out the cave so if Jones or others happen to be nr they'll see where the cave is. Jones spots it! Hopkins is rescued. The Fraulein Doktor & foreign physicist Hann are killd when the cave collapses, Hopkins having managed to reverse the direction of the murder machine. So the super-subs're o.k., the dis-ray k.o'd.
10 Dr Acula's Ether Eeries I have been listeneing to some programs about which I'm sure you'd be interested to know. One is calld...Spy at Large. Title doesnt give very good impression but storys have plenty s-f in 'em. Each story consists of about 5 broadcasts, consecutive Sunday afternoons, NBC Blue Network (KECA in LA, 4 pm). One these storys was calld "The Affair of the Phantom Ship". The 2 main characters are Capt Aristotle Jones, US Naval Intelligence, & Elliot Hopkins, a scientist of little renown but a large knowledge of spy activitys. They are taking a vacation to a Coast Guard Station on Christmas Island, semi-officially to investigate reports by Commander John Henming of the sta. Reports say one foggy nite the men of the island saw a fullrigd ship just beyond the rocks. A cutter was sent out because the ship seemd in distress. The cutter never came back-- As Jones & Hopkins got off the train they saw also alighting a very beautiful woman whom Hopkins recognized as one of the most dangerous spys in the world--Fraulein Doktor! In a cave hi up in the cliffs lining the shore nr Xmas Isle Fraulein Doktor meets Immanuel Hann, an eminent physicist. Hann, amidst much strange apparatus, explains to FD that every object will collapse & literally disintegrate when shaken with a certain amount of powerful vibrations. Hann's apparatus emits a ray made up of very powerful & frequent vibrations so that it shakes to pieces anything it touches. They have learnd that soon a fleet of Z boats (now US super submarines) is coming along the isle for testing. When they come to the surface nr the cliff Hann intends to destroy them all. He & the Fraulein hope this will discourage the US from making any more. After that Hann is going to sell his invention to the spy syndicae for which FD works. The ray has only one faulty point; it must have fog as a background for complete efficiency. That nite Hann again creates the illusion of the Flying Dutchman by a motion picture camera & a distressignal foghorn; but it only serves to astonish Hopkins & Jones. Next day H & J go out in a smallaunch to hunt for a dory which has drifted away from the isle. By chance it has drifted toward the cliff where the innimicals are. Hann, sighting the dory, destroys it to further demonstrate the device's efficiency to Fraulein Doktor. H & J sight it too, just before Hann disintegrates it, & follow the dory into the mist. In a swift glance up the cliff Hopkins manages to see Hann's face in the well-camouflaged cave. Just as they're about to enter the mist--& be disintegrated by Hann-a Coast Guard cutter hails them & requests they return to the island. There they are told about the Z fleet & when it's to arrive. Later in the day J goes over to the nrby town. On the way back he sees a girl drowning in the water. Fraulein Doktor; but Jones does not recognize her because he did not get a good look at her as she got off the train. Her purpose in the deception is to find out the date of the boats' arrival. About halfway thru dinner that eve Jones tells Hopkins about what has happend. When J describes FD to H he gets very excited, explains who the Fraulein is & orders her caught immediately. FD, listening outside the door, escapes. Hopkins, following, is captured, taken to the cave. & since the Fraulein has found out the Z boats will arrive the next midnite they decide to tie him in front the ray thereby killing him when the Z fleet is destroyd. Thinking of the cliff next morning, Jones takes a cutter & crew to look at it. Hopkins is allowd a cigar. He blows his smoke out the cave so if Jones or others happen to be nr they'll see where the cave is. Jones spots it! Hopkins is rescued. The Fraulein Doktor & foreign physicist Hann are killd when the cave collapses, Hopkins having managed to reverse the direction of the murder machine. So the super-subs're o.k., the dis-ray k.o'd.
Hevelin Fanzines