Imagination, v. 1, issue 11, whole no. 11, August 1938
Page 11
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imagination #11 38 Aug DREAMLAND, T. Bruce Yerke Everybody is always dreaming about the future whether they read scientifiction or not. The buildings brobdngnagian of the super citys, the wonderful highways for the whizzing autos, the huge flying shps--mighty monarchs of the stratosfere; everything the more imaginative minds that can see beyond the next 5 yrs are predicting...are here! I don't know for what we're waiting. The only reason we aren't living in the dream-houses such as some the leading newspapers have erected is due to our own economic system & human stupidity. Take for instance the house of the future: Our "maison" of tomoro is to have airconditioning. They say ultraviolet rays will open your garage door. Waving your hand in the air intercepts a ray & the bedroom window rises. Heating is done not by heating the air in the room, a horribly inefficient method, but by heating the walls! Experiments have proven that by heating the walls the heat is reflected directly to your body & thus you can be enjoying yourself reading in your bathrobe while the window is open & it is snowing outside! Remember, all this has been proven! The cost has always been the principle problem but recently an entirely practical method has been developt by which houses have been turnd out like autos. For a sum as low as $2000 you can buy the "New 1938 5 Rm Bungalow, Model A". These houses are far superior to the new universal "made to order" affairs, & the practice has been proven, not merely the hairbraind idea of some Dr. Wahoo. Next on the list is our Dream Car: The superstreamline vehicle which whizzes along safely. Automobile manufacturers have long known that cars are more efficient with the motor in the back. So many sensible plans for rear-motor cars have been oferd by inventors of merit it seems amazing the big automobile companys still turn their backs & continue to place the engine in front, which means we have a longer, & thus heavier, gearshaft, brake-lines & a longer chassis--& much less room. With a lighter car the fuel consumption should be accordingly less. The big bus companys have put the motor in back with amazing results in seating capacity, acceleration & lighter weight. The longer the 'know-alls' stall around, the more "futuristic" our dreams become! The by far most important thing, to me, seems to be 2-level traffic, & of all the suggested "future" improvements, this is the most practical. The theory & designs for double deck traffic & clover leaf crossings are by far the most easily done thing in this yr 51 Esperanto Era. People stand yowling for a change in traffic conditions, while a few smart men, like Norman Bel-Goods, go ahead & draw up complete plans for perfectly practical traffic salvations--& the Govt continues to build fishponds in the desert! There are simple ways to get the necessary tinkling coinage. The 3C boys stay up in the mts, chopping logs, when they, & the money spent on them, could just as well be modernizing our sts. Traffic in the big citys is so bad now that a month's blocking up of a st wouldn't be much worse. Anyhow, we have reacht the stage where a change from the tactics of 1700 CE to those of 113EE (2000 AD) are imperative; the stage where our bldgs, citys, sts, rds, cars & houses need a radical change as well as our politics. Everything's ahead of us--the key to our future's in our hands--WHY WAIT?
imagination #11 38 Aug DREAMLAND, T. Bruce Yerke Everybody is always dreaming about the future whether they read scientifiction or not. The buildings brobdngnagian of the super citys, the wonderful highways for the whizzing autos, the huge flying shps--mighty monarchs of the stratosfere; everything the more imaginative minds that can see beyond the next 5 yrs are predicting...are here! I don't know for what we're waiting. The only reason we aren't living in the dream-houses such as some the leading newspapers have erected is due to our own economic system & human stupidity. Take for instance the house of the future: Our "maison" of tomoro is to have airconditioning. They say ultraviolet rays will open your garage door. Waving your hand in the air intercepts a ray & the bedroom window rises. Heating is done not by heating the air in the room, a horribly inefficient method, but by heating the walls! Experiments have proven that by heating the walls the heat is reflected directly to your body & thus you can be enjoying yourself reading in your bathrobe while the window is open & it is snowing outside! Remember, all this has been proven! The cost has always been the principle problem but recently an entirely practical method has been developt by which houses have been turnd out like autos. For a sum as low as $2000 you can buy the "New 1938 5 Rm Bungalow, Model A". These houses are far superior to the new universal "made to order" affairs, & the practice has been proven, not merely the hairbraind idea of some Dr. Wahoo. Next on the list is our Dream Car: The superstreamline vehicle which whizzes along safely. Automobile manufacturers have long known that cars are more efficient with the motor in the back. So many sensible plans for rear-motor cars have been oferd by inventors of merit it seems amazing the big automobile companys still turn their backs & continue to place the engine in front, which means we have a longer, & thus heavier, gearshaft, brake-lines & a longer chassis--& much less room. With a lighter car the fuel consumption should be accordingly less. The big bus companys have put the motor in back with amazing results in seating capacity, acceleration & lighter weight. The longer the 'know-alls' stall around, the more "futuristic" our dreams become! The by far most important thing, to me, seems to be 2-level traffic, & of all the suggested "future" improvements, this is the most practical. The theory & designs for double deck traffic & clover leaf crossings are by far the most easily done thing in this yr 51 Esperanto Era. People stand yowling for a change in traffic conditions, while a few smart men, like Norman Bel-Goods, go ahead & draw up complete plans for perfectly practical traffic salvations--& the Govt continues to build fishponds in the desert! There are simple ways to get the necessary tinkling coinage. The 3C boys stay up in the mts, chopping logs, when they, & the money spent on them, could just as well be modernizing our sts. Traffic in the big citys is so bad now that a month's blocking up of a st wouldn't be much worse. Anyhow, we have reacht the stage where a change from the tactics of 1700 CE to those of 113EE (2000 AD) are imperative; the stage where our bldgs, citys, sts, rds, cars & houses need a radical change as well as our politics. Everything's ahead of us--the key to our future's in our hands--WHY WAIT?
Hevelin Fanzines