Imagination, v. 1, issue 11, whole no. 11, August 1938
Page 12
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12 WAY DOWN SOUTH ON BROADWAY by D. Acula's Daw SFL: Scram, Fire...then run like L. That is the slogan in the Brown Rm of Los Angeles' unluckyest cafeteria, the Clifton on S. B'way...The meetings of the chapter are very informal & the speeches are impromptu. Yes, the director gets up & prompt's-you to say something. If anything strikes U funny at the meetings don't laf. This is a good rule to remember when visiting. The besthing to do is take out your teeth & go off in a corner to snicker. If caught lafing the law-breaker is bound to a table & heavily salted & vinegared malts are pourd down his throat. The password is: "2 pineapple malts coming up!" Then the whole assemblage rages about U in conflict for a drink . Farce Ackerman usually ends up on a chandelier with one the malts & Puss Hodgkins on top the piano with the other. The ansr to the password is allus "Dibs on it!" Quaint? I hear the Pacificoast branch the Suffer Forever Leag is one the most active in existence. It is certainly the most Acktive. There is a special monument in one dim corner the Brown Rm. Within it lies the last mortal remains of that sorry story, "Hollerbochen's Dilemma". It's been haunting Bradberry for months. Everytime that thushol walks in the door everyone turns up his collar, lowers his head & mumbles incoherently in the nite: "Hollerbohen! Brrr!" Then he slinks to his chair & takes a dose of arsenic to pep himself up. In another special place one descrys a blue cover described as a "cigar butt flying over an ice cream sundae". This was the picture perpetrated by Blackberry for the March Madge. There is a wreath around it lies molding in desolution. (Original stuff--wonder what it means?) ⌵⌃⌵⌃⌵⌃⌵⌃⌵⌃⌵⌃⌵⌃⌵⌃⌵⌃⌵⌃⌵⌃⌵ Fun for All (a Laf a Line) or "Filler Up" by Pierre Lewis & Roy Squires "Life internal" or "Microbes Within", a great importale by a Germ man, a story with plenty of inside information. "Don Smelz of the H.A.M.", by Clifton B. Crude--lotsa atmosfere. "The Bite of the Dog Star", another import, by Arab Idog. (Egypt us!) Fiction for rabid fans--a toothsome tale that will pooch you in a mood that'll leave its mark. "The Molting Pullet", of egg-special interest to persons interested in fowl transformations. "The Saga of Millikan's Vest". "Strange Incision" by Eotta Mender. Will have you in stitches. "Immorality Peekers". "The shades of nite were falling fast but he got a good glimpse anyhow." One of the classex. It will give you a new view on the shape of things & stuff. Sincerely, [St?] A. [Cobletz?]
12 WAY DOWN SOUTH ON BROADWAY by D. Acula's Daw SFL: Scram, Fire...then run like L. That is the slogan in the Brown Rm of Los Angeles' unluckyest cafeteria, the Clifton on S. B'way...The meetings of the chapter are very informal & the speeches are impromptu. Yes, the director gets up & prompt's-you to say something. If anything strikes U funny at the meetings don't laf. This is a good rule to remember when visiting. The besthing to do is take out your teeth & go off in a corner to snicker. If caught lafing the law-breaker is bound to a table & heavily salted & vinegared malts are pourd down his throat. The password is: "2 pineapple malts coming up!" Then the whole assemblage rages about U in conflict for a drink . Farce Ackerman usually ends up on a chandelier with one the malts & Puss Hodgkins on top the piano with the other. The ansr to the password is allus "Dibs on it!" Quaint? I hear the Pacificoast branch the Suffer Forever Leag is one the most active in existence. It is certainly the most Acktive. There is a special monument in one dim corner the Brown Rm. Within it lies the last mortal remains of that sorry story, "Hollerbochen's Dilemma". It's been haunting Bradberry for months. Everytime that thushol walks in the door everyone turns up his collar, lowers his head & mumbles incoherently in the nite: "Hollerbohen! Brrr!" Then he slinks to his chair & takes a dose of arsenic to pep himself up. In another special place one descrys a blue cover described as a "cigar butt flying over an ice cream sundae". This was the picture perpetrated by Blackberry for the March Madge. There is a wreath around it lies molding in desolution. (Original stuff--wonder what it means?) ⌵⌃⌵⌃⌵⌃⌵⌃⌵⌃⌵⌃⌵⌃⌵⌃⌵⌃⌵⌃⌵⌃⌵ Fun for All (a Laf a Line) or "Filler Up" by Pierre Lewis & Roy Squires "Life internal" or "Microbes Within", a great importale by a Germ man, a story with plenty of inside information. "Don Smelz of the H.A.M.", by Clifton B. Crude--lotsa atmosfere. "The Bite of the Dog Star", another import, by Arab Idog. (Egypt us!) Fiction for rabid fans--a toothsome tale that will pooch you in a mood that'll leave its mark. "The Molting Pullet", of egg-special interest to persons interested in fowl transformations. "The Saga of Millikan's Vest". "Strange Incision" by Eotta Mender. Will have you in stitches. "Immorality Peekers". "The shades of nite were falling fast but he got a good glimpse anyhow." One of the classex. It will give you a new view on the shape of things & stuff. Sincerely, [St?] A. [Cobletz?]
Hevelin Fanzines