Imagination, v. 1, issue 11, whole no. 11, August 1938
Page 13
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IMAGINATION #11 38 Aug 13 VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION A note of explanation for the new reader: The July issue of "Madge", nickname for IMAGINATION!, was an experimental number, staff surrendering completely its editing & composition to Chas D. Hornig--former managing editor Gernsback Wonder, founder the SFL, publisher the onetime prominent Fantasy Fan--, an Honorary Member the LA Chapt of the Leag, who was vacationing in Southern Calif. The following 5 pgs--& possibly, at your insistance we can squeeze in a few extra paragrafs to make up for last month's "skimpy" section--will found to b commendations aswelas condemnations of Ye Guest Ed's divers divergencys from the pattern previously employed in producing Madge. Responsibility reinvested in the co-operative corps of co-editors, once again this Vox Fan dept features its establisht system of publishing communciations in the order of their recept, reproduced with facsimile of each sender's signature & duplicating, accurate as our tired typists can copy, the different distinctive styles of the writers. Unless reuested otherwise your adres will appear with your letter. Persons requiring personal replys shoud inclose the nominl fee of $50. We feel no one will object to this ruling when it is reveald 50% of all moneys so collected reimburse on the running expenses of that indispensible World Peace-of-Mind organization, the Anti-Ackermanese Assn. The remaining 1/2 is divided equaly between the Society of Searching out Sudonyms & the Pension Plan for Exhausted Editors.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Typs WM SCHILLINGS of New Montgomery, San Francisco/Cal: "Charlie issued a real interesting 'Imagination' and I think that it is more what the readers want. ~~Dr. Keller's 'Sign of the Burning Hart' is a little gem. It's on the order of "Of Mice And Men'. It gives one courage to carry on. I see no reason why it shouldn't become a best-seller. ~~ The Hyberian Age' is a worthy work. I would like to have known its author. It's too bad a fellow like that has to go at such an early age. Strange as this may seem it was only after reading :The Hyberian Age' that I read my first story by Howard, 'The Slithering Shadow'. It has whetted my appetitle for more. ~~ I have always maintained that a magazine should be prompt and regular in its appearance in order to retain its readers' interest. You can certainly be commended on that score--among others. Nancy Featherstone, a girl of great wit, writes from 205 Ventura, Altadena/Cal: "Darling 'Madge", the pampered pet of the points west--Mr. Hornig, Karle the Main (Charlemagne?) -- did nie pretty little as Gust - I mean Guest Editor. S'very inaresting how an ed's personality spreads thru a magazine. ~~ There were some very drastic changes in the set-up-- I like the double columns & elite print. Don't care so much for the ads in the front 2nd & 3rd pages. Liked the top half of the cover, but would like drawing in the lower half too. I like the way the articles are headed too. ~~ Mr. Bradburymenot slow me in his Mathematical Minus, so I write this kommunikje (Miss Featherstone is an Esperantistine) from Lethe ( Lethe we forget). Isn't it wonderful how much he taught us? - I wish he would explain the theory of dynamic symmetry now, as applied to Claire Voyant and Erdstolulov. Don't look now, but I really think we have something there. ~~ In WDE by R. Wilson, I was intrigued to read about a table which 'graoned (gross exageration).' Now I admire that bracketed remark. It was a miracle of understatement. Because if there is one thing I cant bear to have around me, its a graoning table. They mess up the place so. ) Of course its barely possible that the person who cut that there stencil may be yielding to subsersive English pronunciation--and it came out there. Caveat Emptor. Mr. Shroyer's biography shows him to be a man of perspi-- --perspi --- well, wit and spleen (oh yes perspicacity -not perspiration, little Eva). And I liked his review of [Resurrection?]. ~~ Brackish Wells - now there's a name, full of sweetness and light-- and a writer with a bit of Central Avenue. Me, I like F. Jophtha Ackerman's humor, joos a bit better. Both of 'em clevah but the latter not so earthy, if you
IMAGINATION #11 38 Aug 13 VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION A note of explanation for the new reader: The July issue of "Madge", nickname for IMAGINATION!, was an experimental number, staff surrendering completely its editing & composition to Chas D. Hornig--former managing editor Gernsback Wonder, founder the SFL, publisher the onetime prominent Fantasy Fan--, an Honorary Member the LA Chapt of the Leag, who was vacationing in Southern Calif. The following 5 pgs--& possibly, at your insistance we can squeeze in a few extra paragrafs to make up for last month's "skimpy" section--will found to b commendations aswelas condemnations of Ye Guest Ed's divers divergencys from the pattern previously employed in producing Madge. Responsibility reinvested in the co-operative corps of co-editors, once again this Vox Fan dept features its establisht system of publishing communciations in the order of their recept, reproduced with facsimile of each sender's signature & duplicating, accurate as our tired typists can copy, the different distinctive styles of the writers. Unless reuested otherwise your adres will appear with your letter. Persons requiring personal replys shoud inclose the nominl fee of $50. We feel no one will object to this ruling when it is reveald 50% of all moneys so collected reimburse on the running expenses of that indispensible World Peace-of-Mind organization, the Anti-Ackermanese Assn. The remaining 1/2 is divided equaly between the Society of Searching out Sudonyms & the Pension Plan for Exhausted Editors.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Typs WM SCHILLINGS of New Montgomery, San Francisco/Cal: "Charlie issued a real interesting 'Imagination' and I think that it is more what the readers want. ~~Dr. Keller's 'Sign of the Burning Hart' is a little gem. It's on the order of "Of Mice And Men'. It gives one courage to carry on. I see no reason why it shouldn't become a best-seller. ~~ The Hyberian Age' is a worthy work. I would like to have known its author. It's too bad a fellow like that has to go at such an early age. Strange as this may seem it was only after reading :The Hyberian Age' that I read my first story by Howard, 'The Slithering Shadow'. It has whetted my appetitle for more. ~~ I have always maintained that a magazine should be prompt and regular in its appearance in order to retain its readers' interest. You can certainly be commended on that score--among others. Nancy Featherstone, a girl of great wit, writes from 205 Ventura, Altadena/Cal: "Darling 'Madge", the pampered pet of the points west--Mr. Hornig, Karle the Main (Charlemagne?) -- did nie pretty little as Gust - I mean Guest Editor. S'very inaresting how an ed's personality spreads thru a magazine. ~~ There were some very drastic changes in the set-up-- I like the double columns & elite print. Don't care so much for the ads in the front 2nd & 3rd pages. Liked the top half of the cover, but would like drawing in the lower half too. I like the way the articles are headed too. ~~ Mr. Bradburymenot slow me in his Mathematical Minus, so I write this kommunikje (Miss Featherstone is an Esperantistine) from Lethe ( Lethe we forget). Isn't it wonderful how much he taught us? - I wish he would explain the theory of dynamic symmetry now, as applied to Claire Voyant and Erdstolulov. Don't look now, but I really think we have something there. ~~ In WDE by R. Wilson, I was intrigued to read about a table which 'graoned (gross exageration).' Now I admire that bracketed remark. It was a miracle of understatement. Because if there is one thing I cant bear to have around me, its a graoning table. They mess up the place so. ) Of course its barely possible that the person who cut that there stencil may be yielding to subsersive English pronunciation--and it came out there. Caveat Emptor. Mr. Shroyer's biography shows him to be a man of perspi-- --perspi --- well, wit and spleen (oh yes perspicacity -not perspiration, little Eva). And I liked his review of [Resurrection?]. ~~ Brackish Wells - now there's a name, full of sweetness and light-- and a writer with a bit of Central Avenue. Me, I like F. Jophtha Ackerman's humor, joos a bit better. Both of 'em clevah but the latter not so earthy, if you
Hevelin Fanzines