Imagination, v. 1, issue 11, whole no. 11, August 1938
Page 14
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14 ---uh-follow me? ~~ Thank you, Herr Hornig, for squelching Monsier Michel a bit. ~~ Ah I nearly forgot to comment on Morojo's fine review. What I want to know is, why did she finish her review with kisses (XXXXXX--sic) and not even Sammy Moskowitz did? Perhaps this should be pursued- 'How now, Petruchio'? ~~ Greatly have I enjoyed the recently received early issues of Madge --she has matured very rapidly and efficiently. I thot the No. 3 cover was especially good. I hope Mooney gets a full pardon too, blimee. Madge is taking great strides forward in every way ( tho not in all directions). Let me congratulate all concerned on the meatiness that it contains. Each issue I find more to put my teeth into. ~~ And so, mein friends- strength to your arm. bBy devious means, I have snaffled onto a dime, the which I enclose for the Augusto numero. May the August issue surpass the Julie, and infinitum." Postcard comments from RAM, 333 E Belgrade St; Philadelphia/Pa: "Congratulations on the best issue to date! All of Hornig's innovations please me, and I hope they will be continued. I was especially pleased by the spelling -- curiously enough it was in ENGLISH! -- and good old present day English at that. I laughed myself sick at Brackish Wells' 'Who is Daw.' However, I'll bet Wollheim didn't even snicker! Who is this mysterious Brackish Wells? It couldn't be Shroyer or Bradbury could it? If not, then it's Hank Kuttner. 'Mathematica Minus' was also to my liking; as was Sam's 'Disillusion.' As I already knew that James is Forrie's middle name, (rong tense--shoud be was. --"J") the article was not illuminating. Hornig's answer to Michel's letter appealed to me -- but why did Hornig state (when answering Moskie's letter) that 'accusing Michel of being a Communist is a very serious charge'? After all, Michel is merely a member of the Young Communists League!" (I think that was sposed to b funny! Hornig humor .--Madge) J.C. Lark evidences a keen interest in Madge's contents with his lengthy analysis which comes to us from Coronado/Cal: "Publishers, IMAGINATION!:- Let me commend you on your experimental attitude. It might be most interesting to give other members of your club an issue to edit and allow your oberworkt, I do not doubt, 'compositors' as you term those worthy individuals, a merited relief. This issue edited by Squires-2d' or 'Henry Kuttner, Ghost Editor' might produce some interesting changes, perhaps valuable & permanent. But perhaps that is not feasible. You folks know your own better than I and perhaps they do not all have the ability, time, inclination or one thing & another, to edit an issue. Furthermore, on second thot I'm not so cert. I favor my own idea (inconsistent cuss, ain't I!) ("The customer is always right!") as 't'would tend toward incoherency, I'm afraid. Know what I mean? (Quite) New Policys all the time... ~~ Your clever compositors had created an intriuging personality for Madge the Imaginary which, frankly (fan to fan, you know), I don't find evident in the July CDHornig, number. Madge, this month, dos not sport her usual zpi & sparkle, nattiness of dress, modernity, infectious humor-- ~~ The cover, I will admit, I liked all right. Such plain covers should be prfectly permissible any time it's too tough for your artists (by this meaning Mooney, Hodge & Boks--but not Bradbury) to evolve really imaginative idea for the month. Improvement, the shadingof the title. ~~ Why the reversion to plain large-size type on the first few pages? (Vogue was available but YGE preferd Ortho) ~~ What happend to WOW this month! Reduced to one-third its recent size is robbery! ~~ Whatever induced YGE to accept 'Disillusion'?! It reads like it was written 2 or 3 yrs ago & is entirely too melodramatic. ~~ 'The Perfect Story' a perfect waste of space. Why weren't some Questions & Ansrs or some of the other regular items used in place of those puerile fillers? ~~ Where were those several new 'pyrotechnicolumns' forecasted? (One wasnt ready, the other YGE considerd too "touchy") ~~ Your 'great English find' reads suspiciously to me like that Hollerbloken in disguise. Several of the puns were swiped, do you deny it, 'Archy'? (Ray replys: "Eskimo Christians Italian Noel Ice!") But that volcanicrack (howzat Ack?) (Acksellent!) was a lava lifetime! ~~ A-Gordon to Ax' review of 'Skipy's Stript Tumors' the serial is insidiusly antimisholistik & as such shoud b surprest. Th Ruler of th World, Ming or Nichol? Only Time wil tel. (Will Tell rolls over in his grave, at the foregoing, to declare: "Archer like to know what Lark's talking about!" So shoud I, tho I hate to b in the same class as Wm Tell--he
14 ---uh-follow me? ~~ Thank you, Herr Hornig, for squelching Monsier Michel a bit. ~~ Ah I nearly forgot to comment on Morojo's fine review. What I want to know is, why did she finish her review with kisses (XXXXXX--sic) and not even Sammy Moskowitz did? Perhaps this should be pursued- 'How now, Petruchio'? ~~ Greatly have I enjoyed the recently received early issues of Madge --she has matured very rapidly and efficiently. I thot the No. 3 cover was especially good. I hope Mooney gets a full pardon too, blimee. Madge is taking great strides forward in every way ( tho not in all directions). Let me congratulate all concerned on the meatiness that it contains. Each issue I find more to put my teeth into. ~~ And so, mein friends- strength to your arm. bBy devious means, I have snaffled onto a dime, the which I enclose for the Augusto numero. May the August issue surpass the Julie, and infinitum." Postcard comments from RAM, 333 E Belgrade St; Philadelphia/Pa: "Congratulations on the best issue to date! All of Hornig's innovations please me, and I hope they will be continued. I was especially pleased by the spelling -- curiously enough it was in ENGLISH! -- and good old present day English at that. I laughed myself sick at Brackish Wells' 'Who is Daw.' However, I'll bet Wollheim didn't even snicker! Who is this mysterious Brackish Wells? It couldn't be Shroyer or Bradbury could it? If not, then it's Hank Kuttner. 'Mathematica Minus' was also to my liking; as was Sam's 'Disillusion.' As I already knew that James is Forrie's middle name, (rong tense--shoud be was. --"J") the article was not illuminating. Hornig's answer to Michel's letter appealed to me -- but why did Hornig state (when answering Moskie's letter) that 'accusing Michel of being a Communist is a very serious charge'? After all, Michel is merely a member of the Young Communists League!" (I think that was sposed to b funny! Hornig humor .--Madge) J.C. Lark evidences a keen interest in Madge's contents with his lengthy analysis which comes to us from Coronado/Cal: "Publishers, IMAGINATION!:- Let me commend you on your experimental attitude. It might be most interesting to give other members of your club an issue to edit and allow your oberworkt, I do not doubt, 'compositors' as you term those worthy individuals, a merited relief. This issue edited by Squires-2d' or 'Henry Kuttner, Ghost Editor' might produce some interesting changes, perhaps valuable & permanent. But perhaps that is not feasible. You folks know your own better than I and perhaps they do not all have the ability, time, inclination or one thing & another, to edit an issue. Furthermore, on second thot I'm not so cert. I favor my own idea (inconsistent cuss, ain't I!) ("The customer is always right!") as 't'would tend toward incoherency, I'm afraid. Know what I mean? (Quite) New Policys all the time... ~~ Your clever compositors had created an intriuging personality for Madge the Imaginary which, frankly (fan to fan, you know), I don't find evident in the July CDHornig, number. Madge, this month, dos not sport her usual zpi & sparkle, nattiness of dress, modernity, infectious humor-- ~~ The cover, I will admit, I liked all right. Such plain covers should be prfectly permissible any time it's too tough for your artists (by this meaning Mooney, Hodge & Boks--but not Bradbury) to evolve really imaginative idea for the month. Improvement, the shadingof the title. ~~ Why the reversion to plain large-size type on the first few pages? (Vogue was available but YGE preferd Ortho) ~~ What happend to WOW this month! Reduced to one-third its recent size is robbery! ~~ Whatever induced YGE to accept 'Disillusion'?! It reads like it was written 2 or 3 yrs ago & is entirely too melodramatic. ~~ 'The Perfect Story' a perfect waste of space. Why weren't some Questions & Ansrs or some of the other regular items used in place of those puerile fillers? ~~ Where were those several new 'pyrotechnicolumns' forecasted? (One wasnt ready, the other YGE considerd too "touchy") ~~ Your 'great English find' reads suspiciously to me like that Hollerbloken in disguise. Several of the puns were swiped, do you deny it, 'Archy'? (Ray replys: "Eskimo Christians Italian Noel Ice!") But that volcanicrack (howzat Ack?) (Acksellent!) was a lava lifetime! ~~ A-Gordon to Ax' review of 'Skipy's Stript Tumors' the serial is insidiusly antimisholistik & as such shoud b surprest. Th Ruler of th World, Ming or Nichol? Only Time wil tel. (Will Tell rolls over in his grave, at the foregoing, to declare: "Archer like to know what Lark's talking about!" So shoud I, tho I hate to b in the same class as Wm Tell--he
Hevelin Fanzines