Imagination, v. 1, issue 11, whole no. 11, August 1938
Page 15
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IMAGINATION! #11 38 Aug was such a(n)arrow-minded individual! --Madge) ~~ 'Way Down East' best in the issue. ~~ I do not care for Shroyer's facetious interview. Possibly, this is because I do not care for Shroyer; a pseudo-intellectual. ~~ 'So You're Going to Publish a Fanmag' so-so. I am not. ~~ 'Ether Eeries' fair. I can ether take 'em or leave 'em alone. ~~ 'Who is DAW' hilariously funny but in terrific taste. A case, I'd call it, for your newly formed council on controversy. Or was it a case of Scotch & the bibulous FBSchroyer? (Liquor, you can't accuse me of being bibulous----I ain't got no truck with the bible!--FBS) ~~ Whatsa idea, CDH, chizeling the Vix Pip Dept down to 20% of the contents 'stead of the increase to 25% promist previous month? Also what happend to all the interesting signtures?--not only in the reader's section, incidently, but thruout the issue? I do not regard that as an improvement. Altho, if the letters--& particularly any part of mine--are not run, again, this time, in the unique 'sic' style, it will make a great improvement on them! Mind you don't mistake my meaning: I use the Columbusystem of typing--find a key and land on it; an efficient proof-reader could make me out a lot more accurate than I am--but I immensely enjoyd reading the letters just the way they 'was wrote'. Intended humor or unconscious error in Ric. Wilson's 'a dying woman wired her boyhood sweetheart--?' Her boyhood sweetheart? Sounds sexational to me! ~~ Herr Haeussler's review: couldnt get any sense out of it--was it complete? (No) But lots of meat in Morojo's. More from Morojo! ~~ A highlite of humor was Claire Voyant's (good guess?) (yes) exposay of the meza nomo (middle name, to me) of that Ackernomo (man, to you!) ~~ Any hr now I'll end this. But before I do, have a few more remarks to make--about the make-up. I shall have to leave it to more decisive readers to determine whether either, neither or both--re the double-column question and new arrangement of the legend on ea. pg.--are adopted, as I can't make up my mind which I prefer--it makes little difference to me. I have no objection to CDH's method of commencing paragrafs with standard indentation & caps tho I will say that for my own personal use I have swung over to the J's way & of course the compositors'd find it quicker. I don't know to what extent Mr Hornig took it upon himself to edit but he obviously didnt pay much attention to the English. The grammar was noticeably inferior. I noted verbs which did not agree with subjects, misspellings, improper punctuations, & perfectly impossible wordivisions (it's contagious!), example: pe-ncil, acc-pted, ot-her. ~~ Will you kindly see that Miss Douglas gets the inclosed 20¢ for a copy of the (sic July) 'Croo-ked Road'." Harry Werner, Jr., Editor, SPACWEWAYS, "the magazine for the interested fan", includes some news with his comments, which come from 311 Bryan Pl, Hagerstown/Md: "The July issue is the best yet, it seems, and the use of regular spelling makes for much easier reading though I won't kick if you return to Ackermanese. But you simply must go back to the single column format, for you waste not a little space with two columns. Thanks a lot for the notices on SPACEWAYS in this issue and the last one--incidentally, Jack Williamson is also scheduled to appear in an early issue, and there's a possibility that Eric Frank Russell may also be in an issue sooner or later. (Same possibility re Russell in IMAGINATION!) It may not appear until the first of October the way things are shaping up now, but we'll make a definite announcement before very long. Getting back to MADGE, I'm glad to see that the Michelism debate has been dropped, for it had no place in sfn. Mathematica Minus was great, and Way Down East was especially interesting to those of us, who, fortunately perhaps, weren't able to get to the convention. All in all, YGE has done a fine job on his issue, and keep up the good work." Another editor, Richard Wilson, Jr.--the Science Fiction News Letter, 85-10 117 St; Richmond Hill/NY, on impressive printed stationery in an airvelope type: "Messrs. et Mesdames: Dont ever let Madge get out of your hands again! Charles D. Hornig's guest editing came as close to ruining it as you did the first issue. No more double-columning, please. They don't look nice unless they're even-edged. CDH's editorial remarks, compared to yours, were feeble. His method of arranging the readers' section was a mess. The only good points about the issue (which would concern Ye Guest Ed.) were the return.
IMAGINATION! #11 38 Aug was such a(n)arrow-minded individual! --Madge) ~~ 'Way Down East' best in the issue. ~~ I do not care for Shroyer's facetious interview. Possibly, this is because I do not care for Shroyer; a pseudo-intellectual. ~~ 'So You're Going to Publish a Fanmag' so-so. I am not. ~~ 'Ether Eeries' fair. I can ether take 'em or leave 'em alone. ~~ 'Who is DAW' hilariously funny but in terrific taste. A case, I'd call it, for your newly formed council on controversy. Or was it a case of Scotch & the bibulous FBSchroyer? (Liquor, you can't accuse me of being bibulous----I ain't got no truck with the bible!--FBS) ~~ Whatsa idea, CDH, chizeling the Vix Pip Dept down to 20% of the contents 'stead of the increase to 25% promist previous month? Also what happend to all the interesting signtures?--not only in the reader's section, incidently, but thruout the issue? I do not regard that as an improvement. Altho, if the letters--& particularly any part of mine--are not run, again, this time, in the unique 'sic' style, it will make a great improvement on them! Mind you don't mistake my meaning: I use the Columbusystem of typing--find a key and land on it; an efficient proof-reader could make me out a lot more accurate than I am--but I immensely enjoyd reading the letters just the way they 'was wrote'. Intended humor or unconscious error in Ric. Wilson's 'a dying woman wired her boyhood sweetheart--?' Her boyhood sweetheart? Sounds sexational to me! ~~ Herr Haeussler's review: couldnt get any sense out of it--was it complete? (No) But lots of meat in Morojo's. More from Morojo! ~~ A highlite of humor was Claire Voyant's (good guess?) (yes) exposay of the meza nomo (middle name, to me) of that Ackernomo (man, to you!) ~~ Any hr now I'll end this. But before I do, have a few more remarks to make--about the make-up. I shall have to leave it to more decisive readers to determine whether either, neither or both--re the double-column question and new arrangement of the legend on ea. pg.--are adopted, as I can't make up my mind which I prefer--it makes little difference to me. I have no objection to CDH's method of commencing paragrafs with standard indentation & caps tho I will say that for my own personal use I have swung over to the J's way & of course the compositors'd find it quicker. I don't know to what extent Mr Hornig took it upon himself to edit but he obviously didnt pay much attention to the English. The grammar was noticeably inferior. I noted verbs which did not agree with subjects, misspellings, improper punctuations, & perfectly impossible wordivisions (it's contagious!), example: pe-ncil, acc-pted, ot-her. ~~ Will you kindly see that Miss Douglas gets the inclosed 20¢ for a copy of the (sic July) 'Croo-ked Road'." Harry Werner, Jr., Editor, SPACWEWAYS, "the magazine for the interested fan", includes some news with his comments, which come from 311 Bryan Pl, Hagerstown/Md: "The July issue is the best yet, it seems, and the use of regular spelling makes for much easier reading though I won't kick if you return to Ackermanese. But you simply must go back to the single column format, for you waste not a little space with two columns. Thanks a lot for the notices on SPACEWAYS in this issue and the last one--incidentally, Jack Williamson is also scheduled to appear in an early issue, and there's a possibility that Eric Frank Russell may also be in an issue sooner or later. (Same possibility re Russell in IMAGINATION!) It may not appear until the first of October the way things are shaping up now, but we'll make a definite announcement before very long. Getting back to MADGE, I'm glad to see that the Michelism debate has been dropped, for it had no place in sfn. Mathematica Minus was great, and Way Down East was especially interesting to those of us, who, fortunately perhaps, weren't able to get to the convention. All in all, YGE has done a fine job on his issue, and keep up the good work." Another editor, Richard Wilson, Jr.--the Science Fiction News Letter, 85-10 117 St; Richmond Hill/NY, on impressive printed stationery in an airvelope type: "Messrs. et Mesdames: Dont ever let Madge get out of your hands again! Charles D. Hornig's guest editing came as close to ruining it as you did the first issue. No more double-columning, please. They don't look nice unless they're even-edged. CDH's editorial remarks, compared to yours, were feeble. His method of arranging the readers' section was a mess. The only good points about the issue (which would concern Ye Guest Ed.) were the return.
Hevelin Fanzines