Imagination, v. 1, issue 11, whole no. 11, August 1938
Page 18
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18 without whom I can pleasurfully do. Few things would please me more than to spend paragraphs on Sammy's multifarious mistakes, but rather than run this thing's already vanishingly slight possibility of publication, I skip it. (Sorry to cut this short but space draws close to end & we shoud like to let several others have a say--OK? We publish just one more paragraf of yours.) ** Litterio Farsaci strikes the nail on the noggin with his OK on Michelism. If, as he says, it 'does its little part toward making the world a better place to live in', it fulfills its purpose, and therefore justifies its existence, No?" Marisue Clanton of 802N10 Av, Phoenix/Ariz, exercises "a woman's privilege": "In March I wrote to you and said that Madge was a little bit of nothing whittled down to a fine point. But, after seeing the July issue of Madge I've decided that all previous issues up to July were nerely perfect. I apologize for being so nasty in my decision. I hope the L.A. Chapter has sense enough to allow Mr Ackerman and Miss Douglass to continue without any more intereference. ** The arrangement of the contents was terrible. Especially the ads. Whose bright idea was it to put them on the second and third pages? ** The double columns caused a lot of unnecessary work and I'm sure that much more can be written on a page which is not divided.~~ By experimenting I found that not nerely so much eye-motion was necessary when you used the old method of paragraphing. But the new way makes the mag appear much neater. (It shoud b kept in mind by "old way" Marisue means the "neway employd thruout this issue & all others except the July)~~ I didn't like the way the pages were titled because the issue did not match on either side. The new way of titling the articles is better, although it does take up more valuable space. (We have "reverted" to the "old") ** Small type should be used all through the mag. (Isn't feasible, Marisue. Maybe Russ'll explain more about this in WOW which, at this time, has not yet been written.) ** I don't see why you can't have a picture on the cover. It make a person wonder what is inside if they see a crazy picture on the front of a mag. ** The best article in the mag was Bradbury's 'Mathematicia Minus. Did he really write it all by himself? ** The following were all good: 'Fantiscience Flashes,' 'Disillusion,' Morojo's 'Book-Review,' 'Imagi-nik-nax; Way Down East,' 'So You're going to publish a Fan Mag (Rather dull but something has to be serius) 'Resurrection! ** 'Who is Daw' wasn't so hot. ** 'Voice of Imagination' was putrid. All personality was lost because of the way the letters were mutilated. ** I knew nothing about Fredrick Shroyer before I read his biography(?) and I still don't know any more about him after reading it. I suggest they interview him again. I'll have to admit the article was very amusing. ** Reading time was cut in half because of the lack of Ackermanese. I want Madge to last as long as possible so use Ack-lang hereafter. ** Y.G.E. must stand for 'Your Great Error'" THE CORE OF THEIR COMMENTS: Azygous: "Enclosed please find one (1) capsule of trinitrotoluene with which please blow A. Bradbury from the face of the earth. ~~ Now that Forrie's finished with Mr. Gordon, perhaps he'll review the Lone Ranger for me. I missed chapter six. ~~ Hornig was horrible. // Wollheim: "Latest issue of Madge just fair. Double-columns take away from what correct spelling gives. Moskowitz's ravings usual meaningless tripe... I can give absolute assurance that DAW is not DAW. It's two other guys." // Kuslan: "The article I liked best was 'Way Down East'... ~~ Everything else was passable, if only because it was readable. ~~ The only thing wrong with the issue was the omission of my last letter. I shall sue for a sum of not less than $100,000. ( something suspicious, eh?)." // FOR THE RECORDS: Letters to "Madge" for July arived in this order: Azygous, Farsaci, Lowndes, Baker, Hart, Michel, Wilson, Speer, Moskowitz, Miske, Kuslan, BASeufert. Said Seufert "I am well pleased with Imagination. Keep it as it is." // An airmail special delivery order fro "CarLewiSeelbach" was acompanyd by this request: "Please annoy me some more with more ackermanovelies & ackermaneologismstuntz. No objection! no objectshun! to bak nos of Imagination" (of which he bought $'s worth). // Ted Carnell of England compliments: "I like IMAGINATION! so much--I think the magazine has rapidly won to top place in the US fan publications." // Preview of a Panning! (Complete criticism next month) Jolts JCMiske: "Boy, this issue is rotten! ~~ Why didn't someone strangle Hornig...? ~~ Won't you please go back to your old style of compositing."
18 without whom I can pleasurfully do. Few things would please me more than to spend paragraphs on Sammy's multifarious mistakes, but rather than run this thing's already vanishingly slight possibility of publication, I skip it. (Sorry to cut this short but space draws close to end & we shoud like to let several others have a say--OK? We publish just one more paragraf of yours.) ** Litterio Farsaci strikes the nail on the noggin with his OK on Michelism. If, as he says, it 'does its little part toward making the world a better place to live in', it fulfills its purpose, and therefore justifies its existence, No?" Marisue Clanton of 802N10 Av, Phoenix/Ariz, exercises "a woman's privilege": "In March I wrote to you and said that Madge was a little bit of nothing whittled down to a fine point. But, after seeing the July issue of Madge I've decided that all previous issues up to July were nerely perfect. I apologize for being so nasty in my decision. I hope the L.A. Chapter has sense enough to allow Mr Ackerman and Miss Douglass to continue without any more intereference. ** The arrangement of the contents was terrible. Especially the ads. Whose bright idea was it to put them on the second and third pages? ** The double columns caused a lot of unnecessary work and I'm sure that much more can be written on a page which is not divided.~~ By experimenting I found that not nerely so much eye-motion was necessary when you used the old method of paragraphing. But the new way makes the mag appear much neater. (It shoud b kept in mind by "old way" Marisue means the "neway employd thruout this issue & all others except the July)~~ I didn't like the way the pages were titled because the issue did not match on either side. The new way of titling the articles is better, although it does take up more valuable space. (We have "reverted" to the "old") ** Small type should be used all through the mag. (Isn't feasible, Marisue. Maybe Russ'll explain more about this in WOW which, at this time, has not yet been written.) ** I don't see why you can't have a picture on the cover. It make a person wonder what is inside if they see a crazy picture on the front of a mag. ** The best article in the mag was Bradbury's 'Mathematicia Minus. Did he really write it all by himself? ** The following were all good: 'Fantiscience Flashes,' 'Disillusion,' Morojo's 'Book-Review,' 'Imagi-nik-nax; Way Down East,' 'So You're going to publish a Fan Mag (Rather dull but something has to be serius) 'Resurrection! ** 'Who is Daw' wasn't so hot. ** 'Voice of Imagination' was putrid. All personality was lost because of the way the letters were mutilated. ** I knew nothing about Fredrick Shroyer before I read his biography(?) and I still don't know any more about him after reading it. I suggest they interview him again. I'll have to admit the article was very amusing. ** Reading time was cut in half because of the lack of Ackermanese. I want Madge to last as long as possible so use Ack-lang hereafter. ** Y.G.E. must stand for 'Your Great Error'" THE CORE OF THEIR COMMENTS: Azygous: "Enclosed please find one (1) capsule of trinitrotoluene with which please blow A. Bradbury from the face of the earth. ~~ Now that Forrie's finished with Mr. Gordon, perhaps he'll review the Lone Ranger for me. I missed chapter six. ~~ Hornig was horrible. // Wollheim: "Latest issue of Madge just fair. Double-columns take away from what correct spelling gives. Moskowitz's ravings usual meaningless tripe... I can give absolute assurance that DAW is not DAW. It's two other guys." // Kuslan: "The article I liked best was 'Way Down East'... ~~ Everything else was passable, if only because it was readable. ~~ The only thing wrong with the issue was the omission of my last letter. I shall sue for a sum of not less than $100,000. ( something suspicious, eh?)." // FOR THE RECORDS: Letters to "Madge" for July arived in this order: Azygous, Farsaci, Lowndes, Baker, Hart, Michel, Wilson, Speer, Moskowitz, Miske, Kuslan, BASeufert. Said Seufert "I am well pleased with Imagination. Keep it as it is." // An airmail special delivery order fro "CarLewiSeelbach" was acompanyd by this request: "Please annoy me some more with more ackermanovelies & ackermaneologismstuntz. No objection! no objectshun! to bak nos of Imagination" (of which he bought $'s worth). // Ted Carnell of England compliments: "I like IMAGINATION! so much--I think the magazine has rapidly won to top place in the US fan publications." // Preview of a Panning! (Complete criticism next month) Jolts JCMiske: "Boy, this issue is rotten! ~~ Why didn't someone strangle Hornig...? ~~ Won't you please go back to your old style of compositing."
Hevelin Fanzines