Imagination, v. 1, issue 11, whole no. 11, August 1938
Page 19
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IMAGINATION! #11 38 Aug 19 CLASSIFY-ADS Rates: 6 charactrs...1c; 3 consecutiv inserts same ad, 9 chrs...1c. "pr"--pricelist, 1c; 'gc'--good condish, 2c; "sae"--stampt-adrest envelope, 3c. 1/4 pg, 75c, 1/2, $1.25; full-$2 For Sale All (Rail)Roads Lead To SHEP'S SHOP! Blatt, Bleiler, Marconette, Miske, Lemaire, Weinman & All The Fans r making their Wants known to "Henderson of Hollywood", Scientifantasy Salesman Extraordinary of---Shep's Shop! Back Nos. all the Big Boys & many the obscure Special! 12 Selected Storys by Cath L. MOORE Bound, Stampt in Gold. $4 ppd. SCIENCE FICTION BIBLIOGRAPHY. 25c. W. Wright, 3504W3,LA Scientifantasy Pseudonyms, 100 pro. 10c. RJHodgkins: 1903W84 P1, LA. HPL: "Celephais", 75c; "Nameless City", 50c; "Sarnath", 35c. Keller: "Dead Woman", 50c; "Wolf Hollow Bubbles", 50c; "Golden Bough", 45c; "Binding Deluxe", 35c; "The Typewriter", 25c; "Television Detective", 10c. REH: "Garden of Fear", 40c; "Soloman Kane's Homecoming", 25c. "The Crooked Road", 20c. Myrtle R. Douglas: Bx 6475 Metro Sta, LA. "Drink We Deep", the Merrittesque Zagatale. 50c. Perry L. Lewis: 309 S Everett St. Glendale/Cal. "Shambleau, Scarlet Dream, Black Thirst, Brite Illusion, Greater Glorys" & 1/2 doz additional memorable phantasyarns by CLMoore bound, stmpt in gold. $4 ppd. Shep's, 5518 H'wood Bd: h'wood. THE HYBORIAN AGE ~ Howard ~ Introduction HPL "Conan's Career" Memoriam Volume $.35 RJHodgkins 1903W84 P1 Losangeles SCIENCE FICTION NEWS LETTER. Weekly. 5¢ 8 months old. 86-10 17 St, Richmond Hill, NY SCIENCE FICTION CONVENTION BKLETS--Several Sets of 7, including The Convention Crier, Conventioneer, Cosmos, Different, Wonder Fiction Annual &c. 75c ppd. Jack Erman: Modern Apts, 3d & Vermont; Los Angeles/Cal. NECRONOMICON'S HISTORY! HPL. 15c. W. Wright: 3504W3, LA. Why, black is hack. Don't b a backnumber--buy a green & brown typewriteribbon! Average of 1 sale every 10 days last month. Ackerman on his 3d ribbon, Yerke his 4th! & Roy A. Squires II secures his first! ppd any place (namemake machine) $. Morojo: Bx 6475 Met Sta, LA. Wanted: SFL Insignia. Bradbury: 1619 S St Andrews Pl. LA Wanted: from ayjay editors, info about & sample copys of f.m.'s & other pubs. RAS: 1745 Kenneth, Glendale/Cal. IMAGINATION! Back Nos.: #1 (One Copy Only!) $; 2, 25c; 3, 30c; 4, 35c; 5, 30c; 6 & 7, 15c ea; 8, 9, 10 - 10c apiece. Bx 6475, Metropolitan Station, Los Angeles/California. First Come--first served!
IMAGINATION! #11 38 Aug 19 CLASSIFY-ADS Rates: 6 charactrs...1c; 3 consecutiv inserts same ad, 9 chrs...1c. "pr"--pricelist, 1c; 'gc'--good condish, 2c; "sae"--stampt-adrest envelope, 3c. 1/4 pg, 75c, 1/2, $1.25; full-$2 For Sale All (Rail)Roads Lead To SHEP'S SHOP! Blatt, Bleiler, Marconette, Miske, Lemaire, Weinman & All The Fans r making their Wants known to "Henderson of Hollywood", Scientifantasy Salesman Extraordinary of---Shep's Shop! Back Nos. all the Big Boys & many the obscure Special! 12 Selected Storys by Cath L. MOORE Bound, Stampt in Gold. $4 ppd. SCIENCE FICTION BIBLIOGRAPHY. 25c. W. Wright, 3504W3,LA Scientifantasy Pseudonyms, 100 pro. 10c. RJHodgkins: 1903W84 P1, LA. HPL: "Celephais", 75c; "Nameless City", 50c; "Sarnath", 35c. Keller: "Dead Woman", 50c; "Wolf Hollow Bubbles", 50c; "Golden Bough", 45c; "Binding Deluxe", 35c; "The Typewriter", 25c; "Television Detective", 10c. REH: "Garden of Fear", 40c; "Soloman Kane's Homecoming", 25c. "The Crooked Road", 20c. Myrtle R. Douglas: Bx 6475 Metro Sta, LA. "Drink We Deep", the Merrittesque Zagatale. 50c. Perry L. Lewis: 309 S Everett St. Glendale/Cal. "Shambleau, Scarlet Dream, Black Thirst, Brite Illusion, Greater Glorys" & 1/2 doz additional memorable phantasyarns by CLMoore bound, stmpt in gold. $4 ppd. Shep's, 5518 H'wood Bd: h'wood. THE HYBORIAN AGE ~ Howard ~ Introduction HPL "Conan's Career" Memoriam Volume $.35 RJHodgkins 1903W84 P1 Losangeles SCIENCE FICTION NEWS LETTER. Weekly. 5¢ 8 months old. 86-10 17 St, Richmond Hill, NY SCIENCE FICTION CONVENTION BKLETS--Several Sets of 7, including The Convention Crier, Conventioneer, Cosmos, Different, Wonder Fiction Annual &c. 75c ppd. Jack Erman: Modern Apts, 3d & Vermont; Los Angeles/Cal. NECRONOMICON'S HISTORY! HPL. 15c. W. Wright: 3504W3, LA. Why, black is hack. Don't b a backnumber--buy a green & brown typewriteribbon! Average of 1 sale every 10 days last month. Ackerman on his 3d ribbon, Yerke his 4th! & Roy A. Squires II secures his first! ppd any place (namemake machine) $. Morojo: Bx 6475 Met Sta, LA. Wanted: SFL Insignia. Bradbury: 1619 S St Andrews Pl. LA Wanted: from ayjay editors, info about & sample copys of f.m.'s & other pubs. RAS: 1745 Kenneth, Glendale/Cal. IMAGINATION! Back Nos.: #1 (One Copy Only!) $; 2, 25c; 3, 30c; 4, 35c; 5, 30c; 6 & 7, 15c ea; 8, 9, 10 - 10c apiece. Bx 6475, Metropolitan Station, Los Angeles/California. First Come--first served!
Hevelin Fanzines