Sun Spots, v. 7, issue 1, whole no. 27, Spring 1946
Page 6
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Spring, 1946 SUN SPOTS Page 6 "Charts and statistics," growled Levinson, "are the life-blood of my business." "And your business is the life-blood of you!" "Yet you want I should get away from it." "That's my advice. No man can live year after year on his own blood. You can't; that's the whole trouble with you. That's why medicine or operations are perfectly useless in your case." "Bah!" Levinson was frowning again. "I have a notion that you doctors recommend the rest cure when you don't know what's wrong. I don't want to rest; I want something that will put me in shape to keep on working. I don't believe it's my business that's doing this to me; for twenty-five years I've lived, eaten, slept, and dreamt this business, and never until the first time I called you have I felt an hour's sickness. And now these damned spells -- better, worse, better, worse! -- How could it be my business?" "Well," observed Kurtius, "there's no way of proving it to you. I've told you my diagnosis; that's all I can do. You'll find out sooner or later that I am right." "I don't believe it," said Levinson stubbornly. "Well, as I said, there's no way of proving it to you." "You doctors," continued Levinson, "spend your efforts treating symptoms instead of causes. Because I am tired I must go somewhere and rest; because I can't sleep I must go out somewhere and exercise; because I have no appetite I must get away from my business! Why don't you find why I am tired, and can't sleep or eat? I should run my business like that and in a year I'd be broke -- machullah!" "Didn't you ever hear of functional disorders?" queried Kurtius mildly. "Am I the doctor or you?" "Functional disorders are those where there's nothing the matter with the patient -- that is organically. Nothing wrong except in the mind or nervous system." "Hah! Imaginary sickness I've got." "It's not imaginary. Functional troubles are just as real as organic ones, and sometimes a damn sight harder to treat -- especially," he added,"if the patient won't cooperate." "And you think my business is doing that?"
Spring, 1946 SUN SPOTS Page 6 "Charts and statistics," growled Levinson, "are the life-blood of my business." "And your business is the life-blood of you!" "Yet you want I should get away from it." "That's my advice. No man can live year after year on his own blood. You can't; that's the whole trouble with you. That's why medicine or operations are perfectly useless in your case." "Bah!" Levinson was frowning again. "I have a notion that you doctors recommend the rest cure when you don't know what's wrong. I don't want to rest; I want something that will put me in shape to keep on working. I don't believe it's my business that's doing this to me; for twenty-five years I've lived, eaten, slept, and dreamt this business, and never until the first time I called you have I felt an hour's sickness. And now these damned spells -- better, worse, better, worse! -- How could it be my business?" "Well," observed Kurtius, "there's no way of proving it to you. I've told you my diagnosis; that's all I can do. You'll find out sooner or later that I am right." "I don't believe it," said Levinson stubbornly. "Well, as I said, there's no way of proving it to you." "You doctors," continued Levinson, "spend your efforts treating symptoms instead of causes. Because I am tired I must go somewhere and rest; because I can't sleep I must go out somewhere and exercise; because I have no appetite I must get away from my business! Why don't you find why I am tired, and can't sleep or eat? I should run my business like that and in a year I'd be broke -- machullah!" "Didn't you ever hear of functional disorders?" queried Kurtius mildly. "Am I the doctor or you?" "Functional disorders are those where there's nothing the matter with the patient -- that is organically. Nothing wrong except in the mind or nervous system." "Hah! Imaginary sickness I've got." "It's not imaginary. Functional troubles are just as real as organic ones, and sometimes a damn sight harder to treat -- especially," he added,"if the patient won't cooperate." "And you think my business is doing that?"
Hevelin Fanzines