Sun Spots, v. 7, issue 1, whole no. 27, Spring 1946
Page 13
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Spring, 1946 SUN SPOTS Page 13 LATE NEWS ITEMS FLASH! A new book, entitled "The Best in Science Fiction", will shortly be released by the Crown Book Company of New York. The book runs about 900 pages in length and will sell for $3. It contains about 60 science fiction short stories and novelets culled from the pages of Astounding, Wonder, Amazing, etc. There is an introduction written by John Campbell, Jr., editor of Astounding. Among the yarns included int he book are stories by Robert Heinlein, Austin Hall, Raymond Gallun, Murray Leinster, David Keller and most of the other top-flight authors of science fiction. Advance reports say that the book will probably be the greatest and most popular anthology of stf yet to be printed. Unlike most past anthologies, the old masters, Poe, Doyle, and Wells, are represented by only one story each and the emphasis is on modern-day authors. Keep your eyes pealed for this volume.... "This Time Stream" by John Taine has been released in book form by the Buffalo Book Company. The novel is available from 271 Doyle Avenue, Providence, 7, R.I. for $3. The book is similar in format to the Arkham House publications and well worth the rpice asked.... An article by the late Charles Fort has been reprinted in the current issue of Encore Magazine....Walt Dunkelberger has finally published the Christmas number of Fanews, which contains a number of fan photos. Dunk fails to explain the month and a half delay.... Moskowitz, Fox, and Kennedy held an informal meeting at chez Kennedy on February 3, at which times plans were formulated for the coming Eastern Conference....The first issue Fantascience Fan is out from Van Splawn. It's only a one-page release dealing mainly with the recent radar yarn. Van states that Lionell Innman and Wallis Knighton, both of Ripley, Tenn., are planning a new fanzine. Innman will be remembered as the editor of the now defunct Vulcan.... George Fox of Rahway, N.J., will soon mail out the first issue of his fanzine Speculations. Joe Kennedy, who mimeographed this mag, says its 17 pages are well stocked with interesting material.... For those who perhaps won't get a copy of Kennedy's Fantasy Review of 1945, we'll give you a quick glance at some of his poll results. About 40 fans voted. Best fantasy books of 1945: 1. "Portanle Novels of Science" (Wollheim); 2. "Best Supernatural Stories of H.P. Lovecraft"; 3. "Ship of Ishtar" (Merritt); 4. "The Opener of the Way" (Bloch); 5. "Marginalia"(Lovecraft)....Best magazine stories of 1945: 1. "World of A" (Van Vogt); 2. "Nomad" (Long); 3. "Giant Killer" (Chandler); 4. "Destiny Times Three" (Leiber); 5. "Boats of the 'Glen Carrig'" (Hodgson). Top stf authors of 1945: 1. Kuttner/Padgett; 2. Van Vogt; 3. Asimov; 4. GO Smith/Long; 5. Leinster; 6. Rocklynne. Top fans of 1945: 1. Laney; 2. Dunlelberger; 3. Searless; 4. Tucker; 5. Moskovitz; 6. Speer; 7. Ackerman; 8. Leibscher; 9. de la Ree; 10. Burbee finis
Spring, 1946 SUN SPOTS Page 13 LATE NEWS ITEMS FLASH! A new book, entitled "The Best in Science Fiction", will shortly be released by the Crown Book Company of New York. The book runs about 900 pages in length and will sell for $3. It contains about 60 science fiction short stories and novelets culled from the pages of Astounding, Wonder, Amazing, etc. There is an introduction written by John Campbell, Jr., editor of Astounding. Among the yarns included int he book are stories by Robert Heinlein, Austin Hall, Raymond Gallun, Murray Leinster, David Keller and most of the other top-flight authors of science fiction. Advance reports say that the book will probably be the greatest and most popular anthology of stf yet to be printed. Unlike most past anthologies, the old masters, Poe, Doyle, and Wells, are represented by only one story each and the emphasis is on modern-day authors. Keep your eyes pealed for this volume.... "This Time Stream" by John Taine has been released in book form by the Buffalo Book Company. The novel is available from 271 Doyle Avenue, Providence, 7, R.I. for $3. The book is similar in format to the Arkham House publications and well worth the rpice asked.... An article by the late Charles Fort has been reprinted in the current issue of Encore Magazine....Walt Dunkelberger has finally published the Christmas number of Fanews, which contains a number of fan photos. Dunk fails to explain the month and a half delay.... Moskowitz, Fox, and Kennedy held an informal meeting at chez Kennedy on February 3, at which times plans were formulated for the coming Eastern Conference....The first issue Fantascience Fan is out from Van Splawn. It's only a one-page release dealing mainly with the recent radar yarn. Van states that Lionell Innman and Wallis Knighton, both of Ripley, Tenn., are planning a new fanzine. Innman will be remembered as the editor of the now defunct Vulcan.... George Fox of Rahway, N.J., will soon mail out the first issue of his fanzine Speculations. Joe Kennedy, who mimeographed this mag, says its 17 pages are well stocked with interesting material.... For those who perhaps won't get a copy of Kennedy's Fantasy Review of 1945, we'll give you a quick glance at some of his poll results. About 40 fans voted. Best fantasy books of 1945: 1. "Portanle Novels of Science" (Wollheim); 2. "Best Supernatural Stories of H.P. Lovecraft"; 3. "Ship of Ishtar" (Merritt); 4. "The Opener of the Way" (Bloch); 5. "Marginalia"(Lovecraft)....Best magazine stories of 1945: 1. "World of A" (Van Vogt); 2. "Nomad" (Long); 3. "Giant Killer" (Chandler); 4. "Destiny Times Three" (Leiber); 5. "Boats of the 'Glen Carrig'" (Hodgson). Top stf authors of 1945: 1. Kuttner/Padgett; 2. Van Vogt; 3. Asimov; 4. GO Smith/Long; 5. Leinster; 6. Rocklynne. Top fans of 1945: 1. Laney; 2. Dunlelberger; 3. Searless; 4. Tucker; 5. Moskovitz; 6. Speer; 7. Ackerman; 8. Leibscher; 9. de la Ree; 10. Burbee finis
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