Queens SFL Bulletin, v. 1, issue 1, whole no. 1, February 10, 1941
Page 2
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The QUEENS SFL BULLETIN is published this once by Mr. and Mrs. William S. Sykora of P.O. box 84, Elmont, N.Y. whoe are mailing to all members of the Queens Science Fiction League and their freidns whose address they possess. ----------------------------------- SUPPORT QUEENS SCIENCE FICTION LEAGUE ----------------------------------- Cont'd from the First Page: The next order of business will be, as usual, a recess for dues collection. Then we will introduce the celebrities, and we hope to have some there, who will make their usual very interesting talks. There probably will not be much old business, but tho new business will consist in electing a new chairman, Secretary-Treasurer, and Librarion. The telephone call which I received at our meeting of January 2, was from Bob Studley, our Librarian, who asked me to announce to the members that he had obtained work which took his time on Sundays and so could not attend meetings or hold the office of Librarian. Unfortunately, I was unable to report this at the time. We should also at this Feb. meetingstake some action on expenditures from the treasury. Such expenditures ought not to be made without previously notifying membership and getting their approval. The reason I would like to suggest this reform is because of the tremendous outlay of cash that has taken place in the past few months. Another thing that we should do is make some definite arrangements for taking care of visitors whose presencemay prove obnoxious to some of our members. There is no reason why our regular members should be inconvenienced or annoyed by the appearance of persons they do not like. After all we have an election of membership candidates where a member may effectively voice his objection to some prospective member, why not have something on the same style for visitors who may have been unwisely invited on some official's initiative? Then something should be done to increase interest in our Library. At our last meeting I had hoped to introduce a resolution that we use all funds from the Raffle to buy new books. Probably the most interesting work of fantasy obtainable today is the Lovecraft Omnibus. Yet probably no member would be willing to donate this from his collection if for no other reason than its $5.00 price. But the Raffle could easily pay for this book in perhaps one meeting, and our Librarian would have some money, not only to make the Library more valuable, but actually give his office some weight. Under this idea, our club could possibly buy at least one brand new book or rare out-of-print book each month, and our members instead of being apathetic to our Library would become avidly interested in it. Many other things could be settled at this meeting for there will be practically no time limit, and maybe I can even wangle upsome refreshments for us all. MEETING DETAILS ! ! ! ! ! TIME: 3:00 P.M. SHARP! PLACE: 31-51 41st Street, Long Island City, N.Y. SUBWAYS: IRT, BMT, Independent STATIONS: Broadway ASTORIA for IRT and BMT, Steinway Street for Independent FROM BROADWAY: Walk nine short blocks EAST to 41st Street, turn left up 41st at MOOSE HALL. FROM SUBWAY: Walk NORTH to Broadway 1/2 block left at MOOSE HALL up 41st Street. The house is about 1/2 way up the block COME AND ENJOY 7 reels of stfilms, refreshments (I hope), and a swell meeting. AND BRING A FRIEND WITH YOU IF HE ENJOYS READING SCIENCE FICTION!!
The QUEENS SFL BULLETIN is published this once by Mr. and Mrs. William S. Sykora of P.O. box 84, Elmont, N.Y. whoe are mailing to all members of the Queens Science Fiction League and their freidns whose address they possess. ----------------------------------- SUPPORT QUEENS SCIENCE FICTION LEAGUE ----------------------------------- Cont'd from the First Page: The next order of business will be, as usual, a recess for dues collection. Then we will introduce the celebrities, and we hope to have some there, who will make their usual very interesting talks. There probably will not be much old business, but tho new business will consist in electing a new chairman, Secretary-Treasurer, and Librarion. The telephone call which I received at our meeting of January 2, was from Bob Studley, our Librarian, who asked me to announce to the members that he had obtained work which took his time on Sundays and so could not attend meetings or hold the office of Librarian. Unfortunately, I was unable to report this at the time. We should also at this Feb. meetingstake some action on expenditures from the treasury. Such expenditures ought not to be made without previously notifying membership and getting their approval. The reason I would like to suggest this reform is because of the tremendous outlay of cash that has taken place in the past few months. Another thing that we should do is make some definite arrangements for taking care of visitors whose presencemay prove obnoxious to some of our members. There is no reason why our regular members should be inconvenienced or annoyed by the appearance of persons they do not like. After all we have an election of membership candidates where a member may effectively voice his objection to some prospective member, why not have something on the same style for visitors who may have been unwisely invited on some official's initiative? Then something should be done to increase interest in our Library. At our last meeting I had hoped to introduce a resolution that we use all funds from the Raffle to buy new books. Probably the most interesting work of fantasy obtainable today is the Lovecraft Omnibus. Yet probably no member would be willing to donate this from his collection if for no other reason than its $5.00 price. But the Raffle could easily pay for this book in perhaps one meeting, and our Librarian would have some money, not only to make the Library more valuable, but actually give his office some weight. Under this idea, our club could possibly buy at least one brand new book or rare out-of-print book each month, and our members instead of being apathetic to our Library would become avidly interested in it. Many other things could be settled at this meeting for there will be practically no time limit, and maybe I can even wangle upsome refreshments for us all. MEETING DETAILS ! ! ! ! ! TIME: 3:00 P.M. SHARP! PLACE: 31-51 41st Street, Long Island City, N.Y. SUBWAYS: IRT, BMT, Independent STATIONS: Broadway ASTORIA for IRT and BMT, Steinway Street for Independent FROM BROADWAY: Walk nine short blocks EAST to 41st Street, turn left up 41st at MOOSE HALL. FROM SUBWAY: Walk NORTH to Broadway 1/2 block left at MOOSE HALL up 41st Street. The house is about 1/2 way up the block COME AND ENJOY 7 reels of stfilms, refreshments (I hope), and a swell meeting. AND BRING A FRIEND WITH YOU IF HE ENJOYS READING SCIENCE FICTION!!
Hevelin Fanzines