Sun Spots, v. 5, issue 1, whole no. 17, April 1941
Page 16
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April, 1941. SUN SPOTS Page 16. ADVERTISMENTS STARLIGHTER'S MART Back issues of the CALIFORNIA MERCURY are available for very small sums. Issue number six can be obtained for only ten sents which is the combined Convention and LASFS issue. The preceeding number can be had at the original price of five cents. The second issue of TCM, may be had for only 15 cents. This is the first issue to be published separately and contains the first news of the proposed Northern Calif. Futurians, now the Golden Gate Futurians. The old issues of THE COMET are a rarity indeed and most collectors demand a very high price. I ahve the first issue in perfect condition for 50 cents. That includes a rare cover which few fans received and several slip-ins. The second issue may be had for 25 cents. It is the issue which Stfandom declared the perfectly hecktoed copy and has damon knight's picture and autobiography. The third issue sells for the same and has the Daugherty pic and autobi,which originally sold separately. This is the first mimeographed number and is printed in color. Fourth and Fifth issues may be had for only 15 cents. I have only one of each, and both are rare. The former has a different cover than most, and the latter was never distributed. Souvenirs of the Northern California Conference may be obtained for only five cents. With each order, a DAWN circular is sent free of charge. Also, the dummy of the fifth TC may be had for only 15 cents. I am selling Wright originals! I hate to partwith them, but necessity forces me to do so in order to carry on with other Stfan activities. Fifty cents each and they're worth four times that amount. There is a pastel, a SPACEWAYS cover, another cover, and a superb pen and ink. I have what he considers his best work to date, which sells for one dollar. I have raised the price on it, for I do not wish to part with this drawing unless it is practical in a sense of dividends. Thoursen's original for Warner's "Horror's Cellar", which is better than the mimeod version, can also be had for 50 cents. No orders under fifty cents can be taken. Every order entitles the sender to the nest issue of THE CALIFORNIA MERCURY at half prices! J.J. Foriter, 1836-39 Ave. Oakland California SUN SPOTS' DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT AS OF MARCH 9, 1941 Total number of paid subscribers: 34 Total number of Exchanges: 26 Total no. free complimentary issues: 6 Total no. Solaroids receiving free: 8 Grand total no. issues in regular subscriptions lists. 74 Well, dropped three subscribers since last time, gained one trad, despite failure of DETOURS, and suspension of LE ZOMBIE. Free issues remain the same. The editors. . . .
April, 1941. SUN SPOTS Page 16. ADVERTISMENTS STARLIGHTER'S MART Back issues of the CALIFORNIA MERCURY are available for very small sums. Issue number six can be obtained for only ten sents which is the combined Convention and LASFS issue. The preceeding number can be had at the original price of five cents. The second issue of TCM, may be had for only 15 cents. This is the first issue to be published separately and contains the first news of the proposed Northern Calif. Futurians, now the Golden Gate Futurians. The old issues of THE COMET are a rarity indeed and most collectors demand a very high price. I ahve the first issue in perfect condition for 50 cents. That includes a rare cover which few fans received and several slip-ins. The second issue may be had for 25 cents. It is the issue which Stfandom declared the perfectly hecktoed copy and has damon knight's picture and autobiography. The third issue sells for the same and has the Daugherty pic and autobi,which originally sold separately. This is the first mimeographed number and is printed in color. Fourth and Fifth issues may be had for only 15 cents. I have only one of each, and both are rare. The former has a different cover than most, and the latter was never distributed. Souvenirs of the Northern California Conference may be obtained for only five cents. With each order, a DAWN circular is sent free of charge. Also, the dummy of the fifth TC may be had for only 15 cents. I am selling Wright originals! I hate to partwith them, but necessity forces me to do so in order to carry on with other Stfan activities. Fifty cents each and they're worth four times that amount. There is a pastel, a SPACEWAYS cover, another cover, and a superb pen and ink. I have what he considers his best work to date, which sells for one dollar. I have raised the price on it, for I do not wish to part with this drawing unless it is practical in a sense of dividends. Thoursen's original for Warner's "Horror's Cellar", which is better than the mimeod version, can also be had for 50 cents. No orders under fifty cents can be taken. Every order entitles the sender to the nest issue of THE CALIFORNIA MERCURY at half prices! J.J. Foriter, 1836-39 Ave. Oakland California SUN SPOTS' DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT AS OF MARCH 9, 1941 Total number of paid subscribers: 34 Total number of Exchanges: 26 Total no. free complimentary issues: 6 Total no. Solaroids receiving free: 8 Grand total no. issues in regular subscriptions lists. 74 Well, dropped three subscribers since last time, gained one trad, despite failure of DETOURS, and suspension of LE ZOMBIE. Free issues remain the same. The editors. . . .
Hevelin Fanzines