Sun Spots, v. 5, issue 3, whole no. 19, August 1941
Page 6
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Page 6 SUN SPOTS THE TRASH BASKET By N. E. BODY FLASHES: Frederick Pohl is no longer editor of ASTONISHING and SUPER SCIENCE! The new editor will probably be one chosen from one of the other Fictioneer publications, possibly AIR WAR...Donald Wollheim's two mags, STIRRING and COSMIC will soon combine and become one magazine...SCIENCE FICTION and FUTURE FICTION, edited by "Doc" Lowndes will likewise combine and become one publication... Be on the lookout for a new science fiction mag to appear in the near future! Rumors circulating about this section of the country have it on reliable information that COMET is on the verge of a major collapse!...Joseph J. Millard, newcomer to Science Fiction lives in Westwood. Millard is the author of several stories which have appeared in AMAZING STORIES, and his novel "The Gods Hate Kansas" will appear in the next issue of STARTLING... This makes two famous stf authors that live in Westwood, for as most of you know Manly Wade Wellman also resides here...Otto Binder, perhaps the most famous of the current stf authors lives but a few miles away in Englewood, N. J.... RETRACTION -- SUN SPOTS' dedication of the April issue to one Earl Singleton, who as was brought out in Wollheim's article in our last issue, is not as dead as was suspected...Roderick Gaetz has sold another idea to Manly Wade Wellman, which that author plans to use in a novel he is at present writing...De la Ree's story, "Triumph of Time" appeared in MINUTE MAN comics. FAN MA[G?] REVIEWS: The June SPACEWAYS comes up with all contest material, with most of it being on the okay side. Front cover was fair, while back cover was slightly better...Charles Beling's FAN-ATIC appears for the third time with a sad note in the editorial telling of the end of SUN SPOTS. Tch, tch... The April issue of FANTASIA, which is the latest one seen hereabouts is one of the best looking mags yet to appear in fandom. All illustrations are of the highest type of fan art, and it looks as if this mag might be going places... The July FANTASITE appears with an excellent three-color cover by Phil Bronson, and some excellent material including the story of the proposed Newarkon, by Gerry de la Ree...From down Australia way comes the June ULTRA.. The cover of the issue is excellent, and the material is above average, and includes several pics of the Sydney Conference...The second issue of SNIDE brings us mirth and laughter, but not quite as much as the first issue did. It appears that this mag is practically an annual...(What say, damon?)...This winds up the Trash Basket, I guess, but let's put the old SUN SPOTS in the Basket, just for good measure. Throughout the entire 19 issues of SSp, the only feature which appeared regularly in each one is The Trash Basket! The Solaroid Club was two years old this July 24th. SUPPORT SUN SPOTS!! LOS ANGELES IN '42.
Page 6 SUN SPOTS THE TRASH BASKET By N. E. BODY FLASHES: Frederick Pohl is no longer editor of ASTONISHING and SUPER SCIENCE! The new editor will probably be one chosen from one of the other Fictioneer publications, possibly AIR WAR...Donald Wollheim's two mags, STIRRING and COSMIC will soon combine and become one magazine...SCIENCE FICTION and FUTURE FICTION, edited by "Doc" Lowndes will likewise combine and become one publication... Be on the lookout for a new science fiction mag to appear in the near future! Rumors circulating about this section of the country have it on reliable information that COMET is on the verge of a major collapse!...Joseph J. Millard, newcomer to Science Fiction lives in Westwood. Millard is the author of several stories which have appeared in AMAZING STORIES, and his novel "The Gods Hate Kansas" will appear in the next issue of STARTLING... This makes two famous stf authors that live in Westwood, for as most of you know Manly Wade Wellman also resides here...Otto Binder, perhaps the most famous of the current stf authors lives but a few miles away in Englewood, N. J.... RETRACTION -- SUN SPOTS' dedication of the April issue to one Earl Singleton, who as was brought out in Wollheim's article in our last issue, is not as dead as was suspected...Roderick Gaetz has sold another idea to Manly Wade Wellman, which that author plans to use in a novel he is at present writing...De la Ree's story, "Triumph of Time" appeared in MINUTE MAN comics. FAN MA[G?] REVIEWS: The June SPACEWAYS comes up with all contest material, with most of it being on the okay side. Front cover was fair, while back cover was slightly better...Charles Beling's FAN-ATIC appears for the third time with a sad note in the editorial telling of the end of SUN SPOTS. Tch, tch... The April issue of FANTASIA, which is the latest one seen hereabouts is one of the best looking mags yet to appear in fandom. All illustrations are of the highest type of fan art, and it looks as if this mag might be going places... The July FANTASITE appears with an excellent three-color cover by Phil Bronson, and some excellent material including the story of the proposed Newarkon, by Gerry de la Ree...From down Australia way comes the June ULTRA.. The cover of the issue is excellent, and the material is above average, and includes several pics of the Sydney Conference...The second issue of SNIDE brings us mirth and laughter, but not quite as much as the first issue did. It appears that this mag is practically an annual...(What say, damon?)...This winds up the Trash Basket, I guess, but let's put the old SUN SPOTS in the Basket, just for good measure. Throughout the entire 19 issues of SSp, the only feature which appeared regularly in each one is The Trash Basket! The Solaroid Club was two years old this July 24th. SUPPORT SUN SPOTS!! LOS ANGELES IN '42.
Hevelin Fanzines