Fantasy News, v. 1, issue 7, August 7, 1938
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A COSMIC PUBLICATION FANTASY-NEWS THE WEEKLY SCIENCE FICTION NEWSPAPER Volume I, Number 7 Sunday, August 7, 1938 3 issues for 10[cents] OUR OVERFLOW by SAM MOSKOWITZ Watch for Science-Fiction Fandoms greatest organization! NEW FANDOM! To form a new base for fan activities missing since the untimely death of "Fantasy Magazine". Backed by Moskowitz and Sykora, this is a sure-fire organization that will START with fifty members. Official organ out in a month. Something startling new. A composite cross-section of all science-fiction fandom. No copy of SFA, but as modern as tomorrow. Details in future issues of "FANTASY NEWS", in meantime contact Moskowitz or Sykora.......Second "Fantasy Review", the fan mag of fan mags out soon with great surprise...Sykora vacations in Prattsville, N.Y........."[Orttio?]" delayed because of Becks visit to his brother Clyde in Reno, Nevada...........DON'T BE FOOLED! New Comic mag entitled AMAZING MYSTERY FUNNIES with Flash Gordon type of cover is nothing but a trite, reprint comic book with only one extremely poor strip even remotely resembling stf....Official Newsdealers Guide gives information that the second issue of MARVEL will not be on the stands until sometime in September (From MARVEL's Editor, we hear that the 2nd issue will be (Continued on P.2. Col.1) OF INTEREST TO YOU CORNER The cover of THE AMERICAN NEWS TRADE JOURNAL, a monthly magazine given only to newsstands, has the pictures of over 20 pulp magazines, among them can clearly be seen the covers of ASTOUNDING, WEIRD, THRILLING WONDER, AMAZING and DOC SAVAGE, all covers being the August issue. Inside this publication are found the previews of most of the fantasy magazines except Marvel which is not mentioned at all.....With this issue of Fantasy News you'll find the first issue of SPACE LINES, INC. Drop us a post card telling us what you thought of it. If time and material permit, we will publish it monthly............A story by Marconette called, HE OF THE XANDI has just be accepted for the first issue of THE PLANETEER MAGAZINE. Work on this magazines has been started and it will be ready on or about October 15, 1938. AS WE GO TO PRESS by The Editor (August 6, 1938) As we go to Press today we receive a letter from OLON F. WIGGINS, which reads as follow: "I have just become father to a beautiful daughter, my second daughter, I might add. This along with other things has been the cause of FAN being delayed so long." Our congratulations, Olon. From Marconette we hear that the 4th issue of SCIENCE FANTASY MOVIE REVIEW has already been mailed out. We hear that Dale Hart has discovered a stf fan named Alfred Moskowitz, one of Sam's brother is also named Alfred. Mary Rogers will have a story in a future issue of GALAXY, Olon's FAPA mag. As per your letters, the OF INTEREST TO YOU CORNER received first place as being best liked, second came PREVIEWS OF THE PROS and following closly THE MOVIE CORNER, the best issue liked so far has been the 5th issue. Send in your letters and keep us informed what columns in this paper you like. Moskowitz column will be published weekly.
A COSMIC PUBLICATION FANTASY-NEWS THE WEEKLY SCIENCE FICTION NEWSPAPER Volume I, Number 7 Sunday, August 7, 1938 3 issues for 10[cents] OUR OVERFLOW by SAM MOSKOWITZ Watch for Science-Fiction Fandoms greatest organization! NEW FANDOM! To form a new base for fan activities missing since the untimely death of "Fantasy Magazine". Backed by Moskowitz and Sykora, this is a sure-fire organization that will START with fifty members. Official organ out in a month. Something startling new. A composite cross-section of all science-fiction fandom. No copy of SFA, but as modern as tomorrow. Details in future issues of "FANTASY NEWS", in meantime contact Moskowitz or Sykora.......Second "Fantasy Review", the fan mag of fan mags out soon with great surprise...Sykora vacations in Prattsville, N.Y........."[Orttio?]" delayed because of Becks visit to his brother Clyde in Reno, Nevada...........DON'T BE FOOLED! New Comic mag entitled AMAZING MYSTERY FUNNIES with Flash Gordon type of cover is nothing but a trite, reprint comic book with only one extremely poor strip even remotely resembling stf....Official Newsdealers Guide gives information that the second issue of MARVEL will not be on the stands until sometime in September (From MARVEL's Editor, we hear that the 2nd issue will be (Continued on P.2. Col.1) OF INTEREST TO YOU CORNER The cover of THE AMERICAN NEWS TRADE JOURNAL, a monthly magazine given only to newsstands, has the pictures of over 20 pulp magazines, among them can clearly be seen the covers of ASTOUNDING, WEIRD, THRILLING WONDER, AMAZING and DOC SAVAGE, all covers being the August issue. Inside this publication are found the previews of most of the fantasy magazines except Marvel which is not mentioned at all.....With this issue of Fantasy News you'll find the first issue of SPACE LINES, INC. Drop us a post card telling us what you thought of it. If time and material permit, we will publish it monthly............A story by Marconette called, HE OF THE XANDI has just be accepted for the first issue of THE PLANETEER MAGAZINE. Work on this magazines has been started and it will be ready on or about October 15, 1938. AS WE GO TO PRESS by The Editor (August 6, 1938) As we go to Press today we receive a letter from OLON F. WIGGINS, which reads as follow: "I have just become father to a beautiful daughter, my second daughter, I might add. This along with other things has been the cause of FAN being delayed so long." Our congratulations, Olon. From Marconette we hear that the 4th issue of SCIENCE FANTASY MOVIE REVIEW has already been mailed out. We hear that Dale Hart has discovered a stf fan named Alfred Moskowitz, one of Sam's brother is also named Alfred. Mary Rogers will have a story in a future issue of GALAXY, Olon's FAPA mag. As per your letters, the OF INTEREST TO YOU CORNER received first place as being best liked, second came PREVIEWS OF THE PROS and following closly THE MOVIE CORNER, the best issue liked so far has been the 5th issue. Send in your letters and keep us informed what columns in this paper you like. Moskowitz column will be published weekly.
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