Imagination, v. 2, issue 1, October 1938
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W̲e̲ ̲h̲a̲t̲e̲ ̲t̲o̲ ̲l̲o̲s̲e̲ ̲o̲u̲r̲ ̲e̲x̲c̲e̲l̲l̲e̲n̲t̲ ̲a̲d̲v̲e̲r̲t̲i̲s̲i̲n̲g̲ ̲m̲e̲d̲i̲u̲m̲! Reminding Imagi-nation we've assortment sff & fsy, from Argosyarns to Z-rays! List Wants—AI Once! SHEP'S SHOP: 5518 Hoilywood BIvd, Hollywood / Ca| (Pd $) "Tommy"' of TOMORROW to M̲a̲d̲g̲e̲ Sweet Dreams! A New SFN Fan Mag To Dawn Upon The Glorious 3d Planet SPACEWAYS Premier Issue Out Nov I F̲a̲r̲F̲I̲i̲t̲e̲ ̲o̲f̲ ̲t̲h̲e̲ ̲F̲u̲t̲u̲r̲e̲ by F J A Get on the Starwagon Early with Vol. 1 No. 1. Look at prices of first IMAGINATION IS! History - Will - Repeat - Self! Subscriptions & Literary Contributions Extremely Welcome. 10c per copy, 3 for 25c Jas S Avery, Assoc Ed 55 Middle St Skowhegan /Me IMAGINATION! #1 , $1; 2, 25c; 3, 30c; 4, 35c; 5, 30c; 6, 15c; 7, 25c 8 & 9, 10c; 10, 15c; 11-12 ea. 10c. Bx 6475 Met Sta, L.A. All the following fan items may be secured thru Bx 6475 Met Sta, LA; Dr Keller, pamflet, "The Television Detective" - 10c; Stf Authors! Pseudonyms (100), 10c; H̲i̲s̲t̲o̲r̲y̲ ̲o̲f̲ ̲t̲h̲e̲ ̲N̲e̲c̲r̲o̲n̲o̲m̲i̲c̲o̲n̲. HP Lovecraft - 15c; "The Crooked Road'' (nuf sed), 20c; Dr Keller's "The Typewriter", 25c; Stf Bibliog, 25c; 'Binding Deluxe" Keller - 36c; "RUR", Capek - 50c; "Last & First Men", Stapledon - 50c; "Wolf Hollow Bubbles", Keller ~ 50c; "Thru the Dragon Glass", Merritt - 50c; "Dunwich Horror", Lovecraft - 50c At 75c Set of 7 SF Convention (1st Natl) pubs; $: Green & Brown typewriter ribbon... BLIND SPOT, $2.50. SFD 32 NOV, $3.50. MINT, FIRST AMAZING; ANNUAL - §5 ea. FOO, O¢ Freyer's Last Bow—-. With the passing of Imagination I reluctantly put the dust cover on my typer far as scientifictional fandom is concerned. And considering the lusty and thouroughly enjoyable pogroms I've engaged in and with various prominent members of this aforesaid fandom I'd like to gather up a few loose ends and knot them before I put my rather checkered homespun away. To begin with here's an open sentence or two to Don Wollheim. Donald, I don't agree with your politics; I probably wouldn't like your brand of cigarettes; but Donald I've learned to think you're pretty much alright. I make no apologies for the DAW thing; I enjoyed writing it; but I will say this that when you took it good naturedly with the laconic comment, "DAW isn't DAW, he's two other guys", I LIKED you. Here's hoping we can cross pens again sometime. To Miske, Thanks for your letter in the September issue. You displayed that "good taste" which you so deplored as lacking in my writings, I feel that any article written by my self is a decided success when it can produce a hodge podge of sanctimonious shrieks, holier-than-thou's, and an abandoned descent to personalities, as my burlesque evoked from you. Knowing that you read Esquire (And look at the nast cartoons, too! I can understand your obvious sophistication. Then, too, there seems to be an idea in the minds of some that I was the machinery behind Madge's recent censorship program. I wish to say here and now that not only am I not guilty of this step but on the other hand I have fought it as best I could. I wish that I could draw some correlation in between this censorship policy and Madge's demise——but there are no grounds for it! So, curses, I can't set my face in smug lines and murmur, "I told you so"! And in conclusion please don't attribute last month's "Ressurection" [sic] to me. It w̲a̲s̲ ̲a full length review, but after having been bowlderized by the inimitable Mr. Ackerman and embroidered by numerous of his typical insertions ----- I relinquish my dubious paternity! Forrie is the Pop. And he's welcome to the changeling. S'long. (Advt, sic)
W̲e̲ ̲h̲a̲t̲e̲ ̲t̲o̲ ̲l̲o̲s̲e̲ ̲o̲u̲r̲ ̲e̲x̲c̲e̲l̲l̲e̲n̲t̲ ̲a̲d̲v̲e̲r̲t̲i̲s̲i̲n̲g̲ ̲m̲e̲d̲i̲u̲m̲! Reminding Imagi-nation we've assortment sff & fsy, from Argosyarns to Z-rays! List Wants—AI Once! SHEP'S SHOP: 5518 Hoilywood BIvd, Hollywood / Ca| (Pd $) "Tommy"' of TOMORROW to M̲a̲d̲g̲e̲ Sweet Dreams! A New SFN Fan Mag To Dawn Upon The Glorious 3d Planet SPACEWAYS Premier Issue Out Nov I F̲a̲r̲F̲I̲i̲t̲e̲ ̲o̲f̲ ̲t̲h̲e̲ ̲F̲u̲t̲u̲r̲e̲ by F J A Get on the Starwagon Early with Vol. 1 No. 1. Look at prices of first IMAGINATION IS! History - Will - Repeat - Self! Subscriptions & Literary Contributions Extremely Welcome. 10c per copy, 3 for 25c Jas S Avery, Assoc Ed 55 Middle St Skowhegan /Me IMAGINATION! #1 , $1; 2, 25c; 3, 30c; 4, 35c; 5, 30c; 6, 15c; 7, 25c 8 & 9, 10c; 10, 15c; 11-12 ea. 10c. Bx 6475 Met Sta, L.A. All the following fan items may be secured thru Bx 6475 Met Sta, LA; Dr Keller, pamflet, "The Television Detective" - 10c; Stf Authors! Pseudonyms (100), 10c; H̲i̲s̲t̲o̲r̲y̲ ̲o̲f̲ ̲t̲h̲e̲ ̲N̲e̲c̲r̲o̲n̲o̲m̲i̲c̲o̲n̲. HP Lovecraft - 15c; "The Crooked Road'' (nuf sed), 20c; Dr Keller's "The Typewriter", 25c; Stf Bibliog, 25c; 'Binding Deluxe" Keller - 36c; "RUR", Capek - 50c; "Last & First Men", Stapledon - 50c; "Wolf Hollow Bubbles", Keller ~ 50c; "Thru the Dragon Glass", Merritt - 50c; "Dunwich Horror", Lovecraft - 50c At 75c Set of 7 SF Convention (1st Natl) pubs; $: Green & Brown typewriter ribbon... BLIND SPOT, $2.50. SFD 32 NOV, $3.50. MINT, FIRST AMAZING; ANNUAL - §5 ea. FOO, O¢ Freyer's Last Bow—-. With the passing of Imagination I reluctantly put the dust cover on my typer far as scientifictional fandom is concerned. And considering the lusty and thouroughly enjoyable pogroms I've engaged in and with various prominent members of this aforesaid fandom I'd like to gather up a few loose ends and knot them before I put my rather checkered homespun away. To begin with here's an open sentence or two to Don Wollheim. Donald, I don't agree with your politics; I probably wouldn't like your brand of cigarettes; but Donald I've learned to think you're pretty much alright. I make no apologies for the DAW thing; I enjoyed writing it; but I will say this that when you took it good naturedly with the laconic comment, "DAW isn't DAW, he's two other guys", I LIKED you. Here's hoping we can cross pens again sometime. To Miske, Thanks for your letter in the September issue. You displayed that "good taste" which you so deplored as lacking in my writings, I feel that any article written by my self is a decided success when it can produce a hodge podge of sanctimonious shrieks, holier-than-thou's, and an abandoned descent to personalities, as my burlesque evoked from you. Knowing that you read Esquire (And look at the nast cartoons, too! I can understand your obvious sophistication. Then, too, there seems to be an idea in the minds of some that I was the machinery behind Madge's recent censorship program. I wish to say here and now that not only am I not guilty of this step but on the other hand I have fought it as best I could. I wish that I could draw some correlation in between this censorship policy and Madge's demise——but there are no grounds for it! So, curses, I can't set my face in smug lines and murmur, "I told you so"! And in conclusion please don't attribute last month's "Ressurection" [sic] to me. It w̲a̲s̲ ̲a full length review, but after having been bowlderized by the inimitable Mr. Ackerman and embroidered by numerous of his typical insertions ----- I relinquish my dubious paternity! Forrie is the Pop. And he's welcome to the changeling. S'long. (Advt, sic)
Hevelin Fanzines