Imagination, v. 2, issue 1, October 1938
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IMAGINATION! #13 38 Ach Voice of the IMAGI-NATION Faint Praise from FANDAMN Walter E. Marconette Boss of the Dayton Branch of EMPRESS Publications, 2120 Pershing Rd, boos & boosts. Bon-jour, amis: - Latest issue (August) of IMAGINATION! received, read, and properly filed away for future generations. Being in a rather nasty mood this month, I thought I'd write you some sort of comment. Said comment could be condensed to one word, 'PHOOIE'. However, to be a bit more genteel, I'll give a more detailed report. ~~ Mille. Talbert did a very nice job on the cover; in fact, the best I've ever seen on IMAGINATION! 'Way Out West' and 'Fantascience Flashes' were, as usual, interesting to the nth degree. Mille. 'Patti's' biography also rests in this class. Lowndes' short filler (I presume you clipped this from a letter?) is another one of those things: agree fully with parts of it, and in turn I disagree just as fully with other parts. Interesting, anyhow, Kuslan's article was not bad at all. 'Dead Reckoning' is typical of a certain school of humor. (Yeah, the kind U have to school yourself against! PD--Not Police Dept...Printer's Devil! What's that U say? IMAGINATION! isn't printed? That's the devil of it! Say, how long is this going on? Fade away, parenthetical post; we want Marconette!) Still good. Dr Acula's series still retains my interest. ~~ Well, sirs and mams, you may begin to wonder why that large 'phooie' was inserted in the first paragraph. (O no, we know; we already have read the letter.) I actually seem to be praising everything! Understand, I didn't mean most of the material, but rather the return to so-called 'modern' spelling. Damn!!!! (You heard me Acky! Yep,, and you too, Morojo!) (Me too, Pogo) Haven't we readers anything to say about this one point? If you don't watch out we'll have Michel and his pals down around your ears. It's pure dictatorship, you know. ~~ Until Madge drops Ackermanese, (probably never), I remain, Walter E. Marconette." (Now that's where U're wrong: After this issue U won't have to suffer any more simplifyd speling here. The question now comes to our craniums: U say until Madge drops Ackermanese U remain Walter E. Marconette...Who will U b afterward?? "P.S. I hereby give you permission to print what Dick Wilson said about you in the latest issue of SCIENTI-SNAPS. Or wouldn't you care too much for this honor?" Quote: What I Think of Present Day Fan Mags, by Richard Wilson Jr., from Scienti-Snaps Summer '38, pg 17. "~~On to IMAGINATION!, one of the top-notch fan magazines. It is edited by an intelligent bunch of fans, and is extremely neat. Articles, stories, interviews, and reviews of plays, radio dramas, and movies are all presented in its pages. The magazine has an appreciative and critical clientele, as evidenced by the lively readers' columns. A delightful informality and sense of humor is weilded by the publishers. The one item that stands out like a sore thum (as they would say) is its overindulgence in so called Ackermanisms; the use of extremely abbreviated and telescoped English. Ackerman, Morojo, and Pogo seem to be the outstanding exponents of this outlandish outrage, with Hodgkins, Yerke, and Lewis the conscientious objectors. The rest of the staff seems indifferent. The best solution of the problem would appear a vote among the readers to decide the issue. If such a course has occurred to FJA & Co, they more than likely will not make use of it, through fear of overwhelming opposition of public opinion." --Well, Walt! Ted CARNELL--Science-Fiction Service--117 Burwash Rd, Plumstead; London SE18/England, comments: "Mille gracias for MADGE, here 2 days back. Boost previous words of praise still higher with statement that mag is easily tops now. Your writing staff is a wow. You may know that at SFA monthly meetings here I spout a column entitled FANS AND FAN
IMAGINATION! #13 38 Ach Voice of the IMAGI-NATION Faint Praise from FANDAMN Walter E. Marconette Boss of the Dayton Branch of EMPRESS Publications, 2120 Pershing Rd, boos & boosts. Bon-jour, amis: - Latest issue (August) of IMAGINATION! received, read, and properly filed away for future generations. Being in a rather nasty mood this month, I thought I'd write you some sort of comment. Said comment could be condensed to one word, 'PHOOIE'. However, to be a bit more genteel, I'll give a more detailed report. ~~ Mille. Talbert did a very nice job on the cover; in fact, the best I've ever seen on IMAGINATION! 'Way Out West' and 'Fantascience Flashes' were, as usual, interesting to the nth degree. Mille. 'Patti's' biography also rests in this class. Lowndes' short filler (I presume you clipped this from a letter?) is another one of those things: agree fully with parts of it, and in turn I disagree just as fully with other parts. Interesting, anyhow, Kuslan's article was not bad at all. 'Dead Reckoning' is typical of a certain school of humor. (Yeah, the kind U have to school yourself against! PD--Not Police Dept...Printer's Devil! What's that U say? IMAGINATION! isn't printed? That's the devil of it! Say, how long is this going on? Fade away, parenthetical post; we want Marconette!) Still good. Dr Acula's series still retains my interest. ~~ Well, sirs and mams, you may begin to wonder why that large 'phooie' was inserted in the first paragraph. (O no, we know; we already have read the letter.) I actually seem to be praising everything! Understand, I didn't mean most of the material, but rather the return to so-called 'modern' spelling. Damn!!!! (You heard me Acky! Yep,, and you too, Morojo!) (Me too, Pogo) Haven't we readers anything to say about this one point? If you don't watch out we'll have Michel and his pals down around your ears. It's pure dictatorship, you know. ~~ Until Madge drops Ackermanese, (probably never), I remain, Walter E. Marconette." (Now that's where U're wrong: After this issue U won't have to suffer any more simplifyd speling here. The question now comes to our craniums: U say until Madge drops Ackermanese U remain Walter E. Marconette...Who will U b afterward?? "P.S. I hereby give you permission to print what Dick Wilson said about you in the latest issue of SCIENTI-SNAPS. Or wouldn't you care too much for this honor?" Quote: What I Think of Present Day Fan Mags, by Richard Wilson Jr., from Scienti-Snaps Summer '38, pg 17. "~~On to IMAGINATION!, one of the top-notch fan magazines. It is edited by an intelligent bunch of fans, and is extremely neat. Articles, stories, interviews, and reviews of plays, radio dramas, and movies are all presented in its pages. The magazine has an appreciative and critical clientele, as evidenced by the lively readers' columns. A delightful informality and sense of humor is weilded by the publishers. The one item that stands out like a sore thum (as they would say) is its overindulgence in so called Ackermanisms; the use of extremely abbreviated and telescoped English. Ackerman, Morojo, and Pogo seem to be the outstanding exponents of this outlandish outrage, with Hodgkins, Yerke, and Lewis the conscientious objectors. The rest of the staff seems indifferent. The best solution of the problem would appear a vote among the readers to decide the issue. If such a course has occurred to FJA & Co, they more than likely will not make use of it, through fear of overwhelming opposition of public opinion." --Well, Walt! Ted CARNELL--Science-Fiction Service--117 Burwash Rd, Plumstead; London SE18/England, comments: "Mille gracias for MADGE, here 2 days back. Boost previous words of praise still higher with statement that mag is easily tops now. Your writing staff is a wow. You may know that at SFA monthly meetings here I spout a column entitled FANS AND FAN
Hevelin Fanzines