Phantagraph, v. 8, issue 3, whole 32, August 1940
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THE PHANTAGRAPH Edited and Published by Donald A. Wollheim, Robert W. Lowdes, and John B. Michel at 2574 Bedford Ave. Brooklyn, New York. Members Fantasy Amateur Press Association. Price: ten cents per copy; three for twenty-five cents, or six issues for fifty cents -- no subscriptions in excess of fifty cents accepted. Phantagraph will exchange with any other fan maga-zine published regularly. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vol. 8 No. 3 August, 1940 Whole Number 32 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- LA LUNE DES MORTES Recall the hideous brightness of the stars that leered Above the stricken town in awful ecstacy, Where hooded, silent shapes moved on relentlessly, With wooden carts, along the cobbled streets. There reared Before us, as we fled, a cairn -- made hastily -- Of twisted, putrid forms the day before had seen Among us: sunken eyes, and flesh turned lurid green, And lipless mouths that laughed in mirthless mockery, We saw. ... Yet, life was there amidst that horrid pile, The life we dreaded so: the living things that wreak Such horror as we know. ... And then the pallid moon Shone evilly upon us, bathed us with its sheen Of madness: for I saw, against your white flesh, vile, As my lips pressed on yours, the tokens on your cheek. - - ROBERT W. LOWNDES
THE PHANTAGRAPH Edited and Published by Donald A. Wollheim, Robert W. Lowdes, and John B. Michel at 2574 Bedford Ave. Brooklyn, New York. Members Fantasy Amateur Press Association. Price: ten cents per copy; three for twenty-five cents, or six issues for fifty cents -- no subscriptions in excess of fifty cents accepted. Phantagraph will exchange with any other fan maga-zine published regularly. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vol. 8 No. 3 August, 1940 Whole Number 32 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- LA LUNE DES MORTES Recall the hideous brightness of the stars that leered Above the stricken town in awful ecstacy, Where hooded, silent shapes moved on relentlessly, With wooden carts, along the cobbled streets. There reared Before us, as we fled, a cairn -- made hastily -- Of twisted, putrid forms the day before had seen Among us: sunken eyes, and flesh turned lurid green, And lipless mouths that laughed in mirthless mockery, We saw. ... Yet, life was there amidst that horrid pile, The life we dreaded so: the living things that wreak Such horror as we know. ... And then the pallid moon Shone evilly upon us, bathed us with its sheen Of madness: for I saw, against your white flesh, vile, As my lips pressed on yours, the tokens on your cheek. - - ROBERT W. LOWNDES
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