Shangri-La, July 1941
Page 10
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--------------------------------------------------------------------- PAGE 10 SHANGRI-LA --------------------------------------------------------------------- THE CASE OF JONATHAN Q. FANN by JUDGE HOY PING PONG As the lone figure struggled up the inclune, a brassy tin horn somewhere in the background burst forth with a single tinny snort. An old man with square specs and a long white beard looked up from his game of cribbage to peer between the bars of the gate: "Cripes! Another'n!" At the peal of the horn the figure straightened, glanced about to note if he was seen, and marched proudly up to the shining Gates, chest out and manner pompous. At a command from an unseen watchman he stopped. From somewhere a cherub appeared, unfolded a scroll and read the local equivalent of the Riot Act. The figure before the gates gathered himself up in proud disdain, as if the cherub had openly hinted that he needed policing! The cherub vanished, and the old man stepped forth, specs in hand. "What's your name?" he snapped. "The name, honorable sir," replied "it", "is Jonathan Q. Fann. I was known far and wide on Earth as 'Grand Old Fann'." "We don't need the fancy gaff around here young feller," square-specs snorted. "We're plain ordinary folks, speaking plain langwich, and we don't put up with airs. Now. You seek admission. By the rules and regulations of the Establishment, we must first inquire into your past. You may commence; skip nothing important." "Do you mean, venerable one, that I am to recount the moments of my life on --- " "Yes!" the white beard wavered--" cut that short and get busy!"
--------------------------------------------------------------------- PAGE 10 SHANGRI-LA --------------------------------------------------------------------- THE CASE OF JONATHAN Q. FANN by JUDGE HOY PING PONG As the lone figure struggled up the inclune, a brassy tin horn somewhere in the background burst forth with a single tinny snort. An old man with square specs and a long white beard looked up from his game of cribbage to peer between the bars of the gate: "Cripes! Another'n!" At the peal of the horn the figure straightened, glanced about to note if he was seen, and marched proudly up to the shining Gates, chest out and manner pompous. At a command from an unseen watchman he stopped. From somewhere a cherub appeared, unfolded a scroll and read the local equivalent of the Riot Act. The figure before the gates gathered himself up in proud disdain, as if the cherub had openly hinted that he needed policing! The cherub vanished, and the old man stepped forth, specs in hand. "What's your name?" he snapped. "The name, honorable sir," replied "it", "is Jonathan Q. Fann. I was known far and wide on Earth as 'Grand Old Fann'." "We don't need the fancy gaff around here young feller," square-specs snorted. "We're plain ordinary folks, speaking plain langwich, and we don't put up with airs. Now. You seek admission. By the rules and regulations of the Establishment, we must first inquire into your past. You may commence; skip nothing important." "Do you mean, venerable one, that I am to recount the moments of my life on --- " "Yes!" the white beard wavered--" cut that short and get busy!"
Hevelin Fanzines