A Tale of the 'Evans, v. 2, issue 2, Spring 1944
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Volume II Th'Ol' Foo's Spring,1944 F.A.P.A. Personal Journal Number 2 Department of Greetings! Hello! Wow! What a magnificent mailing last quarter! Who says Fandom is dying? And what a bargain we FAPAns get--all that four times, and rosebuds, too, for only six bits a year. I am terribly sorry that conditions of work, etc., make it impossible for me to give a complete review of this splendid mailing, but I just can't let it go by without a word of appreciation to the STORIES (one of the best I've ever seen on a fanzine, and how grand this new year started out so well; to Ashley for MEET FAOA; and to all the others who gave me so man pleasant hours reading their offerings. My apologies to you all for not doing you the courtesy of a review-- but jest cain't thisere time, nohow. I give this apology because I know from personal experience that the comments of my fellow FAPAans are the recompense I get from whatever I may do in getting out an issue and that they likewise look to this method of getting paid for their work and costs. It is the least we can do, whether we go into lengthy discussions of what the other fellow has to say, or whether we merely state he has done a nice job, and that we enjoyed it. Because we do belong to FAPA for the fun we get out of it, we should consider that angle of the other fellow's enjoyment as well as out own. So sayeth Th' Ol' Foo. And conversations with other members has informed me that they feel very much the same way about it. My name is the first item I look for. "Fess, up, don't you?
Volume II Th'Ol' Foo's Spring,1944 F.A.P.A. Personal Journal Number 2 Department of Greetings! Hello! Wow! What a magnificent mailing last quarter! Who says Fandom is dying? And what a bargain we FAPAns get--all that four times, and rosebuds, too, for only six bits a year. I am terribly sorry that conditions of work, etc., make it impossible for me to give a complete review of this splendid mailing, but I just can't let it go by without a word of appreciation to the STORIES (one of the best I've ever seen on a fanzine, and how grand this new year started out so well; to Ashley for MEET FAOA; and to all the others who gave me so man pleasant hours reading their offerings. My apologies to you all for not doing you the courtesy of a review-- but jest cain't thisere time, nohow. I give this apology because I know from personal experience that the comments of my fellow FAPAans are the recompense I get from whatever I may do in getting out an issue and that they likewise look to this method of getting paid for their work and costs. It is the least we can do, whether we go into lengthy discussions of what the other fellow has to say, or whether we merely state he has done a nice job, and that we enjoyed it. Because we do belong to FAPA for the fun we get out of it, we should consider that angle of the other fellow's enjoyment as well as out own. So sayeth Th' Ol' Foo. And conversations with other members has informed me that they feel very much the same way about it. My name is the first item I look for. "Fess, up, don't you?
Hevelin Fanzines