A Tale of the 'Evans, v. 3, issue 2, Spring 1945
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FANTODS. . Chan's article on Criticism very interesting. Guess I am the old dog that can't learn new tricks -- I've read and studied lots about Criticism, but can't seem to get the proper hang of it...Yesterday's 10,000 Years continues to the best single column in FAPA (Or in any fanzine, for that matter)...Wish I knew enough Math to follow your discussions -- they SOUND interesting...That poor guy on the cover -- he had a really bad case of DT's. So solly for he...I am in full agreement that one government for all the world would be best, and expect it to come some day. Buy the first step, it seems to me, must be a co-ordinating body, while the individual countries retain their own sovereignty. And it looks as though we may get something of that sort after this war. NUMBER ONE . . Interesting reviews of the pre-mailing. THE BEDSIDE FASSBEINDER . . A grand little work, which I shall treasure. Got a particular bang out of the tale of the old Steam Elevator. WALT'S WRAMBLINGS . . Walt certainly turns out neat little mags. His borders and Foo-faces are distinctly good innovations...Wish I had his flair for going into book-shops and coming out with an armful of those almost-impossible-to-get volumes. Me, I get mostly crud. THE SCIENCE FICTION SAVANT . . Why must you kids keep sniping at each other all the time? There's enough war in the world now, without all these little private ones...Thanks for the kind words about the NFFF -- and my humble efforts in it. THE FAPA INDEX . . A very valuable addition to the mounting pile of such indices, which no collector can afford to be without. Thanks for the time and trouble of making this, Larry. HORIZONS . . Harry is always interesting, and his reviews especially so...Loving good music as I do, I always wait for his next article, and devour it with glee and inspiration...Why worry about how many staples you use -- I haven't heard any complaints since I started using only one in the corner of A TALE... 'Twas good to hear your voices. FAN DANGO . . The results of the Music Poll should be interesting. I sent mine in -- did the rest of you? FANTASY COMMENTATOR, #5 . . Another fine mag from a member I'm having a hard time liking as much as I formerly did...Ladd's Hidden Horizons causes me to weep -- so many fine books I have not read yet, and do not own. Ah, me! ....As I See It by Merritt was splendid reading. WOLLHEIM'S FOUR MAGS . . Why not bind them together, and quit trying to make it look as though you were FAPA's largest contributor. Almost any FAPAzine of four 8 1/2 x 11 pages contains much more. AAGH! #3 . . Aagh! FEN . . Some very interesting letters, and an illuminative article on Fans' but-very-lightly-suppressed desire to feel themselves above the Man on the Street.
FANTODS. . Chan's article on Criticism very interesting. Guess I am the old dog that can't learn new tricks -- I've read and studied lots about Criticism, but can't seem to get the proper hang of it...Yesterday's 10,000 Years continues to the best single column in FAPA (Or in any fanzine, for that matter)...Wish I knew enough Math to follow your discussions -- they SOUND interesting...That poor guy on the cover -- he had a really bad case of DT's. So solly for he...I am in full agreement that one government for all the world would be best, and expect it to come some day. Buy the first step, it seems to me, must be a co-ordinating body, while the individual countries retain their own sovereignty. And it looks as though we may get something of that sort after this war. NUMBER ONE . . Interesting reviews of the pre-mailing. THE BEDSIDE FASSBEINDER . . A grand little work, which I shall treasure. Got a particular bang out of the tale of the old Steam Elevator. WALT'S WRAMBLINGS . . Walt certainly turns out neat little mags. His borders and Foo-faces are distinctly good innovations...Wish I had his flair for going into book-shops and coming out with an armful of those almost-impossible-to-get volumes. Me, I get mostly crud. THE SCIENCE FICTION SAVANT . . Why must you kids keep sniping at each other all the time? There's enough war in the world now, without all these little private ones...Thanks for the kind words about the NFFF -- and my humble efforts in it. THE FAPA INDEX . . A very valuable addition to the mounting pile of such indices, which no collector can afford to be without. Thanks for the time and trouble of making this, Larry. HORIZONS . . Harry is always interesting, and his reviews especially so...Loving good music as I do, I always wait for his next article, and devour it with glee and inspiration...Why worry about how many staples you use -- I haven't heard any complaints since I started using only one in the corner of A TALE... 'Twas good to hear your voices. FAN DANGO . . The results of the Music Poll should be interesting. I sent mine in -- did the rest of you? FANTASY COMMENTATOR, #5 . . Another fine mag from a member I'm having a hard time liking as much as I formerly did...Ladd's Hidden Horizons causes me to weep -- so many fine books I have not read yet, and do not own. Ah, me! ....As I See It by Merritt was splendid reading. WOLLHEIM'S FOUR MAGS . . Why not bind them together, and quit trying to make it look as though you were FAPA's largest contributor. Almost any FAPAzine of four 8 1/2 x 11 pages contains much more. AAGH! #3 . . Aagh! FEN . . Some very interesting letters, and an illuminative article on Fans' but-very-lightly-suppressed desire to feel themselves above the Man on the Street.
Hevelin Fanzines