Temper!, v. 1, issue 1,May 1945
Page 2
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TEMPER, A Journal of Critical Review Page 2 Vanguard Vanities, cont. Lowndes and Blish together put out the VR Record Review, which I confess I have not read (a positively abysmal ignorance on matters musical the Zissman woman has!), but it looks good, and I am assured by those who have read it that the subject matter is more than equal to the appearance. Score two. And then there was Tumbrils. As vehemently as I disagree with the thesis set forth therein, I am forced to concede that it was a serious piece of work, on a level with what we had hoped to see in Vanguard. Score three. In addition to these, there were three other publications that came close to the standards I had hoped would prevail. Vantage Point made excellent reading..always providing you could read it. Had Michel exerted himself to the extent of making it legible, it would have rated a top spot in the mailing, but sloppiness reduced it, per se, to 'good FAPA stuff.' Banshee missed out in exactly the opposite direction. layout, cover, and contents page almost made up for the poverty of the material.. Had Wollheim's story been less obvious, Michel's article less long-winded, Satyricus' skit less puerile, in short had Shaw exercised a modicum of editorial discrimination, it might have been worth the time and effort he must have put into the makeup and production. And as far as the Zissman letter is concerned...if people will go snooping in my desk... K'taogm-m was damned good Wollheim, but it rather made me wonder why? It is more than understandable that DAW, as a founder of FAPA, felt impelled to explain publicly the reasons for his dissatisfaction with that organization. It was proper that he do so, but the proper place for it was in FAPA itself. Published in Vanguard, as it was, it seemed to me to be obvious, redundant, and entirely unnecessary. These were the best of the mailing; there was little else in it worthy of comment. All in all, it was an unbelievably poor showing for a group of fans, many of whom are professional writers and editors, most of whom had had long years of experience in fandom, and all of whom set out with the announced intention of making Vanguard a 'different' sort of APA, a more 'literate,' more 'mature' sort of group. As I write, things look little better for the second mailing. Of a total of five publications submitted so far, four are from Lowndes and Blish. Two or three others that I know of are in preparation. The there is to be the same last-minute rush that played so large a part in the all-around poverty of the first mailing? URGENT! NEEDED! Science*Fiction is planned, or rather hoped, to appear in the next, the third mailing. However, we still have not enough material. We need, specifically, an article deal- with psychiatry or a branch of same or related subject, a story with a psychological twist to it, and/or anything at all in the way of good short STFiction. WANTED! PLEASE!
TEMPER, A Journal of Critical Review Page 2 Vanguard Vanities, cont. Lowndes and Blish together put out the VR Record Review, which I confess I have not read (a positively abysmal ignorance on matters musical the Zissman woman has!), but it looks good, and I am assured by those who have read it that the subject matter is more than equal to the appearance. Score two. And then there was Tumbrils. As vehemently as I disagree with the thesis set forth therein, I am forced to concede that it was a serious piece of work, on a level with what we had hoped to see in Vanguard. Score three. In addition to these, there were three other publications that came close to the standards I had hoped would prevail. Vantage Point made excellent reading..always providing you could read it. Had Michel exerted himself to the extent of making it legible, it would have rated a top spot in the mailing, but sloppiness reduced it, per se, to 'good FAPA stuff.' Banshee missed out in exactly the opposite direction. layout, cover, and contents page almost made up for the poverty of the material.. Had Wollheim's story been less obvious, Michel's article less long-winded, Satyricus' skit less puerile, in short had Shaw exercised a modicum of editorial discrimination, it might have been worth the time and effort he must have put into the makeup and production. And as far as the Zissman letter is concerned...if people will go snooping in my desk... K'taogm-m was damned good Wollheim, but it rather made me wonder why? It is more than understandable that DAW, as a founder of FAPA, felt impelled to explain publicly the reasons for his dissatisfaction with that organization. It was proper that he do so, but the proper place for it was in FAPA itself. Published in Vanguard, as it was, it seemed to me to be obvious, redundant, and entirely unnecessary. These were the best of the mailing; there was little else in it worthy of comment. All in all, it was an unbelievably poor showing for a group of fans, many of whom are professional writers and editors, most of whom had had long years of experience in fandom, and all of whom set out with the announced intention of making Vanguard a 'different' sort of APA, a more 'literate,' more 'mature' sort of group. As I write, things look little better for the second mailing. Of a total of five publications submitted so far, four are from Lowndes and Blish. Two or three others that I know of are in preparation. The there is to be the same last-minute rush that played so large a part in the all-around poverty of the first mailing? URGENT! NEEDED! Science*Fiction is planned, or rather hoped, to appear in the next, the third mailing. However, we still have not enough material. We need, specifically, an article deal- with psychiatry or a branch of same or related subject, a story with a psychological twist to it, and/or anything at all in the way of good short STFiction. WANTED! PLEASE!
Hevelin Fanzines