CFS Review, v. 1, issue 1, October 1940
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[Illustration of a rocket ship and stars surrounding the title] CFS Review Colorado Fantasy Society Formed! The Denver Science Fictioneers, a club formed only last spring and held about five or six meetings, has been dissolved and a new Denver Club has been assembled from the frame-work of the old one. It is called the Colorado Fantasy Society, formed, mainly to sponsor the 1941 World's Science Fiction Convention. This organization has been patterned much after the Illini Fantasy Fictioneers, sponsers of the 40 World's S-F Con, and will be run on a strictly democratic basis. This organization is elementally a national affair, and is certainly not confined to Colorado. After the Convention, or Denvention, it will probably be dissolved as a said society and made statewide unless some unforeseen accident happens that it is successful enough to merit a national standing
[Illustration of a rocket ship and stars surrounding the title] CFS Review Colorado Fantasy Society Formed! The Denver Science Fictioneers, a club formed only last spring and held about five or six meetings, has been dissolved and a new Denver Club has been assembled from the frame-work of the old one. It is called the Colorado Fantasy Society, formed, mainly to sponsor the 1941 World's Science Fiction Convention. This organization has been patterned much after the Illini Fantasy Fictioneers, sponsers of the 40 World's S-F Con, and will be run on a strictly democratic basis. This organization is elementally a national affair, and is certainly not confined to Colorado. After the Convention, or Denvention, it will probably be dissolved as a said society and made statewide unless some unforeseen accident happens that it is successful enough to merit a national standing
Hevelin Fanzines