Ember, issue 30, January 26, 1947
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1329 N 33 St Milwaukee Wisconsin 26 January 1947 The weekly journel of cous, views, and muse. paid circulation this issue-number after your name on the address indicates the number of the last ish you will receive on a certainty basis. An extension now will get you ... the Emberace 1 for each 50¢. Book prize contest closes March 1st and ... are: Bob Stein 7, Redd Boggs and Tigrina 5 1/2, Ackerman and Stanley 5. The Ember special for this week is Vol 1 No 1 Science Wonder with cover in good shape to sell to non-dealer Embereader for - not $4..3...2...1 but ... postpaid. In the event several want this zine, this pien will ... lucky buyer: send, along with your reserve order, a number between 63 and 1 and the one who gets closest to the sum of the 7 digits on this typewriter serial number will get the magazine. ---------------------------------------- OLD BUSINESS (CNS) Dr. David Keller to speak at Feb 2 meeting of ESFS. Keller, one of the Grand Old Men of s-f, now 66 years old, will review his long writing career. As an M D his spec-iality was psychiatry, his stories thus reflecting an authentic and sym-pathetic insight of human behavior. Meeting will be held at Slovak Sokol Hall, 358 Morris Ave., Newark, N.J. (Fanews) The Avon Fantasy Reader will be a bi-monthly prozine under editorial direction of veteran Donald ... Format to be similar to ... Stout's Mystery Monthly; content to be reprint material for indefin-ite number of issues, and first ish has mixture of old standbys and sever-al ... (ONS) Prime Presa, Philadelphia ..., organizes to publish reprint books. First is A.M.Phillip's The Mislaid Charm, second is George O. Smith's Venus Equilateral series. To be ready by June if paper is obteind. (CNS) Two new prozines from England, Strange Adventures and Futur-istic Stories. (FNS) Big Pond Fund now 815. (FNS) Terover Hall now has its first book, Puzzle B ox, ready for immediate delivery at $1.75. (FNS) Al Lopez became father of baby girl Dec. 15. ---------------------------------------- 'Lot in Sodom' by Tigrina One of the most unusual films that I have ever seen is the surrealistic 'Lot in Sodom'. No screen credits were given, but according to an amateur film enthusiast, the picture was an experi-mental one made in New York. The film opens with an emblem in the form of ragged lightning. Thick clouds roll away, exposing elaborate buildings and splendid dwellings -- the fabulous and notorious city of Sodom. Accompanied by cacophonous, apparently unrelated chords of music, the er-otic pastimes of the youths are depict-ed by langorous gestures, slow-motion dancing, crawling and posturing. Gro-tesque use of cosmetics, elongated eye-brows, sensuously painted lips, lend to them an added feline grace. The photography was most unusual. The characters were photographed in a dis-torted manner and taken from unusual angles, or turning the picture upside down. The faun-like youths, bare to the waist, resemble more ill-proportioned statues come to life than they do human beings. The sacrifice of Lot's daughter is portrayed in complex close-up and de-layed action shots of flowers, butter-flies, and other beauties of nature. Not more than three or four lines were spoken during the entire film. Live action was interspersed with flame-like figurations ... screen. The story followed ... biblical myth. Lot's wife is... is turned into a piller of...
1329 N 33 St Milwaukee Wisconsin 26 January 1947 The weekly journel of cous, views, and muse. paid circulation this issue-number after your name on the address indicates the number of the last ish you will receive on a certainty basis. An extension now will get you ... the Emberace 1 for each 50¢. Book prize contest closes March 1st and ... are: Bob Stein 7, Redd Boggs and Tigrina 5 1/2, Ackerman and Stanley 5. The Ember special for this week is Vol 1 No 1 Science Wonder with cover in good shape to sell to non-dealer Embereader for - not $4..3...2...1 but ... postpaid. In the event several want this zine, this pien will ... lucky buyer: send, along with your reserve order, a number between 63 and 1 and the one who gets closest to the sum of the 7 digits on this typewriter serial number will get the magazine. ---------------------------------------- OLD BUSINESS (CNS) Dr. David Keller to speak at Feb 2 meeting of ESFS. Keller, one of the Grand Old Men of s-f, now 66 years old, will review his long writing career. As an M D his spec-iality was psychiatry, his stories thus reflecting an authentic and sym-pathetic insight of human behavior. Meeting will be held at Slovak Sokol Hall, 358 Morris Ave., Newark, N.J. (Fanews) The Avon Fantasy Reader will be a bi-monthly prozine under editorial direction of veteran Donald ... Format to be similar to ... Stout's Mystery Monthly; content to be reprint material for indefin-ite number of issues, and first ish has mixture of old standbys and sever-al ... (ONS) Prime Presa, Philadelphia ..., organizes to publish reprint books. First is A.M.Phillip's The Mislaid Charm, second is George O. Smith's Venus Equilateral series. To be ready by June if paper is obteind. (CNS) Two new prozines from England, Strange Adventures and Futur-istic Stories. (FNS) Big Pond Fund now 815. (FNS) Terover Hall now has its first book, Puzzle B ox, ready for immediate delivery at $1.75. (FNS) Al Lopez became father of baby girl Dec. 15. ---------------------------------------- 'Lot in Sodom' by Tigrina One of the most unusual films that I have ever seen is the surrealistic 'Lot in Sodom'. No screen credits were given, but according to an amateur film enthusiast, the picture was an experi-mental one made in New York. The film opens with an emblem in the form of ragged lightning. Thick clouds roll away, exposing elaborate buildings and splendid dwellings -- the fabulous and notorious city of Sodom. Accompanied by cacophonous, apparently unrelated chords of music, the er-otic pastimes of the youths are depict-ed by langorous gestures, slow-motion dancing, crawling and posturing. Gro-tesque use of cosmetics, elongated eye-brows, sensuously painted lips, lend to them an added feline grace. The photography was most unusual. The characters were photographed in a dis-torted manner and taken from unusual angles, or turning the picture upside down. The faun-like youths, bare to the waist, resemble more ill-proportioned statues come to life than they do human beings. The sacrifice of Lot's daughter is portrayed in complex close-up and de-layed action shots of flowers, butter-flies, and other beauties of nature. Not more than three or four lines were spoken during the entire film. Live action was interspersed with flame-like figurations ... screen. The story followed ... biblical myth. Lot's wife is... is turned into a piller of...
Hevelin Fanzines