Ad-o-zine, v. 1, issue 6, November-December 1950
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FOR SALE Copies of GOLDEN FLEECE no. 3 a very rare magazine. 75 cents ea. Many copies of early SHADOW and DOC SAVAGE mags. 50 cents ea. I have old books for sale at $1.00 apiece, some with dust jackets. I PAY POSTAGE ROBERT CHAMBERS 990 No. 10th St. Coos Bay, Oregon ############## A years sub. (50 issues 25 cents 1 full page ad (4x6) 30 cents Repeat of same ad 15 cents Cut your own stencils 15 cents Circulation of this zine is always over 400. ast iss ran 455. AD-O-ZINE is the biggest little zine in fandom. TO GET RESULTS PLACE AN AD TODAY
FOR SALE Copies of GOLDEN FLEECE no. 3 a very rare magazine. 75 cents ea. Many copies of early SHADOW and DOC SAVAGE mags. 50 cents ea. I have old books for sale at $1.00 apiece, some with dust jackets. I PAY POSTAGE ROBERT CHAMBERS 990 No. 10th St. Coos Bay, Oregon ############## A years sub. (50 issues 25 cents 1 full page ad (4x6) 30 cents Repeat of same ad 15 cents Cut your own stencils 15 cents Circulation of this zine is always over 400. ast iss ran 455. AD-O-ZINE is the biggest little zine in fandom. TO GET RESULTS PLACE AN AD TODAY
Hevelin Fanzines