Rosebud, v. 1, issue 4, April 1945
Page 9
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DARING! RACY! RED-HOT! LOOK MEN! WOW! COSMIC CUTIES! Do you want to be the life of the party? Would you like to charm your friends? Shock the prudes? Would you like to have other men look upon you in envy? Be the center of attention in any back-room crowd? Then carry a set of our curvacious, three-dimensional pin-ups! Wow! Check here if you want to be the life of the party. Ten all-different, gorgeous, glamorous sets of solar sizzlers! Twelve breath-taking glossy photographs in each set! Three dimensional wenches from every inhabitable planet, moon, and asteroid! These are unretouched photographs; not lithographs, not printed copies. The real thing for real red-blooded men! For your club, den or smoker! Check here if you want a three-dimensional wench. See alluring female loveliness from every spot in the solar system! Mecurian misses, Venus vixens, Martian maids, Neptunian nymphs, Saturian slatterns, Earthly eye-openers, Uranians unadorned, Jupitarian janes. and Plutonians. Check here if want to see every pot in the solar system. Wow men! Are these girls hot! Daring poses! Unveiled beauty! All professional photographs posed by professionals! The biggest dollar's worth you'll ever see! Buy several sets now at one dollar each. Check here if you are hot. Special: Are you a Fantasy Fan? Here's just the thing for you! Check here if you are a Fan. Red-hot, daring glossy photographs of fairies, wood nymphs, water sprites, female goblins, leprechaun ladies, grecian goddesses, gorgeous ghouls, and vixenish vampires! All unretouched! Unveiled! Now offered for the first time anywhere! Real life photographs! Wow men! Check here if you are a fairy. Note: these revealing photographs are sold only to doctors, lawyers, art students, and other people. Check here if you are not one of these groups. Please remit by: money order, check, cash, box tops, soap coupons. No stamps please. Cosmic Cutie Corporation "The Home of Unretouched Adorables" Floating City 1, New Yok Check here if you are unretouched by our above offer. ********************************** It has been said that some things are fit for neither man or beast. Inasmuch as fen fall into neither group, we give them the above.
DARING! RACY! RED-HOT! LOOK MEN! WOW! COSMIC CUTIES! Do you want to be the life of the party? Would you like to charm your friends? Shock the prudes? Would you like to have other men look upon you in envy? Be the center of attention in any back-room crowd? Then carry a set of our curvacious, three-dimensional pin-ups! Wow! Check here if you want to be the life of the party. Ten all-different, gorgeous, glamorous sets of solar sizzlers! Twelve breath-taking glossy photographs in each set! Three dimensional wenches from every inhabitable planet, moon, and asteroid! These are unretouched photographs; not lithographs, not printed copies. The real thing for real red-blooded men! For your club, den or smoker! Check here if you want a three-dimensional wench. See alluring female loveliness from every spot in the solar system! Mecurian misses, Venus vixens, Martian maids, Neptunian nymphs, Saturian slatterns, Earthly eye-openers, Uranians unadorned, Jupitarian janes. and Plutonians. Check here if want to see every pot in the solar system. Wow men! Are these girls hot! Daring poses! Unveiled beauty! All professional photographs posed by professionals! The biggest dollar's worth you'll ever see! Buy several sets now at one dollar each. Check here if you are hot. Special: Are you a Fantasy Fan? Here's just the thing for you! Check here if you are a Fan. Red-hot, daring glossy photographs of fairies, wood nymphs, water sprites, female goblins, leprechaun ladies, grecian goddesses, gorgeous ghouls, and vixenish vampires! All unretouched! Unveiled! Now offered for the first time anywhere! Real life photographs! Wow men! Check here if you are a fairy. Note: these revealing photographs are sold only to doctors, lawyers, art students, and other people. Check here if you are not one of these groups. Please remit by: money order, check, cash, box tops, soap coupons. No stamps please. Cosmic Cutie Corporation "The Home of Unretouched Adorables" Floating City 1, New Yok Check here if you are unretouched by our above offer. ********************************** It has been said that some things are fit for neither man or beast. Inasmuch as fen fall into neither group, we give them the above.
Hevelin Fanzines