Rosebud, v. 1, issue 4, April 1945
Page 13
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THE BOWLING TOURNAMENT by Jonne Evans Bates (Th' Youn' Foo) While it was a beautiful night on Mount Olympus, nothing much was happening that would cause any excitement, so several of the Gods and Heroes decided to go over to the alleys and bowl a game or two. Besides, they needed the practice for the big tournament games the following night. Just as Apollo Ackerman was to start bowling -- for Apollo Ackerman was always first in everything -- Mercury Liebscher rushed in to inform the Gods that Diana Lu Ashley was giving a party in their honor, and they were to hurry right over. As much as they knew that that needed practice, a party was always lots more fun -- especially when Diana Lu Ashley was giving it. The party was a huge success, in that it lasted until the following evening and everyone was feeling up to snuff (which was the highest cloud in that vicinity.) However, they did manage to stumble over to the alleys. Even in their blurred condition they were able to see that the other team looked good, and it worried them a little -- about as much as anything could worry a God. The team for the Gods consisted of Apollo Ackerman, Mars Ashley, Jupiter Foo Evans, and Pluto Tucker, bowling in that order. The team of the Heroes and Demi-Gods was Hercules Saari, Bacchus Bronson, Perseus Widenbeck, and Jason Yerke. Cupid Robinson was score-keeper for both teams and Mercury Liebscher was their Fornchist (known to mortals as water boy.) They tossed a coin to decide lead team, and naturally, as it was Apollo Ackerman's coin, his team was first -- for Apollo Ackerman was first in everything. After each bowler had taken a practice throw, Apollo Ackerman lifted his ball and prepared to start the game. The crowd of onlookers was silent for a moment, and then cheered wildly as the first throw was a perfect strike. Not to be outdone, Hercules Saari chose an especially heavy ball and also rolled a strike. Mars Ashley was next up, and with his usual luck, the ball, after wobbling all over the alley, finally made still another strike. Bacchus Bronson decided that if they could do it, he could too, so he picked up his ball and started for the line. He slipped, and the ball fell into the alley with a heavy thud and rolled down the gutter, while the light flashed for the foul. The game continued with most of Apollo Ackerman's team not doing much but making fouls and dropping the ball, altho Apollo Ackerman, not having been on the, at the party, lead with the highest individual score, for he was first in everything. But the team led by Hercules Saari had a long lead and it was beginning to look pretty hopeless for the Ackerman team, who were still quite inebriated. This was bad, for everyone had bet their money on the Gods -- naturally. The Gods could still win if only the other team were distracted so that they could not bowl well.
THE BOWLING TOURNAMENT by Jonne Evans Bates (Th' Youn' Foo) While it was a beautiful night on Mount Olympus, nothing much was happening that would cause any excitement, so several of the Gods and Heroes decided to go over to the alleys and bowl a game or two. Besides, they needed the practice for the big tournament games the following night. Just as Apollo Ackerman was to start bowling -- for Apollo Ackerman was always first in everything -- Mercury Liebscher rushed in to inform the Gods that Diana Lu Ashley was giving a party in their honor, and they were to hurry right over. As much as they knew that that needed practice, a party was always lots more fun -- especially when Diana Lu Ashley was giving it. The party was a huge success, in that it lasted until the following evening and everyone was feeling up to snuff (which was the highest cloud in that vicinity.) However, they did manage to stumble over to the alleys. Even in their blurred condition they were able to see that the other team looked good, and it worried them a little -- about as much as anything could worry a God. The team for the Gods consisted of Apollo Ackerman, Mars Ashley, Jupiter Foo Evans, and Pluto Tucker, bowling in that order. The team of the Heroes and Demi-Gods was Hercules Saari, Bacchus Bronson, Perseus Widenbeck, and Jason Yerke. Cupid Robinson was score-keeper for both teams and Mercury Liebscher was their Fornchist (known to mortals as water boy.) They tossed a coin to decide lead team, and naturally, as it was Apollo Ackerman's coin, his team was first -- for Apollo Ackerman was first in everything. After each bowler had taken a practice throw, Apollo Ackerman lifted his ball and prepared to start the game. The crowd of onlookers was silent for a moment, and then cheered wildly as the first throw was a perfect strike. Not to be outdone, Hercules Saari chose an especially heavy ball and also rolled a strike. Mars Ashley was next up, and with his usual luck, the ball, after wobbling all over the alley, finally made still another strike. Bacchus Bronson decided that if they could do it, he could too, so he picked up his ball and started for the line. He slipped, and the ball fell into the alley with a heavy thud and rolled down the gutter, while the light flashed for the foul. The game continued with most of Apollo Ackerman's team not doing much but making fouls and dropping the ball, altho Apollo Ackerman, not having been on the, at the party, lead with the highest individual score, for he was first in everything. But the team led by Hercules Saari had a long lead and it was beginning to look pretty hopeless for the Ackerman team, who were still quite inebriated. This was bad, for everyone had bet their money on the Gods -- naturally. The Gods could still win if only the other team were distracted so that they could not bowl well.
Hevelin Fanzines