Timebinder, v. 1, issue 3, 1945
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Answering the case of THE CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTOR by (MRS.) HELEN V. WESSON My husband's profession is killing. Although it is not his chosen vocation, he is highly skilled in every method of fighting and killing in the personal warfare that is the Infantry. He, too, has his ideals. They are, perhaps, higher than the average because he was brought up to practice on weekdays his religion which preaches that God is Love,that Love will conquer all. In his childhood he was never permitted guns or other destructive toys, nor did he ever show any inclination to play with them. In his dealings with mankind, he was taught t practice Love and Faith. He is innately gentile and compassionate. The Army has trained his muslces to kill, but it could never touch his mind. Yet he fights without forsaking his ideals, without being hypercritical with his hatred of war -- why? BECAUSE HE DOESN'T EXPECT OTHER MEN TO DIE TO PROTECT THOSE IDEALS WHILE HE SITS AT HOME. The Conscientious Objector works "without pay, without dependency allotments, with social ostracism and realization that they will be discriminated against in securing postwar employment and will have no mustering out pay and no insurance or pension". WHY NOT? If he works without pay,let us remember that other men with equally high ideals have been killed or horribly maimed for $50 a month. Is that considered pay? ((I am quite sure the CO's in camps would be satisfied with it.--EEE)) Why should he receive mustering out pay? He has never been IN. Why insurance when his hide is in no danger of being blown to bits? I'm a pacifist. I loathe war with the bitterness which only a rebellious nature can explode into an emotion. I loathe war the way only those who can feel its wrath. But I would never expect others to do the dirty work for me. It is all very well to be a sincere Conscientious Objector while one is safe,when others have saved one from the atrocities which our fighting men have seen with their own eyes in German and Jap prison camps. This concrete, material fact. I wonder 3
Answering the case of THE CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTOR by (MRS.) HELEN V. WESSON My husband's profession is killing. Although it is not his chosen vocation, he is highly skilled in every method of fighting and killing in the personal warfare that is the Infantry. He, too, has his ideals. They are, perhaps, higher than the average because he was brought up to practice on weekdays his religion which preaches that God is Love,that Love will conquer all. In his childhood he was never permitted guns or other destructive toys, nor did he ever show any inclination to play with them. In his dealings with mankind, he was taught t practice Love and Faith. He is innately gentile and compassionate. The Army has trained his muslces to kill, but it could never touch his mind. Yet he fights without forsaking his ideals, without being hypercritical with his hatred of war -- why? BECAUSE HE DOESN'T EXPECT OTHER MEN TO DIE TO PROTECT THOSE IDEALS WHILE HE SITS AT HOME. The Conscientious Objector works "without pay, without dependency allotments, with social ostracism and realization that they will be discriminated against in securing postwar employment and will have no mustering out pay and no insurance or pension". WHY NOT? If he works without pay,let us remember that other men with equally high ideals have been killed or horribly maimed for $50 a month. Is that considered pay? ((I am quite sure the CO's in camps would be satisfied with it.--EEE)) Why should he receive mustering out pay? He has never been IN. Why insurance when his hide is in no danger of being blown to bits? I'm a pacifist. I loathe war with the bitterness which only a rebellious nature can explode into an emotion. I loathe war the way only those who can feel its wrath. But I would never expect others to do the dirty work for me. It is all very well to be a sincere Conscientious Objector while one is safe,when others have saved one from the atrocities which our fighting men have seen with their own eyes in German and Jap prison camps. This concrete, material fact. I wonder 3
Respondendo o caso de O OBJETOR DE CONSCIÊNCIA por (sra.) HELLEN V. WESSON A profissão do meu marido é matar. Mesmo não tendo escolhido essa vocação, ele é altamente habilidoso em todo método de luta e assassinato na guerra pesoal que é a infantaria. Ele também tinha seus ideais. Eles estavam, talvez, acima da média, já que era levado à praticar sua religião nos dias da semana, a qual pregava que Deus é Amor e que o Amor vai conquistar tudo. Na sua infância, ele nunca fora autorizado a brincar com armas ou outros brinquedos destrutivos, nunca sequer demonstrara nenhum interresse em bricar com eles. Em suas relaçoes com a humanidade, fora ensinado a praticar Amor e Fé. Ele é inatamente gentil e compassivo. O exercito treinou seus musculos para matar, mas nunca conseguiram alcançar sua mente. Embora ele lute sem abandonar seus ideais, sem ser hipercrítico em relação ao seu ódio pela guerra -- por quê? PORQUE ELE NÃO ESPERAVA QUE OUTRO HOMEM MORRESSE PARA PRESERVAR ESSES IDEAIS ENQUANTO ELE SE SENTAVA EM CASA. O objetor de consciência trabalha "sem pagamento, sem atribuição de lotes, com ostracismo social, com percepção de que seriam descriminados ao buscarem emprego no pós-guerra e que não teriam nehum tipo de pagamento, nem seguro ou pensão". POR QUE NÃO? Se ele trabalhasse sem pagamento, vale lembrar que outros homens com ideais igualmente elevados foram assassinados ou terrivelmente multilados por $50 ao mês. Isso é considerado um pagamento? ((Estou quase certo de que os CO's nos campos estariam satisfeitos com isso. -- EEE)) Por que ele deveria receber o pagamento? Ele nunca esteve nisso. Por que seguro quando seu refugio não está em risco de ser estraçalhado? Eu sou um pacifista. Eu abomino a guerra com o amargor que apenas um rebelde nato pode manifestar em uma emoção. Eu abomino a guerra de uma maneira que apenas aqueles que podem sentir sua fúria a abominam. Mas eu nunca esperaria que outros fizessem o trabalho sujo por mim. Está tudo bem ser um sincero objetor de consciência enquanto um está a salvo, quando outros o salvaram das atrocidades que nosso lutador testemunhou com seus próprios olhos nos campos de prisioneiros na Alemanha e no Japão. Esse fato concreto e material. Eu me pergunto
Hevelin Fanzines