Timebinder, v. 1, issue 3, 1945
Page 12
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She never withheld of herself and taught us likewise. I am indeed fortunate, and shall pass this training on to my son. I find it hard to believe, my friend, that you and I should have so parallel a philosophy. In your words I found exactly my feelings beautifully expressed and straightforwardly given. ((I think you will find, as you go along, that there are lots more who think as we do along these lings.--EEE)). I learned early, through my own thinking, to look at His Story (The Existence of Man....His Story) as a whole, and all events in the lives of man as parts of the whole to be finally expressed in perfection, or as near perfection as Man can achieve. It has been this philosophy that has kept my faith in Man throughout the last long depression when food seemed one of the things one could almost learn to do without and a job was something possessed by some fortunate further down the street, and relief was a necessary evil. Yes, even the degradation of relief receiving was submerged beneath the belief that MAN was on his way to better things and nothing, neither unhappiness, fear, struggle, starvation nor death could prevent it. Powerful, indeed, is this philosophy, and it has the added power in that IT CANNOT BE DESTROYED. IT CANNOT BE DESTROYED! You should have mentioned that in THE TIME-BINDER, E.E., for it is true. Nothing can cause a person to reject this philosophy once it has found root in their mind. WHY? Because it is TRUTH, and TRUTH cannot die! ((I believe you are absolutely right in this, and you have expressed it beautifully, Doris. -- EEE)). I struggled for some years in the darkness of religious doctrines and other world philosophies to find what I needed to obtain for my happiness ... and all the time IT WAS WITHIN MYSELF! I had but to uncover it from the blankets of wrong education and false propaganda. My greatest thrill came when I discovered that I no longer feared LIFE but looked forward to it. You Theory of "UNSELFISHNESS" is so true that often I have wondered why others did not see it. I discovered that about seven years ago. You know Mark Twain had an essay written in that subject which is not too widelt known. It is called "An Essay Upon UnSelfishness" and deals with the fact that most people do charity not because of compassion (which may exist but is secondary) but because of the "internal glow which accompanies the doing of a good deed". You are so right in saying that those deeds of good which we do, those little acts of kindness done at unexpected times or in unexpected places cannot die but multiply. They give the doer a "glow" of happiness which makes him feel like doing more good. They give the receiver a "spiritual lift" and he in turn usually smiles where before he would have frowned. Thus a chain of good has been started and could one but follow it through he would be amazed at what ONE GOOD WORD OR SMILE accomplished. I also believe that there is Something that has a directing 12
She never withheld of herself and taught us likewise. I am indeed fortunate, and shall pass this training on to my son. I find it hard to believe, my friend, that you and I should have so parallel a philosophy. In your words I found exactly my feelings beautifully expressed and straightforwardly given. ((I think you will find, as you go along, that there are lots more who think as we do along these lings.--EEE)). I learned early, through my own thinking, to look at His Story (The Existence of Man....His Story) as a whole, and all events in the lives of man as parts of the whole to be finally expressed in perfection, or as near perfection as Man can achieve. It has been this philosophy that has kept my faith in Man throughout the last long depression when food seemed one of the things one could almost learn to do without and a job was something possessed by some fortunate further down the street, and relief was a necessary evil. Yes, even the degradation of relief receiving was submerged beneath the belief that MAN was on his way to better things and nothing, neither unhappiness, fear, struggle, starvation nor death could prevent it. Powerful, indeed, is this philosophy, and it has the added power in that IT CANNOT BE DESTROYED. IT CANNOT BE DESTROYED! You should have mentioned that in THE TIME-BINDER, E.E., for it is true. Nothing can cause a person to reject this philosophy once it has found root in their mind. WHY? Because it is TRUTH, and TRUTH cannot die! ((I believe you are absolutely right in this, and you have expressed it beautifully, Doris. -- EEE)). I struggled for some years in the darkness of religious doctrines and other world philosophies to find what I needed to obtain for my happiness ... and all the time IT WAS WITHIN MYSELF! I had but to uncover it from the blankets of wrong education and false propaganda. My greatest thrill came when I discovered that I no longer feared LIFE but looked forward to it. You Theory of "UNSELFISHNESS" is so true that often I have wondered why others did not see it. I discovered that about seven years ago. You know Mark Twain had an essay written in that subject which is not too widelt known. It is called "An Essay Upon UnSelfishness" and deals with the fact that most people do charity not because of compassion (which may exist but is secondary) but because of the "internal glow which accompanies the doing of a good deed". You are so right in saying that those deeds of good which we do, those little acts of kindness done at unexpected times or in unexpected places cannot die but multiply. They give the doer a "glow" of happiness which makes him feel like doing more good. They give the receiver a "spiritual lift" and he in turn usually smiles where before he would have frowned. Thus a chain of good has been started and could one but follow it through he would be amazed at what ONE GOOD WORD OR SMILE accomplished. I also believe that there is Something that has a directing 12
Hevelin Fanzines