Galaxy, issue 5, December 1938
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Galaxy Contents RECHECK by MARY EVELYN ROGERS 3 COVER MARY EVELYN ROGERS INSIDE CUTS MARY EVELYN ROGERS STAFF OLON F. WIGGINS EDITOR MARY EVELYN ROGERS ART EDITOR GALAXY is a COSMIC PUBLICATION published by OLON F. WIGGINS, 2251 Welton Street, Denver, Colorado. It is hectographed FREE for members of the FANTASY AMATEUR PRESS ASSOCIATION. To be distributed through the office of the OFFICIAL MAILER. CONTRIBUTIONS and ADVERTISEMENTS should be sent to the above given address. CONTRIBUTIONS submitted for publication in GALAXY which are not usable will be returned at the expense of the publisher. ADVERTISEMENTS are FREE to members of the FAPA DECEMBER ISSUE # 5 1938
Galaxy Contents RECHECK by MARY EVELYN ROGERS 3 COVER MARY EVELYN ROGERS INSIDE CUTS MARY EVELYN ROGERS STAFF OLON F. WIGGINS EDITOR MARY EVELYN ROGERS ART EDITOR GALAXY is a COSMIC PUBLICATION published by OLON F. WIGGINS, 2251 Welton Street, Denver, Colorado. It is hectographed FREE for members of the FANTASY AMATEUR PRESS ASSOCIATION. To be distributed through the office of the OFFICIAL MAILER. CONTRIBUTIONS and ADVERTISEMENTS should be sent to the above given address. CONTRIBUTIONS submitted for publication in GALAXY which are not usable will be returned at the expense of the publisher. ADVERTISEMENTS are FREE to members of the FAPA DECEMBER ISSUE # 5 1938
Hevelin Fanzines