Tellus, issue 2, November 1941
Page 12
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TELLUS PAGE TWELVE Limbo! [hand written] Here we give you a few odd items from the past of fandom. The notices, ads and blurbs reproduced here were issued by editors and publicity-minded guys the country over. Maybe this return engagement of the bits will bring back memories... First there is that classic proposed by Shepherd and Wollheim UNUSUAL STORIES. Remember? Well the announcement looked something like this: [illustration] And the printed words following gave a glowing account of the marvels to be produced in the forthcoming magazine. Heading the first number was to be P. Schuyler Miller's THE TITAN. Other stories were forecast by Lovecraft, Miles J. Breuer, Ralph Milne Farley, Stanton A. Coblentz, L.A. Eshbach, Keller, and many other noted writers....But was a tiny, poorly done thing, got out merely as a gesture, and in order to preserve the name of the magazine for future use. Preceding that by several years, Julius Schwartz and company issued a little mimeographed announcement that ran as follows: "SCIENCE FICTION READERS--- Would you like to receive a periodical containing exclusive news of what's doing in the word of Science Fiction-advanced informationf of forthcoming stories--biographies of your favorite writers--details of the latest scientifilms--and a host of other absorbing material on Science Fiction in all its aspects??
TELLUS PAGE TWELVE Limbo! [hand written] Here we give you a few odd items from the past of fandom. The notices, ads and blurbs reproduced here were issued by editors and publicity-minded guys the country over. Maybe this return engagement of the bits will bring back memories... First there is that classic proposed by Shepherd and Wollheim UNUSUAL STORIES. Remember? Well the announcement looked something like this: [illustration] And the printed words following gave a glowing account of the marvels to be produced in the forthcoming magazine. Heading the first number was to be P. Schuyler Miller's THE TITAN. Other stories were forecast by Lovecraft, Miles J. Breuer, Ralph Milne Farley, Stanton A. Coblentz, L.A. Eshbach, Keller, and many other noted writers....But was a tiny, poorly done thing, got out merely as a gesture, and in order to preserve the name of the magazine for future use. Preceding that by several years, Julius Schwartz and company issued a little mimeographed announcement that ran as follows: "SCIENCE FICTION READERS--- Would you like to receive a periodical containing exclusive news of what's doing in the word of Science Fiction-advanced informationf of forthcoming stories--biographies of your favorite writers--details of the latest scientifilms--and a host of other absorbing material on Science Fiction in all its aspects??
Hevelin Fanzines