Tellus, issue 2, November 1941
Page 17
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TELLUS PAGE SEVENTEEN AUTHOR'S POSTSCRIPT: So you've said the same thing I'm saying now--"So what!" I know; the article was was just as pointless as ever. Things resulted from this gala post-convention. TELLUS, Twilight, Selenite and even others; clubs, parties, and perhaps conferences; all this and more. These visits did one thing. They revived a dying territory to almost complete and probably long-lived activity.---And that's why I value the Frisco Daze almost as highly as the Devention. ___________________ THE B.S.F.W.R.S. ___________________ The British Science Fiction War Relief Society was formed for the purpose of supplying British fans with stf. promags, which they are unable to get due to war conditions; it is impossible for the publishers to ship the mags to foreign ports any more, and it is therefore necessary for us stfans in the U.S.A. to supply the demand as a friendly gesture. To help further the interest and itself participate in the venture the B.S.F.W.R.S. was formed to supply this demand for stf promags to British fans at no cost whatsoever. All time and effort is donated voluntarily, so the organization is dependent upon donations of stf mags and unused U.S.A. stamps (or money with which to purchase the stamps). All stfans are asked to donate to this cause in any way possible; financial, material, or moral support is urgently needed. Any contribution will be accepted as none are too small to help the cause along. So far some success has been had in this respect, but it is self-evident that a more united effort is necessary. So come all you stfans: Pitch in and help, and remember--I will answer any and all questions. If anything is not clear to you, or you would care to ask about this organization, write today. Sincerely, John M. Cunningham, 2050 Gilbert Street Beaumont, Texas ENDORSEMENT: The Starlight Trilogy--Tom Wright, Phil Bronson, and Joe Fortier--heartily endorses the B.S.F.W.R.S. and wishes it all possible success. We urge you to give all possible support. ___________________ SHANGRI-LA IN 1942 ___________________
TELLUS PAGE SEVENTEEN AUTHOR'S POSTSCRIPT: So you've said the same thing I'm saying now--"So what!" I know; the article was was just as pointless as ever. Things resulted from this gala post-convention. TELLUS, Twilight, Selenite and even others; clubs, parties, and perhaps conferences; all this and more. These visits did one thing. They revived a dying territory to almost complete and probably long-lived activity.---And that's why I value the Frisco Daze almost as highly as the Devention. ___________________ THE B.S.F.W.R.S. ___________________ The British Science Fiction War Relief Society was formed for the purpose of supplying British fans with stf. promags, which they are unable to get due to war conditions; it is impossible for the publishers to ship the mags to foreign ports any more, and it is therefore necessary for us stfans in the U.S.A. to supply the demand as a friendly gesture. To help further the interest and itself participate in the venture the B.S.F.W.R.S. was formed to supply this demand for stf promags to British fans at no cost whatsoever. All time and effort is donated voluntarily, so the organization is dependent upon donations of stf mags and unused U.S.A. stamps (or money with which to purchase the stamps). All stfans are asked to donate to this cause in any way possible; financial, material, or moral support is urgently needed. Any contribution will be accepted as none are too small to help the cause along. So far some success has been had in this respect, but it is self-evident that a more united effort is necessary. So come all you stfans: Pitch in and help, and remember--I will answer any and all questions. If anything is not clear to you, or you would care to ask about this organization, write today. Sincerely, John M. Cunningham, 2050 Gilbert Street Beaumont, Texas ENDORSEMENT: The Starlight Trilogy--Tom Wright, Phil Bronson, and Joe Fortier--heartily endorses the B.S.F.W.R.S. and wishes it all possible success. We urge you to give all possible support. ___________________ SHANGRI-LA IN 1942 ___________________
Hevelin Fanzines