FANews, October 28, 1945, no.227-9
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The FANEWS October 28, 1945 ---- "NEWS WHILE IT'S STILL NEWS" - 2 cents per sht.; 55/$1. Dunkelberger, Editor. Carlson, Publisher. Published at: 1443 - 4 Ave. So. Fargo, North Dakota. Published whenever the news warrants it. #227-9 THE SUED SUE DAW! Under a date of October 24th from damon knight - 133 East 17th Street, New York we received the following, which we publish as received: "For the record, John Michel, Elsie Wollheim and Donald Wollheim do not "remain officers and members in good standing of the Futurian Society of New York." inasmuch as they were formally expelled by a majority of the membership on September 19th. "Neither was "X" a "surious 'FSNY' publication"; nor did it contain "Malicious fabrications". The article called "A Declaration of Independence" was a plan statement of fact. "Nor did Art Saha observe "all sides ((sic)) of all parties ((sic)) for a couple of weeks prior to the incident." Saha met a few Futurians, was present at a couple of gatherings, learned nothing, promptly became a Wollheim sycophant. "Wollheim, in short, is a liar. "The suit is a farce. It will not go to court, unless Wollheim is more of an idiot than anyone has ever imagined. Continuing the farce, however, two of the accused seven -- Blish and Zissman -- have en tered counterclaims based on libels which are anything but farcial, for a total of $50,000. "The next move up is Wollheim. Yours, //damon knight//" Inadvertently we omitted the name of Rick Sneary from our REPORT TO THE N.F.F.F. We apologize to Rick His application rec'd and is Okay!! FAN GABS HELD IN EAST Sunday Oct. 14th, 1945 found Richard Witter's Staten Island home the scene of a gethering of THE COLLECTORS CLUB. Present at this meeting were Julis Unger, Langley Searles, Sam Moskowitz, Richard Witter, Walter Carron and John Nitka. In addition to the multifarious subjects shouted above the din and raucous clamor of Witter's Phonograph fighting its way through his one thousand dollar collection of the World's loudest records, copies of HPL: A MEMOIR by August W. Derleth and Garden of Fear by Robert E. Howard were distributed to all, in addition to dozens of other fantasy volumes that changed hands. The purpose of the Collectors Club, with an informal membership of twenty-five, is to buy books en masse when a reduced rate is made available (inevitably 5 to 10 of the membership will want any single item that appears), and to interchange duplicates of fantasy books that are picked up during book shop excursions. This group has been so successful in its aim that that the result has been a group of the biggest and best fantasy book collections in the country. Because of the common collectors ground of all members, social gatherings are of particular interest, and excursions by car and bus have been organized and carried out. Ransacking bookshops within a 200 mile radius of New York, There are no "merely interested" members. All are book collecting fanatics. Direct results of cooperation of members of the Collectors Club have been publications like FANTASY COMMENTATOR, the printed FANTASY FICTION FIELD, AFTER TEN YEARS -- A Tribute to SGW, THE (( Next Page ))
The FANEWS October 28, 1945 ---- "NEWS WHILE IT'S STILL NEWS" - 2 cents per sht.; 55/$1. Dunkelberger, Editor. Carlson, Publisher. Published at: 1443 - 4 Ave. So. Fargo, North Dakota. Published whenever the news warrants it. #227-9 THE SUED SUE DAW! Under a date of October 24th from damon knight - 133 East 17th Street, New York we received the following, which we publish as received: "For the record, John Michel, Elsie Wollheim and Donald Wollheim do not "remain officers and members in good standing of the Futurian Society of New York." inasmuch as they were formally expelled by a majority of the membership on September 19th. "Neither was "X" a "surious 'FSNY' publication"; nor did it contain "Malicious fabrications". The article called "A Declaration of Independence" was a plan statement of fact. "Nor did Art Saha observe "all sides ((sic)) of all parties ((sic)) for a couple of weeks prior to the incident." Saha met a few Futurians, was present at a couple of gatherings, learned nothing, promptly became a Wollheim sycophant. "Wollheim, in short, is a liar. "The suit is a farce. It will not go to court, unless Wollheim is more of an idiot than anyone has ever imagined. Continuing the farce, however, two of the accused seven -- Blish and Zissman -- have en tered counterclaims based on libels which are anything but farcial, for a total of $50,000. "The next move up is Wollheim. Yours, //damon knight//" Inadvertently we omitted the name of Rick Sneary from our REPORT TO THE N.F.F.F. We apologize to Rick His application rec'd and is Okay!! FAN GABS HELD IN EAST Sunday Oct. 14th, 1945 found Richard Witter's Staten Island home the scene of a gethering of THE COLLECTORS CLUB. Present at this meeting were Julis Unger, Langley Searles, Sam Moskowitz, Richard Witter, Walter Carron and John Nitka. In addition to the multifarious subjects shouted above the din and raucous clamor of Witter's Phonograph fighting its way through his one thousand dollar collection of the World's loudest records, copies of HPL: A MEMOIR by August W. Derleth and Garden of Fear by Robert E. Howard were distributed to all, in addition to dozens of other fantasy volumes that changed hands. The purpose of the Collectors Club, with an informal membership of twenty-five, is to buy books en masse when a reduced rate is made available (inevitably 5 to 10 of the membership will want any single item that appears), and to interchange duplicates of fantasy books that are picked up during book shop excursions. This group has been so successful in its aim that that the result has been a group of the biggest and best fantasy book collections in the country. Because of the common collectors ground of all members, social gatherings are of particular interest, and excursions by car and bus have been organized and carried out. Ransacking bookshops within a 200 mile radius of New York, There are no "merely interested" members. All are book collecting fanatics. Direct results of cooperation of members of the Collectors Club have been publications like FANTASY COMMENTATOR, the printed FANTASY FICTION FIELD, AFTER TEN YEARS -- A Tribute to SGW, THE (( Next Page ))
Hevelin Fanzines