FANews, October 28, 1945, no.227-9
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been limited to a few more than one hundred copies of which a large percentage are being sent free to the Weinbaum immediate family and close friends. The limited number left are offered at the nominal price of 25[cent] each from Gerry de la Ree, Jr., 9 Bogart Place, Westwood, N.J. This booklet is already completed and will be sent by return mail. Other tributes to Stanley G. Weinbaum are in the offing. ACOLYTE has on hand "Stanley G. Weinbaum: Am Appraisal", a 6000 word article critically analyzing every published fantastic work of Weinbaum. Appended is a bibliography of "Critiques and Eulogies" of Weinbaum's works previously published in professional and fan magazines. Joe Kennedy will dedicate a forthcoming issue of VAMPIRE to Weinbaum, the feature of which will be a reprint of Weinbaum's short-short "Graph" from FANTASY MAGAZINE. Some additional data on the Weinbaum booklet: It is the only one of its kind to be published since Weinbaum's death. It will sell for 25[cent] per copy up to and including December 14th, 1945 the date of Stan's death. After that date it will sell for 50[cent]. So get your order in early. GdlR DAUGHERTY'S LIGHTS! CAMERA! ACTION! One page 14 and 15 of the July 14th issue of Colliers is the story "Weejie Roscoe and Bud" by Phillip Wylie. This is a very clever little fantasy. It is the story of a small town postman, his dog and a gigantic "ROC". Earl Blossom's illustration is very good. 388 cards have been mailed out in the "Fan" census and 171 answers are in to date (Saturday Oct. 6) and a steady stream of cards and letters continues to flow in. Keep up the good work. Now in preparation for distribution is the larger questionaire which will see the mail man very soon as a close follow up on the preliminary questionarire card. If you are interested in FANDOM and have not received a card to date please drop a card to Walter J. Daugherty, 1305 W. Ingraham, Los Angles (14) Calif. and you will receive the large questionaire in the Census issue of "FAN" which will be free to all interested parties. A letter from Julius Schwartz informs me (Sept 28th) that he will be heading for Los Angeles next summer. Also the Kuttners are to leave by Oct. 1st and Ed Hamilton plans to arrive in LA by winter. Musical note: Composer Dave Rose is doing a British film, "Holiday for Strings" named after that terrific composition of his. Oh, Brother, the stuff that is coming out in magazines and pocket books is enough to drive you bankrupt ((And you aint whistling Dixie, Walt-Dunk)). FANEWS has already listed several that have been released in the last week or so but here are a few that were missed. (I hope this group isn't a repeat of those that will probably arrive in FANEWS before this gets to Dunk.) "Two-Fisted Stories for Men" put out by Best Books at 13[cent] or 2/25[cent] contains G.K. Chesterson's "The Invisible Man". "The Ghost in the Lady's Boudoir" also in Best Books is a semi-pocket book of humorous ghost cartoons and humorous ghost (short) stories. Well worth the 13[cent] for the laughs. "THE ATOM" is a Collier's size magazine well worth the 25 cents for more dope on Atomic Bomb and its back ground. Bluebook for October 1945 contains "The Paradise Crater" a very good 1965 story of the rise of the old Nazi Party underground with gigantic Atomic Power weapons which, of course, blow up by efforts of hero causing world wide repurcussions. Phillip Wylie is the author. Popular Science and all of the other magazines of that type have always ((Next Page))
been limited to a few more than one hundred copies of which a large percentage are being sent free to the Weinbaum immediate family and close friends. The limited number left are offered at the nominal price of 25[cent] each from Gerry de la Ree, Jr., 9 Bogart Place, Westwood, N.J. This booklet is already completed and will be sent by return mail. Other tributes to Stanley G. Weinbaum are in the offing. ACOLYTE has on hand "Stanley G. Weinbaum: Am Appraisal", a 6000 word article critically analyzing every published fantastic work of Weinbaum. Appended is a bibliography of "Critiques and Eulogies" of Weinbaum's works previously published in professional and fan magazines. Joe Kennedy will dedicate a forthcoming issue of VAMPIRE to Weinbaum, the feature of which will be a reprint of Weinbaum's short-short "Graph" from FANTASY MAGAZINE. Some additional data on the Weinbaum booklet: It is the only one of its kind to be published since Weinbaum's death. It will sell for 25[cent] per copy up to and including December 14th, 1945 the date of Stan's death. After that date it will sell for 50[cent]. So get your order in early. GdlR DAUGHERTY'S LIGHTS! CAMERA! ACTION! One page 14 and 15 of the July 14th issue of Colliers is the story "Weejie Roscoe and Bud" by Phillip Wylie. This is a very clever little fantasy. It is the story of a small town postman, his dog and a gigantic "ROC". Earl Blossom's illustration is very good. 388 cards have been mailed out in the "Fan" census and 171 answers are in to date (Saturday Oct. 6) and a steady stream of cards and letters continues to flow in. Keep up the good work. Now in preparation for distribution is the larger questionaire which will see the mail man very soon as a close follow up on the preliminary questionarire card. If you are interested in FANDOM and have not received a card to date please drop a card to Walter J. Daugherty, 1305 W. Ingraham, Los Angles (14) Calif. and you will receive the large questionaire in the Census issue of "FAN" which will be free to all interested parties. A letter from Julius Schwartz informs me (Sept 28th) that he will be heading for Los Angeles next summer. Also the Kuttners are to leave by Oct. 1st and Ed Hamilton plans to arrive in LA by winter. Musical note: Composer Dave Rose is doing a British film, "Holiday for Strings" named after that terrific composition of his. Oh, Brother, the stuff that is coming out in magazines and pocket books is enough to drive you bankrupt ((And you aint whistling Dixie, Walt-Dunk)). FANEWS has already listed several that have been released in the last week or so but here are a few that were missed. (I hope this group isn't a repeat of those that will probably arrive in FANEWS before this gets to Dunk.) "Two-Fisted Stories for Men" put out by Best Books at 13[cent] or 2/25[cent] contains G.K. Chesterson's "The Invisible Man". "The Ghost in the Lady's Boudoir" also in Best Books is a semi-pocket book of humorous ghost cartoons and humorous ghost (short) stories. Well worth the 13[cent] for the laughs. "THE ATOM" is a Collier's size magazine well worth the 25 cents for more dope on Atomic Bomb and its back ground. Bluebook for October 1945 contains "The Paradise Crater" a very good 1965 story of the rise of the old Nazi Party underground with gigantic Atomic Power weapons which, of course, blow up by efforts of hero causing world wide repurcussions. Phillip Wylie is the author. Popular Science and all of the other magazines of that type have always ((Next Page))
Hevelin Fanzines