FANews, October 28, 1945, no.227-9
Page 8
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Dunk's Ramblings Hello, Gang. We should apologize, but we're sure you are all aware as to why are so late getting out . . . illness coupled with a flood of mimeo jobs for local concerns (brought on by the folding of local ODT and Ration Boards - partial) and the issuance of the SECOND ANNUAL which went to FAPA, NAPA and FANEWS subers (almost 1000 copies). Now we'll try to get back on an even keel again. BOOKS: (Get these out of the way first) INVISIBLE MAN by Chesterton (mentioned by Daugherty as being in BEST BKS) is illustrated by J. Allen St. John. The Best Book THE GHOST in the Lady's Boudoir contains Nelson S. Bond's MR. MERGENTHWIRKER'S LOBBLIES as well as the "POSTWAR WORLD". In the same format are 8 books under the subheading of "A Book To Grow On" - one for each year of a small child's life - they contain many fairy tales and tales of wonder. These books are 13¢ each, 2 for 25¢. Dell Books have just released two very good titles - SUSPENSE (#92) Stories collected by Alfred Hitchcock (25¢) and a series of stories that is a definite MUST for the fans of the weird and eerie. 15 tales of very high caliber, not usually found in anthologies, are present. The latter book concerns a man who raises his baby son to manhood on an isolated island beyond the influence of women. After 30 years the son returns to the U.S. to discover a world changed from the customs his father taught him. The father left in the late 1800s. The young man returns in the early 30s. Incidental to the plot is the discovery of some ancient ruins, supposedly of Leumra, and some Lemurs on the island. TOWER BOOKS (49¢) have just reprinted Edward Bellamy's LOOKING BACKWARD. Originally written in 1898 it has been reprinted with a foreword by the son of the author. It concerns a youngman who falls asleep in 1887 and awakes in 2000 to discover a changed world. He reviews the periods he has "missed" and the information he discovers now sappears (due to lapse of time since original publication) to be prophetic in mature. TOWER MYSTERIES (49¢) has reprinted the chiller of all time - EDGE OF RUNNING WATER by Wm. Sloan. A chilling mystery that hurdles the boundaries between the natural and the supernatural. Sloan is reknowned for TO WALK THE NIGHT. GHOST WANTED by Finlay McDermid is also out from TOWER but the title is misleading. It's just a better than average mystery. Sam Marwin's KNIFE IN THE BACK will be the next Handi-Book out. Sam is known in fandom as the loveable (??) Ol' Sarg Saturn. It should be good reading; anyway it'll be worth 15¢ of any fans money to read Sam in a different media. Now for the NUZ. We have a letter from F. T. Laney which reads - "It perhaps was a mistake to send that information to Speer. On the other hand, I can not see how any breach of faith could be implied when all that Speer was given was the barest outline of material which presumably would later be enlarged on in Daugherty's bulletines. It so happens that I, in common with 95% of other fans, am genuinely excited about the Pacificon. I do not re- (( Next Page ))
Dunk's Ramblings Hello, Gang. We should apologize, but we're sure you are all aware as to why are so late getting out . . . illness coupled with a flood of mimeo jobs for local concerns (brought on by the folding of local ODT and Ration Boards - partial) and the issuance of the SECOND ANNUAL which went to FAPA, NAPA and FANEWS subers (almost 1000 copies). Now we'll try to get back on an even keel again. BOOKS: (Get these out of the way first) INVISIBLE MAN by Chesterton (mentioned by Daugherty as being in BEST BKS) is illustrated by J. Allen St. John. The Best Book THE GHOST in the Lady's Boudoir contains Nelson S. Bond's MR. MERGENTHWIRKER'S LOBBLIES as well as the "POSTWAR WORLD". In the same format are 8 books under the subheading of "A Book To Grow On" - one for each year of a small child's life - they contain many fairy tales and tales of wonder. These books are 13¢ each, 2 for 25¢. Dell Books have just released two very good titles - SUSPENSE (#92) Stories collected by Alfred Hitchcock (25¢) and a series of stories that is a definite MUST for the fans of the weird and eerie. 15 tales of very high caliber, not usually found in anthologies, are present. The latter book concerns a man who raises his baby son to manhood on an isolated island beyond the influence of women. After 30 years the son returns to the U.S. to discover a world changed from the customs his father taught him. The father left in the late 1800s. The young man returns in the early 30s. Incidental to the plot is the discovery of some ancient ruins, supposedly of Leumra, and some Lemurs on the island. TOWER BOOKS (49¢) have just reprinted Edward Bellamy's LOOKING BACKWARD. Originally written in 1898 it has been reprinted with a foreword by the son of the author. It concerns a youngman who falls asleep in 1887 and awakes in 2000 to discover a changed world. He reviews the periods he has "missed" and the information he discovers now sappears (due to lapse of time since original publication) to be prophetic in mature. TOWER MYSTERIES (49¢) has reprinted the chiller of all time - EDGE OF RUNNING WATER by Wm. Sloan. A chilling mystery that hurdles the boundaries between the natural and the supernatural. Sloan is reknowned for TO WALK THE NIGHT. GHOST WANTED by Finlay McDermid is also out from TOWER but the title is misleading. It's just a better than average mystery. Sam Marwin's KNIFE IN THE BACK will be the next Handi-Book out. Sam is known in fandom as the loveable (??) Ol' Sarg Saturn. It should be good reading; anyway it'll be worth 15¢ of any fans money to read Sam in a different media. Now for the NUZ. We have a letter from F. T. Laney which reads - "It perhaps was a mistake to send that information to Speer. On the other hand, I can not see how any breach of faith could be implied when all that Speer was given was the barest outline of material which presumably would later be enlarged on in Daugherty's bulletines. It so happens that I, in common with 95% of other fans, am genuinely excited about the Pacificon. I do not re- (( Next Page ))
Hevelin Fanzines