FANews, October 28, 1945, no.227-9
Page 10
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which we'd love to print, but would lose it's flavor if we did. It has to be seen to be appreciated. Thanx for thinking of us, kids. Robinson tells us that Alexander Laing's HAUNTED OMNIBUS is still available from Farrar and Rinehart in the original edition at $3.00.. 850 pages on enameled paper stock. The recent reprint only print the first half of the volume. Fwankie also tells us that Ron Clyne is moving to NYC again. This time it'll be permanent. E.E.Evans has recut the stencils for the #1 TIMEBINDBE [?] and is sending it to those who missed it. Also he has a few copies of #2, #3 and #4 available. Write him at TENDRIL TOWERS, 628 So. Bixel St. Los Angeles, Calif. Emrys Evans tells us that the Oct. issue of POPULAR SCIENCE[?] carried two excellent articles entitled WHAT NEXT WITH THE ATOM and WHAT'S BEHIND ATOMIC POWER? Pg 63 of the mag had an ad for a new book by J.S.Meyer THE NEW ATOMIC WORLD ($1). The illustrated LONDON NEWS for Aug.18 has pics and article on HOW ATOM IS SPLIT by T.F.Well. Can be obtained from International News Service (NYC) for 40¢. Collier's has articles[?] in Oct. 8th and 13th issues by Robert De Vore - ARMORED IN GLASS describes body armor similar to that used in FINAL BLACKOUT (Ast).. THE MAN WHO MADE MANHATTAN concerns the story of Gen. Groves and the atom bomb project.... PAGEANT for Nov. has FLAMING BOMBS OF SPACE by Clyde Newstrand describing "crashing meteorites of space make man's atomic explosions seem puny. WORLDS WITHIN (same mag) has Eric Perry narrating about the malevolent influence of an Eygptian Mummy..... FORTUNE for Oct. has a long article on RADAR with illustrations......... A TRIP TO THE MOON by John Cheever is the[?] title of a short story appearing in the Oct. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING. Don't let the title fool you though.. the hero experiments with jets but never leaves the earth. F.Lee Baldwin - Box 187 Grangeville, Idaho has July 1942 and Nov. 1940 issues of WEIRD TALES at 20¢ per (plus 5¢ postage) also unlimited numbers of FANZINES for 1942, 43, 44 and part of 45. He'll pay $1 per copy for 2 copies of Detective and Murder Mysteries for Nov. 1939. John M. Cunningham is home on furlough and enjoy trips around the country his latest took him to LA and the LASFS. He has just now returned and reports a very enjoyable time was had. Also he mentions that Frank P. Holby is now STAFF SGT FRANK HOLBY (4e please note) His unit is enroute to Shang-hai. He'd like to hear from fans. Address: S/Sgt Frank P Holby, 172nd General Hospital, APO 289, NYC. Well we'd better sign off we've enough stuff for another issue which we'll try to get out before the week's over -30- ------------------------------------ N.F.F.F. Acting President Tucker was over ruled by the Board of Directors and all petitions received after Oct. 1st by the Secly[?] can not be placed on the Offical Ballot, but will be mentioned in a bulletin accompanying the ballot. F.J Ackerman has withdrawn his candidacy[?]. Word from Joe Fortier says that he expects to be out of the Army soon and hence will be able to have a very close contact as well as interest in NFFF affairs. After checking the platforms and letters from the various candidates we would like to go on record as endorsing the following, whose past records and avowed intention speak only of the best interests of Fandom and the NFFF in particular: W.Dunkelberge, President, K.Martin Carlson: Art Widner, Secly-Treas[?]; Board of Directors; Harry Warner, Jr. (Chairman), Dale[?] Tarr; James "Rusty" Hevelin, Rick Sneary and Joe Fortier. None of these candidates are "rubber stamps" or affiliated with any clique or "pressure group" and unbiased trustworthy administration would result from their election. None of them are seekers of personal glory but interested in the NFFF's advancement.
which we'd love to print, but would lose it's flavor if we did. It has to be seen to be appreciated. Thanx for thinking of us, kids. Robinson tells us that Alexander Laing's HAUNTED OMNIBUS is still available from Farrar and Rinehart in the original edition at $3.00.. 850 pages on enameled paper stock. The recent reprint only print the first half of the volume. Fwankie also tells us that Ron Clyne is moving to NYC again. This time it'll be permanent. E.E.Evans has recut the stencils for the #1 TIMEBINDBE [?] and is sending it to those who missed it. Also he has a few copies of #2, #3 and #4 available. Write him at TENDRIL TOWERS, 628 So. Bixel St. Los Angeles, Calif. Emrys Evans tells us that the Oct. issue of POPULAR SCIENCE[?] carried two excellent articles entitled WHAT NEXT WITH THE ATOM and WHAT'S BEHIND ATOMIC POWER? Pg 63 of the mag had an ad for a new book by J.S.Meyer THE NEW ATOMIC WORLD ($1). The illustrated LONDON NEWS for Aug.18 has pics and article on HOW ATOM IS SPLIT by T.F.Well. Can be obtained from International News Service (NYC) for 40¢. Collier's has articles[?] in Oct. 8th and 13th issues by Robert De Vore - ARMORED IN GLASS describes body armor similar to that used in FINAL BLACKOUT (Ast).. THE MAN WHO MADE MANHATTAN concerns the story of Gen. Groves and the atom bomb project.... PAGEANT for Nov. has FLAMING BOMBS OF SPACE by Clyde Newstrand describing "crashing meteorites of space make man's atomic explosions seem puny. WORLDS WITHIN (same mag) has Eric Perry narrating about the malevolent influence of an Eygptian Mummy..... FORTUNE for Oct. has a long article on RADAR with illustrations......... A TRIP TO THE MOON by John Cheever is the[?] title of a short story appearing in the Oct. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING. Don't let the title fool you though.. the hero experiments with jets but never leaves the earth. F.Lee Baldwin - Box 187 Grangeville, Idaho has July 1942 and Nov. 1940 issues of WEIRD TALES at 20¢ per (plus 5¢ postage) also unlimited numbers of FANZINES for 1942, 43, 44 and part of 45. He'll pay $1 per copy for 2 copies of Detective and Murder Mysteries for Nov. 1939. John M. Cunningham is home on furlough and enjoy trips around the country his latest took him to LA and the LASFS. He has just now returned and reports a very enjoyable time was had. Also he mentions that Frank P. Holby is now STAFF SGT FRANK HOLBY (4e please note) His unit is enroute to Shang-hai. He'd like to hear from fans. Address: S/Sgt Frank P Holby, 172nd General Hospital, APO 289, NYC. Well we'd better sign off we've enough stuff for another issue which we'll try to get out before the week's over -30- ------------------------------------ N.F.F.F. Acting President Tucker was over ruled by the Board of Directors and all petitions received after Oct. 1st by the Secly[?] can not be placed on the Offical Ballot, but will be mentioned in a bulletin accompanying the ballot. F.J Ackerman has withdrawn his candidacy[?]. Word from Joe Fortier says that he expects to be out of the Army soon and hence will be able to have a very close contact as well as interest in NFFF affairs. After checking the platforms and letters from the various candidates we would like to go on record as endorsing the following, whose past records and avowed intention speak only of the best interests of Fandom and the NFFF in particular: W.Dunkelberge, President, K.Martin Carlson: Art Widner, Secly-Treas[?]; Board of Directors; Harry Warner, Jr. (Chairman), Dale[?] Tarr; James "Rusty" Hevelin, Rick Sneary and Joe Fortier. None of these candidates are "rubber stamps" or affiliated with any clique or "pressure group" and unbiased trustworthy administration would result from their election. None of them are seekers of personal glory but interested in the NFFF's advancement.
Hevelin Fanzines