Fantasy Amateur, v. 9, issue 3, Spring 1946
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SECRETARY-TREASURER'S REPORT JANUARY, APRIL, JULY, or OCTOBER: Thie will be your fourth official mailing, and the date you come up for renewal. Keep this in mind. (6) or (x): The number in parentheses denotes the number of pages needed to complete your activity requirements for your current membership year. "X" indicates overseas exemption from activity. DUES: This indicates your dues must be paid the 25th of the second month following this mailing, or you will be droppend. ACTIVITY: This is the fourth mailing of your current annual membership. Unless you have completed the balance of your activity requirements in this mailing, you are ineligible to renew. If you wish to rejoin, you must fulfill the usual activity requirements, and cannot be readmitted until all prior applications have been acted upon. 1. Ackerman, Forrest J .... JULY--(0) 236 1/2 N New Hampshire, Los Angeles Calif 2. Anderson, Andy JANUARY--(8) 1011 W 34th St, Los Angeles 7 Calif 3. Ashley, Al ..... OCTOBER--(0) 643 S Bixel, Los Angeles 14 Calif 4. Baker, Fred S OCTOBER--(8) 2419 Taylor, Hollywood Fla 5. Bridges, Lynn ..... APRIL--(0)--DUES 7815 Navy, Detroit 9 Mich 6. Bulmer, Ken JULY--(8) Prudential Bldgs 195 High St, Lewisham SE18 England 7. Carnell, Ed..... JANUARY--(X) 17 Burwash Rd, Plumstead SE18 London England 8. Connor, E C JANUARY--(X) 124th Gen Hosp, APO 649 NY 9. Crane, Burton ..... JANUARY--(0) C/o H Wesson, 2214 Palisades Ave, Weehawken NJersey 10. Croutch, Leslie A OCTOBER--(0) Box 121, Parry Sound Ontario 11. Cunningham, Johnny .....OCTOBER--(8) 2050 Gilbert St, Beaumont Texas 12. Daugherty, Walt APRIL--(6)--DUES-ACTIVITY 1305 W Ingraham, Los Angeles 14 Calif 13. Davis, Ens H Chandler..... OCTOBER--(0) Naval Mine Cm Sta, Panama City Fla 14. Douglas, Myrtle APRIL--(4)--ACTIVITY 643 S Bixel, Los Angeles 14 Calif 15. Dunkelberger, Walt .....APRIL--(0)--DUES 1443 Fourth Ave S, Fargo N Dak 16. Evans, E Everett APRIL--(0) 628 S Bixel, Los Angeles 14 Calif 17. Evans, W H ..... OCTOBER--(8) 2121 Monroe St, Corvallis Oregon 18. Farsaci, Cpl Larry B, 32,585,475 JANUARY--(8) Hq Det 1903 SCU, 625 Sutter St, San Francisco 2 Calif 19. Fern, C J ..... OCTOBER--(8) Box 107, Lihue Hawaii 20. Fortier, Joseph J APRIL--(0) Box 431, Fresno 8 Calif
SECRETARY-TREASURER'S REPORT JANUARY, APRIL, JULY, or OCTOBER: Thie will be your fourth official mailing, and the date you come up for renewal. Keep this in mind. (6) or (x): The number in parentheses denotes the number of pages needed to complete your activity requirements for your current membership year. "X" indicates overseas exemption from activity. DUES: This indicates your dues must be paid the 25th of the second month following this mailing, or you will be droppend. ACTIVITY: This is the fourth mailing of your current annual membership. Unless you have completed the balance of your activity requirements in this mailing, you are ineligible to renew. If you wish to rejoin, you must fulfill the usual activity requirements, and cannot be readmitted until all prior applications have been acted upon. 1. Ackerman, Forrest J .... JULY--(0) 236 1/2 N New Hampshire, Los Angeles Calif 2. Anderson, Andy JANUARY--(8) 1011 W 34th St, Los Angeles 7 Calif 3. Ashley, Al ..... OCTOBER--(0) 643 S Bixel, Los Angeles 14 Calif 4. Baker, Fred S OCTOBER--(8) 2419 Taylor, Hollywood Fla 5. Bridges, Lynn ..... APRIL--(0)--DUES 7815 Navy, Detroit 9 Mich 6. Bulmer, Ken JULY--(8) Prudential Bldgs 195 High St, Lewisham SE18 England 7. Carnell, Ed..... JANUARY--(X) 17 Burwash Rd, Plumstead SE18 London England 8. Connor, E C JANUARY--(X) 124th Gen Hosp, APO 649 NY 9. Crane, Burton ..... JANUARY--(0) C/o H Wesson, 2214 Palisades Ave, Weehawken NJersey 10. Croutch, Leslie A OCTOBER--(0) Box 121, Parry Sound Ontario 11. Cunningham, Johnny .....OCTOBER--(8) 2050 Gilbert St, Beaumont Texas 12. Daugherty, Walt APRIL--(6)--DUES-ACTIVITY 1305 W Ingraham, Los Angeles 14 Calif 13. Davis, Ens H Chandler..... OCTOBER--(0) Naval Mine Cm Sta, Panama City Fla 14. Douglas, Myrtle APRIL--(4)--ACTIVITY 643 S Bixel, Los Angeles 14 Calif 15. Dunkelberger, Walt .....APRIL--(0)--DUES 1443 Fourth Ave S, Fargo N Dak 16. Evans, E Everett APRIL--(0) 628 S Bixel, Los Angeles 14 Calif 17. Evans, W H ..... OCTOBER--(8) 2121 Monroe St, Corvallis Oregon 18. Farsaci, Cpl Larry B, 32,585,475 JANUARY--(8) Hq Det 1903 SCU, 625 Sutter St, San Francisco 2 Calif 19. Fern, C J ..... OCTOBER--(8) Box 107, Lihue Hawaii 20. Fortier, Joseph J APRIL--(0) Box 431, Fresno 8 Calif
Hevelin Fanzines