Fantasy Amateur, v. 9, issue 3, Spring 1946
Page 8
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SPECIAL BALLOT 1946 Amendments to FAPA Constitution, both proposed by: Tucker, EEvans, Wollheim, Ashley, Wiedenbeck, Saari, Liebscher, & Robinson. Add to Article 7: "The Secretary-Treasurer shall be of legal age and be bonded in the sum of Two Hundred Dollars, costa of the bond to be paid by the Association." Yes ___ No ___ In Article 11 - Dues, the words "onde dollar per year" to be struck out, and the words "two dollars per year" to be substituted. Yes ___ No ___ Send your ballot to A Langley Searles, 19 E 235th, New York 66 NY. Deadline is 15 May. OFFICIAL EDITOR'S LEGITIMATE PAGE The copy of the ballot at your left is for information only; the ballot you're supposed to return is printed on a card elsewhere in this mailing. In accordance with implied instructions in the president's message, ballots are being sent ahead separately to overseas members. We suggest they return them in airmail envelopes. Come to think of it, though, they won't see this suggestion untill the whole mailing reaches them. Oh, well. Fictitious but definitely: In Sehnert's magazine in this mailing you will find some references to poll postcards that are supposed to be enclosed with copies of L'Inconnu. Don't trouble yourselves about these; the official editor has filled them out for you and returned them. In connection with my suggested advisory ballot on constitutional suggestions, here's a mainor matter that might be an improvement. Instead of saying that the vice-president shall act as the judiciary of the Association (his functions now are more like an attorney general's), how about saying that he shall construe the constitution upon request after two sides have been argued to him? Ig there are no two ways about it, there's not much need of clarification by the v-p. This requirement of two sides being argued might lead to artificial arguments, without conviction, in some cases, but the British seem to have found it a wise rule. Since His Majesty's loyal opposition is required to hunt for objections, they may discover flaws and drawbacks that would have been overlooked. Moreover, there have been cases--not in the present administration, but in the past, including some of the very first--in which there were two sides, but only one was argued, and solitary cogitation by the vice-president did not suffice to show the other. I seem to have pretty much talked myself out on other points in fillers thruout this issue, so will make way for the list of this mailing's contents. In addition to the following, postposted En Garde and Fan-Tods are promised, and there may be postpostings from Douglas and from Daugherty to meet their activity requirements. 1. Reader and Collector Jan 46 2. Janus Win #2 3. Ad Interim (#1) 4. The Voice Spr 46 5. Plenum Apr 46 6. Fan-Dango Spr 46 7. Timebinder Spr 46 8. Tale of the 'Evans Spr46 9. Fanorama Spr 46 10. Horizone #26 11. Inspiration Apr 46 12. Phanteur Spr 46 13. L'Inconu Mar 46 14. Glom Apr 46 15. Reader and Collector Apr 46 16. "Dear FAPA Member:" 17. Sustaining Program Spr 46 18. Fantasy Amateur Spr 46 19. Special Ballot 1946 20. Blitherings Spr 46 COME TO SOUTH BIXEL IN FORTY-SIXE INDEPENDENCE WEEKEND
SPECIAL BALLOT 1946 Amendments to FAPA Constitution, both proposed by: Tucker, EEvans, Wollheim, Ashley, Wiedenbeck, Saari, Liebscher, & Robinson. Add to Article 7: "The Secretary-Treasurer shall be of legal age and be bonded in the sum of Two Hundred Dollars, costa of the bond to be paid by the Association." Yes ___ No ___ In Article 11 - Dues, the words "onde dollar per year" to be struck out, and the words "two dollars per year" to be substituted. Yes ___ No ___ Send your ballot to A Langley Searles, 19 E 235th, New York 66 NY. Deadline is 15 May. OFFICIAL EDITOR'S LEGITIMATE PAGE The copy of the ballot at your left is for information only; the ballot you're supposed to return is printed on a card elsewhere in this mailing. In accordance with implied instructions in the president's message, ballots are being sent ahead separately to overseas members. We suggest they return them in airmail envelopes. Come to think of it, though, they won't see this suggestion untill the whole mailing reaches them. Oh, well. Fictitious but definitely: In Sehnert's magazine in this mailing you will find some references to poll postcards that are supposed to be enclosed with copies of L'Inconnu. Don't trouble yourselves about these; the official editor has filled them out for you and returned them. In connection with my suggested advisory ballot on constitutional suggestions, here's a mainor matter that might be an improvement. Instead of saying that the vice-president shall act as the judiciary of the Association (his functions now are more like an attorney general's), how about saying that he shall construe the constitution upon request after two sides have been argued to him? Ig there are no two ways about it, there's not much need of clarification by the v-p. This requirement of two sides being argued might lead to artificial arguments, without conviction, in some cases, but the British seem to have found it a wise rule. Since His Majesty's loyal opposition is required to hunt for objections, they may discover flaws and drawbacks that would have been overlooked. Moreover, there have been cases--not in the present administration, but in the past, including some of the very first--in which there were two sides, but only one was argued, and solitary cogitation by the vice-president did not suffice to show the other. I seem to have pretty much talked myself out on other points in fillers thruout this issue, so will make way for the list of this mailing's contents. In addition to the following, postposted En Garde and Fan-Tods are promised, and there may be postpostings from Douglas and from Daugherty to meet their activity requirements. 1. Reader and Collector Jan 46 2. Janus Win #2 3. Ad Interim (#1) 4. The Voice Spr 46 5. Plenum Apr 46 6. Fan-Dango Spr 46 7. Timebinder Spr 46 8. Tale of the 'Evans Spr46 9. Fanorama Spr 46 10. Horizone #26 11. Inspiration Apr 46 12. Phanteur Spr 46 13. L'Inconu Mar 46 14. Glom Apr 46 15. Reader and Collector Apr 46 16. "Dear FAPA Member:" 17. Sustaining Program Spr 46 18. Fantasy Amateur Spr 46 19. Special Ballot 1946 20. Blitherings Spr 46 COME TO SOUTH BIXEL IN FORTY-SIXE INDEPENDENCE WEEKEND
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